Author Archives: Diane Vich

    Categories Advice, Diet, Fitness, gym, Health

    My Transformation

    My transformation began in 2013. I had been feeling ill; with severe migraines, chronic body pain, numbness in my extremities and severe irritable bowel. I was under a lot of stress and anxiety. My schedule is very busy but I decided I didn’t want to be sick anymore. It wasn’t normal for a 20 something to be taking so many prescription medications and symptoms to be getting worse. I was looking for a change in my health. Read More My Transformation

    Categories Advice, Diet, Fitness, gym

    Find your Own Fitness

    Fitness to me is developing a routine you are comfortable with and motivated to maintain. It’s about establishing a healthy balance between diet and exercise. It helps reduce stress, gain strength, build muscle, improve flexibility and reduce pain. My fitness preferences include Zumba, yoga, boxing and a variety of Beachbody videos to maintain my interest and focus. My life is pretty busy but I try to fit an exercise routine into my day. Some days it could be simple and quick, like climbing stairs for 10 minutes, squats and stretching. Read More Find your Own Fitness