My burning desire is for women to truly enjoy their bodies, embrace their desire for pleasure and have fantastic orgasms. The funny thing is my burning desire changed drastically over the past year. It used to be a desire to help people feel healthier, happier, motivated and energized. This desire transformed because my female clients all expressed desires for better orgasms and improved libido. The interesting phenomenon is that people that are experiencing symptoms of disease or illness, also express concerns with libido and orgasms. This was the same thing I experienced in my own journey to wellness. I worked hard to reduce symptoms and inadvertently regained my libido. There are a variety of factors that influence libido and orgasms. Some examples are: stress, inflammation, disease, illness and medications. My libido returned after I started fighting the root cause of illness which is known as oxidative stress. Oxidative stress causes more than 200 diseases as a result of free radical damage. This is the leading cause of cellular stress and inflammation which impacts the human body in a multitude of ways. The fact is a body filled with toxins and stress is bound to develop illness and disease. Physical decline and symptoms begin to arise as we age. Decreased libido is one of the symptoms of oxidative stress. It is inevitable for libido to decline when illness prevails. I saw this personally, you see my libido was intense in my teens and college years, yet as disease continued to progress, it slowly began to dwindle and disappear. I’m not the only woman that has experienced this phenomenon. Women all over the world experience decreased libido as they age. The impact it places on your life depends on the individual. So I ask you, are you willing to accept it and live with no libido. Its up to you to take a leap and change your outcome. Do you accept a future with no libido? Do you want to spend the rest of your life experiencing difficulty with orgasms?
You can have fabulous orgasms everyday and enjoy the moment fully. Regaining your sexual desires and libido in this busy stressful life is hard for most adults, specially women. Trust me I know first hand, how difficult it can be to relax and enjoy the moment. Our exhausting lives prevent us from fully embracing the moment but it doesn’t have to be that way. I have struggled with my own libido throughout my 17 year marriage. Yet, there were no issues with libido the first 8 years of my relationship. But guess what, my responsibilities and stress was also less before marriage. The stress, anxiety and tension of life impacted my health, happiness and libido. Thankfully, my health journey took me from 0 to 360. What do you mean 0 to 360? I went from thinking sex was a chore with no desire to initiate to an exponential desire for sex. Now I desire sex everyday, sometimes multiple times a day. I went from sex as a requirement to sex as a staple to end my day with a bang and release tension. I was so preoccupied with emotional and physical stress that I could not enjoy myself and embrace my orgasms. I’m not saying I didn’t have orgasms, but I simply didn’t have any desire to initiate anything. I preferred an excuse or performed the act with little enjoyment. I was so exhausted all the time, I preferred sleep over sex. My orgasms were few and far between. They went from a few orgasms a week to multiple orgasms a day. I am talking about a huge amount of eye rolling orgasms everyday. It is possible for everywoman to enjoy their bodies and embrace the gift of orgasm. Sex doesn’t have to feel like a chore, it can be like your teenage years again. No more faking an orgasm or a headache to avoid sex altogether. Sex can be fun and exciting again by reconnecting with your body and your own desires. You can rekindle the romance and fireworks with your partner. You have to do a little fun homework to get it back. Remember, the vagina is a muscle, it needs to be used regularly to enhance the sensations. The more you engage in foreplay and sex, the better the experiences becomes. Overtime, the orgasms become more intense and satisfying. So, here are some simple things you can do today.

- Stretch your tight muscles & breathe deeply– combining deep breathing and stretching your tension areas will progressively stretch your muscles and reduce tension. This little routine everyday will promote relaxation and prepare your body for the ultimate sexual experiences. I call this “You Play,” its about relaxing the body, embracing the sensations and preparing for deep intense orgasms.
- Massage your feet – use a cream or essential oil and really dig in and stretch your toes and massage the sore spots. Our feet hold a lot of tension and toxins. A good foot rub will remove toxins, reduce tension and enhance relaxation to prepare you for fantastic sex.
- Kegel daily – building those vaginal muscles again takes a little hard work and dedication. Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles will enhance muscle tone, increase blood flow and promote lubrication. You can also use vaginal weights to tighten up those muscles faster.
- Lubricate – the vagina needs lubrication to enhance sensations and promote orgasms. As we age, lubrication decreases and lack of sex makes the body forget its function. Using coconut oil or water based lubricant will enhance the experience and help you reach orgasm more effectively. Don’t be stingy reapply and use plenty. This will prepare your body and enhance the sensations, to enable your own juices to flow.
- Fight Oxidative Stress every day with Nr2 activation– This was the most significant factor in regaining my libido. Taking 1 little yellow pill everyday changed my sex life forever. Stop the environmental and physical assault on your body and help it work the way you want. Removes toxins from the body that cause inflammation and illness. This is my most powerful secret to create the young vibrant orgasmic body you want.
Do you want more tips and strategies to enhance your orgasms and sexual desires?
Check out my Fireworks class….. A video series created to spice things up and teach you how to make your body experience the most intense orgasms ever. Learn the benefits of sex, tips to spice things up and ways to target your body for a more intense experience.