A good friend once told me, don’t deny the world of your gifts, speak your mind and tell your story. My friend Luly B. has inspired me to share my story, speak my mind and change the world. She helped me realize my story is powerful and worth sharing. She has empowered me to share my gift of healing with the world. She has opened my mind to the possibilities for my new career path as a Holistic Health Coach. She empowers and supports my growth and development of my business. I am thankful for the reawakening of my passion. I am inspired to help others heal emotional and physical pain in a supportive, caring and meaningful environment. Luly has helped me develop myself into the strong women that I am today, the journey was not easy, these past few months have been the hardest. But every step in my journey has been leading me to becoming the woman I want to be: a supportive, inspirational and loving voice to guide others in their wellness journey. Over the past few months, I have realized my health journey and experiences with illness, physical pain, emotional pain and disease, were a stepping stone to my future. My journey created the foundation for my new career path as a Holistic Health Coach. My struggles, experiences and accomplishments have made me the woman I am today. If my life would have been pain free and emotionally easy, I would not have all the experience and knowledge I have today. This expansive knowledge base helps me make connections with people, understand their struggles and share my experiences in a meaningful manner with my peers, family, friends and clients. My experiences helped me develop the skills that I needed to become an effective, compassionate, caring, loving and inspirational Wellness Coach. Giving people the gift of wellness, is my passion, it is my new journey and my Gift to the world. I know that the gift is there waiting for everyone; open to learning and embracing it. It takes people time to realize that the gift I offer is exactly what they want for themselves. It requires the knowledge and understanding, that life can be fulfilling, happy, pain free and illness free. I can help people pop the bubble of symptoms, disease and illness. The question is, are You Open to receiving the gift I offer. I am here to share my gift with you, all you have to do is ask.