The journey to becoming Published was not easy. It didn’t just land in my lap. The path to create this book took me 7 years. It took me a 7 years to truly learn my body and overcome my IBS. It was more than a diet change to combat the overwhelming symptoms. The process would have been so much easier if I had a coach to guide me through it. But my path was perfectly set exactly as it was because I was meant to be the person to make the difference. I was created to change the world for others around me. My pain, heartache and struggles were a necessary part of my journey. Because they made me the woman I am today. And if I wouldn’t have overcome so much, I never would have published this book. I never would have transformed my career over the past 20 years from Special Education Teacher, to Nurse, to Professor, to Health Coach, to Hypnotist and finally Author. The journey was never meant to help me figure out my health problems. It was always leading me to a better good. A deeper purpose was always in my heart but luckily for me the path also brought me an awakening of my own gifts and self-healing emerged. And in the path to self-healing and wellness, I discovered a multitude of other gifts that had been hiding. I learned that my empathy could be transformed from a curse to a gift. I learned that my love for the community and helping others was in my path. I realized my career wasn’t set in stone. I realized I could be everything I dreamed and more. And in the process this amazing course by Angela Lauria landed on my lap. She popped up on my Facebook news feed in July and I loved every minute of the course. It spoke right to my heart and everything I had always dreamed. To be an author and share my truth. I took a leap and filled out the application. The universe didn’t make that easy either. I had to fill it out twice because it disappeared before I submitted it the first time. But I persisted and completed the application again. I never thought they would pick my story to be published. But they did. And my final interview happened in August while I was on family vacation in Hawaii. And the journey began. The path was not easy and it wasn’t supposed to be. It happened exactly how it was meant to unfold. I worked everyday balancing family life, full time nursing, and writing. I woke up most days between 4am and 5am when everyone else was sound asleep. I wrote till 6 am and got the kids ready for school. Then I left home before 7 to spend the day at the hospital. And I would return home again to finish what I had started in the morning. Some days were easier than others. Some days I finished a chapter in an hour. Some days the chapters didn’t flow at all. Some days were filled with anxiety and symptoms. Some days were filled with joy and love. But even on the hard days I pushed to overcome those obstacles and challenges. I worked to create a safe space for myself that would spark my creativity again. And the creativity would reemerge. And then one day all the chapters were finally written. Some needed an overhaul but they were written. And a sense of relief came over me. I had finally expressed my story on paper with a bigger purpose. I had finally overcome that fear of being seen and heard. That fear that had held me back this last year of evolution. I was finally on the path to my dreams. And it all started with a class about writing my book. This week has been amazing and stressful all in one bundle. Finally being a Published author can be checked off my list. But the path to help others truly transform their health and lives is just beginning to unfold. And yesterday was the hardest day of all. The day when all those pesky fears popped back into my mind. The fear of being seen and being heard. The fear of having it all reemerged in the middle of class. And tears began to roll down my face. In that moment I realized exactly who had made this all possible for me. But the emotions had never truly hit me until that moment. I wrote about him in the book but the tears had never flowed. I’ve told the story countless times but never really felt the emotions. My Angel that made all of this possible was a close friend and my own gastroenterologist, Dr. Angel Veloso. He told me 7 years ago that I needed to change or I was going to die. He told me Nursing was killing me and I needed a break. And if he wouldn’t have pushed me to leave the bedside I wouldn’t be here today. And that is why the tears ran down my face yesterday. The tears that not many saw. They all did notice my smile was not the same. My cheery upbeat attitude was hiding underneath. It was hard for me to speak to anyone when we went on break. I had to process all those emotions. I had to truly release those beliefs that triggered those feelings. And I did just that. I prayed, meditated and relaxed in the meditation room. I felt much more relaxed and centered. My fears were slowly drifting away. And then something was calling me back to the classroom. So I prayed and meditated some more in front of the giant crystalline stone. And suddenly I felt everything come back to place. I was my happy, energized and motivated self again. And I was thankful that the very person that opened this path for me was proud that I was on this journey. I had told him weeks ago about the book. And he was excited that I was going to help others with my story. And finally my inner strength and resilience reemerged to plan the path for the next year. I realize now the true potential within me that has unveiled. I finally see that I can truly help people thrive in life. And it all starts with the gut. So my path is set, my year is planned and my next journey is unfolding. The question I have for you is… Do you know someone that suffers from IBS and digestive issues? Do you have digestive issues or IBS? Are you willing to share your story to help me collect case studies for the book? Are you available for a call that could change your future? Do you want to eliminate the symptoms of IBS? Do you know someone that is overwhelmed and desperate for a solution to their symptoms? Then share this article with them. And if it is you than schedule a call. If you have IBS and are suffering with symptoms all the time. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Let’s chat….
