Have you heard the saying, “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Let’s talk about having the health of a “lemon” aka always sick, pain, having surgeries and taking medications. That was me, my husband married a lemon. That was the joke for years, I was a defective “lemon.” Over the years, I had developed a ton of genetic illnesses from my parents. I had severe IBS and reflux (my father has Chron’s Disease, reflux and IBS). I had chronic pain and fatigue (my mom has EDS III, fibromyalgia and issues with Right side of body). I was taking tons of prescriptions daily in my 20’s and 30’s. I was sick all the time, taking antibiotics, pain killers, antacids, proton-pump inhibitors (Nexium), muscle relaxants, anti-spasmodics (Bentyl) and nerve medications (Lyrica). I was literally falling apart and each medication made things worse. The joke was that being the last child (7 years after my siblings) for some reason made me a lemon. I had developed all those genetic weaknesses that my parents developed as adults. So let’s think of advanced maternal age and the developing infant. It is well known that advanced maternal age is linked to Down Syndrome and genetic anomalies. This is because as we age, our bodies develop inflammation and oxidative stress, which alters our genetic makeup including the sperm and ovum. Essentially, it triggers are bad genes to turn on and inflammation to increae. Therefore, being the product of an older than ideal sperm and ovum, I developed with a predetermined genetic makeup that was less than ideal. My body was created under the influence of oxidative stress, 40 years ago this was not know or even imagined. Then introduce, processed foods, environmental factors and more stress into the body of a developing child with a weak genetic makeup. The impact is huge, a weak body with oxidative stress and bad genes will develop into an adult with chronic health conditions. I experienced this very phenomenon, first hand. It took me 40 years of learning my body and identifying my food and environmental triggers. No Doctor was able to figure me out. I went to countless doctors over the years to identify my condition, they only patched me up with a surgery or new prescription. No one ever treated the root cause of the problem. This is the issue with western medicine, it is not designed to treat the person as a “WHOLE” or to identify the “root cause.” It is designed to apply a bandage and move to the next patient. It took my disease and my career as an Special Educator and Registered Nurse to apply my knowledge and experiences in my own healing process. Let’s make my explanation simple, I was a fragile lemon. Stress impacted my body by bruising and damaging the inside and outside. By treating the root cause, inflammation and oxidative stress, the bruising and internal damage improved progressively. Now, I am delicious lemonade instead of a sick lemon. So what does that mean for you? It is important to identify your genetic weakness, your medical predispositions, allergies and triggers. The easiest way to heal quickly is activating the Nrf2 pathway for your body to heal itself. This will remove the free radicals, toxins and oxidative stress from you body, to treat the “root cause” of your genetic weakness. Then, during the healing phase you will be able to identify your triggers and allergens to create the right diet for you. Not everyone is meant to eat everything, each individual has food sensitivities and triggers that create symptoms. It is important to pay attention to those symptoms and treat your body naturally. Embrace the power of your body and accept that symptoms are there to warn you of a problem. Don’t make my mistake and cover them up with prescriptions and surgeries. This will only wreck havoc on your body and eventually your body will spiral into illness. My holistic journey incorporated acupuncture, Nrf2 pathway activation, essential oils, yoga, exercise. I am here to support you in your journey. Let me guide you through the healing. I can relate to my clients because of my personal experiences and backgrounds to develop a holistic plan that is right for you. Schedule your FREE consultation today. You have nothing to lose, I’m here to help YOU!