Perception is Key!

    Yesterday, I wrote about the power of our words.  We don’t always realize the impact our words have on others.  But today let’s reflect and go inward to the deepest and darkest place within us.  Our perception of the world around us impacts our reality.  The way we perceive interactions, communication, relationships and events creates havoc inside our bodies.  This distortion of reality makes us feel unsafe, unworthy, undesirable, unlovable and so much more.  These are only a few of those hurtful feelings and emotions that arise as our minds are taken over by Negative Nancy and Negative Norm.  Yep, there is a negative voice inside our heads. I call mine Negative Nancy and for those gentlemen in this space, your voice is Negative Norm.  The voice is constant and persistent.  And it can break you down to your core.  It can make you feel hopeless, helpless and alone.


    But it all starts with perception.  The way we perceive and internalize the way we experience the world impacts our physical and emotional wellness.  And now during this crisis it is essential to become clear and transform that perception to reduce the symptoms and stress we are experiencing.  Perception is something I gently brushed upon in my first book, The Truth about IBS and Anxiety.  But my next book is really going to dig into this unique pandemic experience to tackle the Root of our pain in exponential ways.  My next book, The Unleashed Technique – gets really clear on ways to tackle that internal perception and stop those illusions that keep us feeling stuck.  But for now, let me give you a piece of perception to guide you into a simple practice that is easily available to everyone.  This simple practice came to me at the cusp of publishing my first book and it supported me to appear on stage.  And it propelled me to get out of my own way and publish a children’s book which I wrote last summer.  And the reason it worked is it helped me go within and truly understand that there are two sides to any story.  And we live our lives telling ourself and others one version of the story that is very distorted.  And this distortion keeps us feeling frozen, stuck and helpless.  And those hurtful emotions and feelings stop us from truly accomplishing the things we desire most.  And it all begins with perception.

    Let me tell you a story to explain the two sides of the story that lives within us.  In November, I published a best seller and in the midst of something fantastic I let stress and overwhelm get in my way.  It stopped me dead in my tracks.  It left me feeling anxious, fatigued, stressed, overwhelmed and in pain.  All of these symptoms were because I was stuck in my story.  I was stuck in the story of me being a victim to the world.  I was stuck telling a story of being traumatized and hurt by a complete stranger and I let that get the best of me.  But now I know the story is very different and it served its purpose.  The purpose of that difficult time in my life was to get me here.  It was to get me out of my own way and share everything I have learned on this journey to wellness.  It was a way for me to really get clear and unite practices for evolution to support the community and my peers at the Frontline.  But first, I had to let go of my fears of being seen, being heard and being me.  These fears have been in my subconscious since childhood.  And I thought when I published my book in November of 2019 that I had surpassed them all but I was wrong.  My perception of reality was still holding me back.  I thought everything that was happening around me was an attack on me.  I allowed my story to take over my life and it broke me down over and over.

    Trust me the process was not easy.  Even this week, I have let go of a lot of past emotions that were keeping me frozen.  But there is so much freedom in letting go.  That is why in March of 2020, I finally broke my resistance and appeared on stage.  That is why I taught those ladies that it is essential to Release and Relax. I was nervous as heck the day before I revealed my truth on stage.  But I pushed through my own resistance and did something to help others see a little piece of hope at the end of hardship.  And now, I share this story to tell you that there is hope for you too.  Regardless of your current hardships, there is light and a rainbow at the end of the tunnel.  Some people may say I am being superficial or too frufru but I am not.  I have been at rock bottom many times.  I have felt excruciating physical and emotional pain.  I have picked up the pieces time and time again.  This week I finally worked through my perception and changed the story.  I realized that I have the power inside me to transform the way I feel about myself.  And it is time for me to practice what I teach and teach what I practice.  So here I am, being honest and true and telling you, perception is key.  And if you want to truly tackle your perception it begins with a very simple practice of transforming your handwriting.

    Trust me when I met my friend Josephine Diamond at the Author Training Academy, I had no clue that we were going to create unity in the world.  I had no idea that this simple practice was going to truly unveil the lies that my Negative Nancy had been telling me for 42 years.  But here I am sharing a simple practice that I have been doing every morning for almost 5 months.  And it all started with learning to write my own name in a new way.  It is such a simple practice that can create clarity and unity in your own home.  I made a commitment to myself that I was going to write every morning for 40 days.  And I have continued it several times.  Because each month that passed I noticed little leaps forward and big accomplishments.  I noticed the practice calmed my mind and centered my thoughts.  I noticed that even on the days I resisted and woke up early, I still did it.  I finally proved to myself that I commit to my word.  That when I promise to do something, I do it. And now it is finally time for me to share.  I invite you to my course, Crappy to Happy to learn how this simple practice of writing your name with pen and paper.  And I will guide you into some very easy practices to reduce stress, calm your nervous system and boost your immune system.  Trust me my journey to wellness was difficult.  But it doesn’t have to be that hard.  We all have the extra time now to change our story.  And it all begins with a pen and paper.  So if you truly want to transform your life and get out of your own way then join Josephine and I on this journey.  All you need is a pen, paper and your body.  We will guide you easily through the rest.

    I dedicate this too all my Frontline Friends that I left begin.  I wish I had the courage to show you these strategies when I was there with you. I wish I was strong and powerful to support you but now I am here to support you.  So join me in this special course I created just for you.  My friends that are caring for patients with Covid-19.  My friends in the Fire department.  My friends in the Hospital.  My friends in the Police Department.  And everyone in the service industry.  This is for YOU.