I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia many years ago. Doctors tried a multitude of medications and injections. Nothing helped with the pain. I suffered from chronic pain and fatigue my entire life. Over the years, I have adapted my diet by identifying food triggers. I use my elimination diet and flare up diet to control my symptoms. I eliminated many foods that caused symptoms several years ago, like diary, gluten, sugar and processed foods. My symptoms continued even though they slightly improved. In 2017, everything changed for the better. I started taking little yellow pill after my friend showed me the ABC Primetime news report. I can’t claim that this is a cure, treat, mitigate or prevent disease but I can tell you the root cause of disease is oxidative stress. I researched and saw the published studies on this natural supplement and finally had hope again. I knew that the damage my body had experienced over the years due to my poor diet was going to take time to heal. I was patient taking it daily and slowly the pain and fatigue started to improve. The first thing I noticed was I woke up with energy ready to start my day. I used to drag all day long feeling exhausted and coffee didn’t help. Now, I woke up and felt rested. Then as the months past my tight muscles started to relax and my pain practically disappeared. Unbelievable right? Wrong, it is totally true, I used to live with pain 7/10 or 8/10 daily. After 3 months it was controlled at 3/10 but I still had some neuropathy on the right side of my body. Basically my right arm and leg were numb. On the 4th month something miraculous happened, the pain and neuropathy subsided. At this point, I new I had to share with my mom. My mom has the same medical history and symptoms as me, so I knew it would help her. She felt much better too after 4 months on the product. We both switched to the Vitality stack when it came out in October to incorporate omega+ and Probio into the daily routine. I still had some flare ups related to my diet and eventually increased Protandim Nrf2 to twice a day. My condition tends to trap lymphatic fluid on the right side of my body, which worsens with diet triggers and repetitive movements. Twice a day Protandim and Vitality Stack did the trick. At this point, i decided to focus on diet and learn my body more. I developed personalized stretching and relaxation techniques. I also focused on zoning in on diet changed to identify triggers. Still to this day, I find foods that trigger symptoms but the constant unbearable pain is gone. I also have energy and happiness every day. A recent food trigger was white jasmine rice, I usually don’t eat rice in the evening and if I do I hadn’t noticed this symptom. I ate rice and beans for lunch and 30 minutes later, I felt really sleepy and started yawning. That was when I realized it was the rice. It happened again today after eating snap pea chips which have rice inside them. It is not extreme tiredness like before but I know that if I accumulate these types of food in my system everything gets worse. Food triggers and diet modifications help me control my symptoms and maintain my energy level. Are you suffering from pain or fatigue? Diet is a good place to start. Though it did not resolve all my issues it definitely helps keep me in check. Another important thing to remember with Fibromyalgia is movement makes a body good. If you stay in one spot, sleeping or resting too long, pain with come. You need to keep active, exercise and stretch. The tissues actually get backed up with fluids and pain increases. I know how bad this can be. Every time I have had surgery, which is a lot, bed rest made my pain worse. You begin aching in places you never ached before. I can help you develop stretching and relaxation techniques, elimination diet and more, just ask and you shall receive. Any questions?
5 Foods to Fit into that Special Dress
No one likes a diet, it feels like torture sometimes. I live a healthy lifestyle and usually eat a variety of fruits and vegetables but life always gets in the way. Sometimes you feel a little bloated or heavy which impacts your self esteem. I know how it feels when you are bloated and retaining fluids, it is hard to fit into that special outfit. It can creep up on you suddenly. There are some foods that trigger inflammation in people. Each individual is unique and needs to learn their own body and sensitivities in order to stop the vicious cycle. Sugar and carbohydrates are a big culprit of this dilemma women face regularly. Our bodies were not created to eat so much sugar and carbohydrates. The processed foods we eat are filled with chemicals, preservatives and sugar. These foods are harder to digest and create inflammation in the body. Inflammation equals bloating and fluid retention. Many people struggle to lose weight and the fact is they are eating foods that are not ideal for their own body. I can help you find those foods and empower you to embrace the difference it makes. But this is a simple challenge to fit into a dress, right. So, lets get to business.
There is a way to quickly combat the bloat and detox your body to fit into that little black dress.
- Drinking ginger and lemon water every day. Ginger and lemon help remove toxins, promote urination and detox the body.
- Add berries to your morning smoothie.
- Season your food with Garlic, Rosemary and Turmeric. or Drink turmeric and chamomile tea.
- Eat cucumber with your meals.
- Eat some celery and almond butter for a snack.
Detox Ginger Water
2 ginger root cut into pieces
4 lemons squeezed
Stevia or Honey to taste
Blend the ginger, lemon juice and honey with water. Fill the blender with water. Pour the contents into a pitcher, add more water and let it sit overnight. Strain the liquid in the morning and pour ½ cup into a glass. Add ½ cup of water and enjoy.
The ginger water will help detox your body. Ginger helps with digestion, nausea, cold symptoms, inflammation, cancer, cardiovascular issues, arthritis, pain, menstrual disorders and much more.
So now you are ready to add some healthy foods into your routine to fight the bloat. Don’t forget the processed foods will counter effect your efforts. So stay away from processed food and liquor for now. The day of the event enjoy yourself in that Sexy little dress.
Now that you have reduced inflammation with those powerful anti-inflammatory agents. Let’s reduce the inflammatory foods. There are 5 highly inflammatory foods. And these are the foods most commonly given by doctors for patients with recurrent health issues, digestive issues, joint pain and swelling, etc.
- Corn- many products have genetically modified corn and corn derivatives. Read labels and avoid corn fillers.
- Sugar- all processed foods have added sugar. And there is too much sugar in everything we eat. Minimize or eliminate your sugar intake.
- Wheat – contains harmful additives, it is genetically modified and contains gluten. All these are inflammatory in nature. If you are feeing bloated, swollen or achy, try eliminating wheat and notice the impact day by day. (When I ate wheat flour pizza, I would gain 10 pounds for 2 weeks, had bloating, digestive issues, joint pain and achiness).
- Gluten – an ingredient in grain products, bread, baked goods and processed foods. It is an ingredient in all wheat products. And many people are sensitive to both gluten and wheat. It is also important to minimize your use of gluten free baked goods for the first 30 to 90 days. And then follow the 80/20 rule. Indulge in your gluten free treat 20% of the time. They do contain sugar which we already know is inflammatory.
- Preservatives, Additives and enriched grains. Processed foods are filled with chemicals that are hard to digest. Sometimes our bodies aren’t able to digest them at all. So, limit or avoid these as much as possible. By organic brown rice rather than enriched grains, which contained added vitamins that you may not be able to process. And during busy times read labels and buy granola bars with minimal ingredients and no additives. If you don’t understand an ingredient, then don’t buy it. Example: Nut-thins- Rice flour, almonds, potato starch, safflower oil and sea salt. A great choice with ingredients you already know.
If you combine the elimination foods with a homemade tea, juice shot or water you will notice weight loss, decreased swelling and improved physical symptoms. My recent favorite is my weekly Detox tea. I boil up this tea on Monday, then store it in little jars. And warm them up daily. Drink on am empty stomach before breakfast.
My Bio
Watch me explain my health journey. I decided to find the right nutrients and supplements for my body. It was a long journey that finally reduced my chronic pain, migraines, IBS and a multitude of symptoms. Frequent surgeries and tons of prescriptions daily is a thing of the past. Your medical history doesn’t have to be your fate.
My Mom’s Story
My mom’s health journey has been a rollercoaster over the years. She had undergone Holistic treatments with me in 2013 and improved many of her symptoms and lost weight. But once she resumed her regular diet and lost her healthy habits the symptoms started to worsen again. Read More My Mom’s Story
Listen To Your Body
Listen to your body. What does that mean? I didn’t understand the meaning of knowing my body for a long time. Before my transformation, I never paid attention to my reactions to food, activities, stress, etc. Read More Listen To Your Body
IBS Curve Ball
IBS is an ongoing journey. It can be stable for a long time and suddenly impact your health for the rest of your life. I have learned to watch my diet closely and recognize foods that trigger my symptoms. Read More IBS Curve Ball
Fighting Fatigue
Fighting fatigue used to be a constant battle for me. I woke up tired and spent the entire day yawning. There wasn’t a moment in the day where I felt energized and pumped to engage in activities. It was truly a significant issue when I worked the night shift. Not only did I experience fatigue but by the end of the shift, I was exhausted and sleepy. Read More Fighting Fatigue
Nutrigenomics is the trend – watch
DNA and your diet. Nutrigenomics is a $600 billion industry as people strive to improve their health.
Migraine Hacks
Migraines can be difficult to treat and pinpoint the cause. Aggravating factors like noise, light, smells and even food can be frustrating and overwhelming. I have suffered from migraines since childhood. The difference between then and now is my highly specialized diet. My allergies have forced me to identify foods that trigger pain, IBS and migraines over the years. I am lucky because my diet is so special and specific that I am able to identify migraine triggers easily. Read More Migraine Hacks
Fatigue: Fight Back
Fatigue impacts our daily lives as we age. It is a lack of energy and tiredness that does not improve with sleep. Our lives get more stressful and difficult impacting our sleep, health and daily function. As we age our bodies ability to fight inflammation and stress. This aging fact increases fatigue and impacts sleep. I have suffered from Fatigue since early adulthood (20s). I remember needing a nap midday and drinking coffee to keep my energy. I lived on coffee and junk food. Little did I know that my poor diet and high coffee intake was actually making my fatigue worse. Then add marriage and children to the mix and I was hopelessly fatigued all the time. Fatigue is linked to our habits, diet and routines. It can be the result of poor eating habits, emotional stress, boredom or poor sleep patterns. It took me 20 years to realize that my fatigue along with all my health issues was related to my poor diet and high-stress environment. By activating your own body with Nrf1 path, you can regenerate mitochondria (your cell power house) thus improving your bodies energy naturally. Read More Fatigue: Fight Back