I had always had gut issues. I thought it was genetic and tried to accept feeling like crap all the time. But, over the years more and more debilitating symptoms destroyed sleep and prevented me from really enjoying life, even though I thought I was doing the right things by eliminating certain foods and paying attention to triggers.
When I met Diane virtually, I was at rock bottom, so I’ll preface my testimonial by saying I was very ready to accept her help.
At the time I was taking 5 different OTC meds, tons of vitamins, minerals, probiotics and prescription meds. I had been to GI Docs and knew what my diagnoses were but not how to get better besides taking more meds. Nothing was helping anymore and by then everything I ate made me sick. I was willing to try anything, including a huge dietary change and mental and emotional homework to help me reduce inflammation and get a handle on my truly awful and disgusting symptoms. Diane gave me the structure and specifics that no doctor would. More importantly, I read her book and finally understood the anxiety and gut connection and became ready to work on that.
I’m 10 months into this journey with Diane and I literally haven’t felt this good in years.
Diane is always available, always supportive, and is very focused on helping me understand the mind body connection to my symptoms. Very quickly, Diane’s meditations and suggestions for managing symptoms, including her detox plan have become a way of life.
I learned that food really can be medicine and Diane is an Empath that connects, directs and motivates me to a better way of living my life. Yes, I was much better within 6 days on her detox program. Losing 30 pounds was an added benefit. Being jaded, skeptical and street wise, I’ll admit I was very pleasantly surprised and even more motivated to keep improving.
I’m forever grateful for her help in detoxing sugar and clearing out inflammation, for teaching me how to breathe and control anxiety through meditation and hypnosis. Every day is still a struggle to manage anxiety, loss, and grief, and getting a good night’s sleep still doesn’t happen often enough, but my gut issues are vastly improved. I’m comforted to know that with Diane’s coaching, techniques and support, the challenges and anxiety I live with no longer destroy my joy.