Wild Woman – Draft

    Wild Woman – Draft


    Listen to this Hypnosis Meditation

    • Manifestation release fear and doubt (travel destinations)
    • Stage: Anger
    • TFT to Release Anger


    Let’s get rid of anything that doesn’t serve you.

    Listen to this Hypnosis Meditation – (Click purple button to access the file).

    • Heart Expansion Breath
    • Confidence & Truth Expansion – Public Speaking, Relationships and Connections
    • Stage of Release: Denial

    This stage is sometimes difficult. You may want to cuddle and cry as you release your fears and move towards your goal.  This music playlist is meant to guide you along the way and help you cry if you need too. You can also find music that you know helps you cry.

    If needed, Crying Position – Fetal position right side in a self-love hug.  Give yourself a crying limit of 15 minutes.



    Music is a powerful tool to shift emotions.  This playlist is

    Joyful Expansion Breath

    Chronic Stress Release

    Bonus Audio Resources

    Manifestation Hypnosis

    Chakra Balancing



    Thought Field Therapy - Anxiety

    Thought Field Therapy - Anxiety

    Thought Field Therapy - Pain

    Thought Field Therapy - Pain

    Thought Field Therapy - Phobias

    Thought Field Therapy - Phobias

    Thought Field Therapy - Fatigue & Guilt

    Thought Field Therapy - Anger

    EFT Session