Numbness and tingling is a common symptom of neuropathy. Neuropathy is a common for diabetics but not an exclusive condition. I have neuropathy but not diabetes. I have experienced numbness, tingling and pain down my right arm since 8th grade. I remember having pain after every school day due to the extreme amounts of writing and use of my right hand. The condition continued to worsen into adult hood. Several years ago, I had a nerve conduction study to compare both my arms because the numbness was unbearable and anreleavable. The study showed nerve damage down my right arm. It verified that my nerves were being impacted by the extremely tight muscles on my neck, shoulder and elbow. The pain and numbness mostly travels down my arm to the pinkie and ring finger. The pain travels down my arm to my finger tips. The condition continued to progress into my 30s and I have weakness on the right side. I actually have trouble opening doors with round handles, turning on a lighter and other things. I have gotten stuck inside bathrooms several times because I am not able to turn the knob. Over the years, I have tried muscle relaxants, Lyrica, pain killers and nerve blocks. None of these techniques effectively relieved the symptoms because they never got to the root of the problem. For years, the symptoms were so severe I slept with bilateral cock splints to relax my wrists during rest. In my 30s the pain started to occur on the left side as well, but not as severe and the right. These splints were a bedtime necessity and I had to travel with them too. In 2017, I was fed up with the pain and all the medications. Nerve blocks were not effective and the side effects sucked. I would get hot flashes for weeks after an injection. I began incorporating more consistent acupuncture and chiropractic care with minimal relief. Thankfully, my friend showed me a video that changed things forever. The video verified my hypothesis that my pain was related to inflammation of my muscles and lymphatic system. Of course, I had to do some research before I tried it. You see I have a ton of food allergies and sensitivities. I researched oxidative stress and a multitude of my symptoms and realized this was a great option. I knew the damage my tissues had experienced would take time to heal. I made a promise to myself to give it 4 months and see where I was. After 3 months, my neck and shoulder muscles were more relaxed. My pain level on my shoulder and down my arm was 3/10. Considering my pain was consistently at 8/10, 3/10 was a fantastic improvement. On month 4, I was hooked. The numbness and tingling was completely gone. It was then I realized I had to share this with everyone, starting with my mom. My mom suffers from all the same symptoms I have including numbness and chronic pain on the right side of her body. She was also pleasantly surprised with her progress. Of course, chronic inflammation was going to be a lifelong struggle because it is impacted by physical activity and diet. The symptoms can flare from gluten products, sugar and processed foods. Everyone is different but those are harmful foods for me. These same foods are actually harmful for my mom too. You can read more about my reactions in autoimmune crisis. Repetitive activities like typing and writing aggravate symptoms. This year after being on the little yellow pill and combo pack for 1 year, I am able to reduce these flare ups and heal in 1 to 2 days. This was unheard of before, I could get a massage and still feel the same. Now, my body is able to detox and remove the trapped fluids from muscles and lymphatic tissue effectively. So, stretching, yoga, acupuncture and massage work more effectively and rapidly. I use my environment, gravity and resistance to enhance stretching and relaxation of muscles. My technique is effective in relaxing the muscles and improving circulation to the tissue. I call this technique Tension Buster since it is designed and individualized to the clients tension areas and environment. It is important to realize there is no quick fix to chronic pain, your body needs you to make an effort. The body was made to move and stretch not to sit and stay. The more you move the better you will feel. The same goes for stretching and relaxation. I can’t claim that this is a cure, treat, mitigate or prevent disease but I can tell you the root cause of disease is oxidative stress. Call me to discuss your personal symptoms.