Do you feel trapped? Trapped in a vicious cycle of anxiety, stress and tension. Feeling trapped was a huge part of my health journey but I was completely oblivious until now. The emotional journey began this summer after I had healed the physical pain and symptoms. The time for emotional healing and reflection was here and I was ready and open for it. I began my emotional journey with holistic treatments and finally decided on hypnosis. The hypnosis and transformational regressions helped me identify my feelings and emotions. These emotions continued to reemerge and my progress would come to a halt. Now, I realize I had been trapped in a vicious cycle of emotional pain that continuously locked the door to my future. Little struggles, obstacles, relationships and stress continued to cause me to feel trapped. I didn’t realize that theses emotional struggles were causing me physical symptoms as well. It sounds crazy, I know, but its true. Every time I felt trapped and unable to move forward in my career, a new symptoms would emerge and my progress would stop. I have experienced many symptoms through this emotional healing journey. I have felt physical pain, skin eruptions, illness and infections. I didn’t realize the emotional and physical symptoms were all linked together, until I started to reflect and journal. I noticed some people and situations in life caused me to continue this pattern of disruption and destruction. I’m sure you have heard this before, connect with people that boost you up and break the bonds with those that don’t. It is often hard to identify the individuals that are harmful to our happiness and joy. Trust me it is a lifelong journey to wellness and disconnecting from these people that bring you down is the key. People that give off negative energy will pass it on to you. I realized months ago that I feel the pain and stress of others I am close too. If I have an emotional connection then your physical and emotional pain resonates throughout my body. It can be a burden and a curse if I don’t break that connection with those that don’t want to be helped. Absorbing the pain of others is toxic and harmful to my health. It brings me down and shuts my progress. Breaking that physical connection and identifying those people that bring be down has been the most difficult part of my journey. The first step is breaking the connection and the second is tapping back into my positivity. I had become disconnected from my physical need to unwind, relax and stress. I had become so stuck in the pain of others that I had forgotten about my own. I forgot that I am important and I come first. It isn’t easy to tackle emotional pain and obstacles but I am determined to succeed. I am finally free of the toxic pain I’ve been holding. I am here with open arms for those that choose happiness. I am ready to open the door to my future. I am ready to help those heal that choose to make themselves the priority. I am Finally Free…..