Sexting with your partner can be fun, exciting and ignite a fire in your body. Sexting is a fun and provocative form of communication. It is an thrilling way to flirt with your partner and rev up your engine. Pumping up the electrifying conversation will prepare both of your bodies for a great evening. Society has placed this label of taboo on anything to do with sex. There is no reason for this feeling of wrong doing or inappropriate behavior when it comes to your relationship. Your relationship is a safe place and sharing with your partner is fun, exciting and perfectly normal. Flirting is a big part of courtship and relationships. There is no reason why the flirting needs to stop just because you are married. Flirting doesn’t have to stop when you are in a committed relationship either. Its up to you to change the rules for yourself. Develop a plan that makes you feel sexy, happy and alive. It can be simple or complex depending on your desires and fantasies. Your relationship is a safe place to share your desires and fantasies. There is no need to keep your desires and fantasies secret from your partner. Let them truly understand your needs and appetite for your sexual experiences. We all have fantasies and your relationship is a safe place to share them. Your partner will embrace your fantasies and desires to develop a more intense and deep bond between you. I know it can be hard to step out of your comfort zone. I lived it, I was hiding my desires and fantasies for 15 years from my husband. I was scared to express myself and truly tell him what I needed. It doesn’t have to be such a struggle. Everything started to change the moment I started to share my likes and dislikes with my husband. Our relationship grew in exponential ways once I finally took the leap and truly expressed myself. The passion we felt during our courtship returned and our sexual relationship flourished once again. You can start simple with sexting or sending a pictue. Sometimes sending a text is easier than speaking your mind. Sometimes a little love note or email is even easier. For me that was how it started, writing a letter via email was the medium for me to regain the voice that I had hidden for so long. Once you open the door the communication begins to flow easily and the walls you have built tumble down. Sexting doesn’t have to be difficult or scary. If you don’t know what to say, there are so many options today. It doesn’t have to feel dirty or wrong to share with someone special. There are now a variety of applications with phrases to help guide you. There are even quotes on the internet that you can use to get ideas. If you are scared of sending pictures you can use SnapChat. Once you start exploring and engaging in sexting it becomes easier and the excitement builds. Taking a few minutes to tell your partner that you are thinking of them makes them feel appreciated, wanted and desired. It brings you closer and opens the door for communication and fantastic sex. So take a leap, send your partner a sexy text message, the results will surprise you.
Foreplay or You Play!
Foreplay is essential for women because it takes longer for us to get to the point of orgasm. Foreplay creates excitement and initiates the bodies responses for fun by dilating blood vessels and increasing blood flow. Foreplay also improves oxygen and nutrient delivery throughout the body to prepare your genitals and erogenous zones. But the truth is foreplay doesn’t have to be what you think. Foreplay is about engaging the body and creating sensations that stimulate your desires. “You play” can be done all alone with the same wonderful benefits. I have created a few simple routines that create the benefits of foreplay in a non-sexual way, let’s call it “you play.” I developed these routines to help relax my body, reduce stress and inflammation. The fun fact I learned was that stretching, yoga and deep breathing provide a variety of unexpected benefits. My yoga stretch, kegel yoga and tension buster routines impact your body similar to foreplay. The best thing is that you can do it all alone and you don’t have to feel ashamed or embarrassed about stretching and relaxing your body. All three routines use your body weight, the environment and gravity to impact each and every muscle in your body. Through progressive relaxation with deep breathing your body relaxes and gets revved up for a fabulous orgasm. Incorporating deep breathing and focused stretching targets the body in a unique way that promotes relaxation, tension release, restful sleep and even orgasm. Foreplay serves a females needs by meeting the physical and emotional preparation we need for fabulous sex. The hugs, kisses and caresses of foreplay prepare the body by increasing lubrication which is essential for orgasm. Yoga Stretch, tension buster and kegel yoga provide the same benefits as foreplay. Both foreplay and my routines help prepare the vagina for a great orgasm by enabling muscles throughout the body to relax. By engaging your pelvic muscles during the routine your natural fluids build and prepare your for sex. Females need vaginal lubrication and blood flow to the clitoris to achieve orgasm. Preparing the body by engaging in targeted relaxation provides the same benefits as foreplay. The best part is it also prepares you for restful sleep. Wether you perform this routine for restful sleep, self-play or pre-sex routine, you will reap the benefits.
Are you serious? Does this work? Yes it does. You see 1 year ago, I had no libido or desire for sex. I was suffering from chronic pain and inflammation. Stress and anxiety didn’t let me shut off my brain and relax for sex. Sex was more like a chore than a desire for me. Over this year, week by week, I started to reap the benefits of my routine. I noticed I was more ready for sex and relaxed in the moment. My mind was not wondering as much and I was more present in the moment. The best part was that my libido and interest in sex slowly creeped back. As my libido returned, my orgasms intensified and multiplied. Orgasms became more intense and more pleasurable because my blood was flowing more freely throughout my body. The inflammation was being targeted through supplementation and daily relaxation techniques. My body was no longer blocked by pain, inflammation, stress or anxiety. I was able to relax and enjoy sex to truly connect with my husband and achieve better orgasms. The fun fact, I learned is that the routine also helped me sleep better with or without sex. Wether you are comfortable playing alone, engaging in sex or not the routine helps prepare your body for relaxation, stress release and sleep. So why, not try a routine that enhances your bedtime routine and takes 20-30 minutes to reap the benefits. You play classes: Tension buster, Yoga Stretch, Kegel Yoga or Fireworks series, you choose the class for you.
Reignite the Love!
Reignite the love of your body. Learning to love and appreciate your body can be hard. I never thought I was sexy or attractive until recently. I didn’t appreciate the body I was given. I forgot the importance of taking care of my body every day. This constant physical assault with poor diet, lack of exercise and emotional pain progressively made everything worse. I lost the connection with my body creating an inability to feel pleasure. Over the years, as pain grew, illness prevailed and health declined the connection continued to dwindle daily. Over the past 15 years, my self-love, libido and sensations became dormant. I lost the desire to love and be loved. I lost my libido, somewhere between college and children. I lost the sensations and desires my body craved and enjoyed. Finally, when I hit rock bottom, I knew their had to be a better way. I knew that I desired to love myself, to feel love and enjoy my body again. I knew that I deserved to have a libido and enjoy sex with my husband. I realized that the toxic environment in my body was stopping me from achieving my desires and fulfilling my needs. I made a conscious decision to change my health, my life and my future. I knew the journey would be difficult but worth the trouble. Tackling my obstacles and establishing a healthy lifestyle started my path to rediscovering my body. I created a plan to optimize my bodies potential and reduce symptoms effectively. I learned to target my muscles to reduce pain, inflammation and symptoms. Thankfully, reducing symptoms was only the beginning. Once symptoms began to disappear, desires and sensations began to reappear. My body began to embrace intimate moments with my husband again. My body began to enjoy simple sensations that I was not able to enjoy before. I learned to create a Yoga routine that helped prepare my body for sleep and intimacy. My technique was designed to target my pain areas and progressively relax each and every muscle. Over the past year, I have perfected my technique, creating more effective targeted muscle relaxation. Now, I am here to share my story with the world. To tell women they deserve to love and embrace their bodies. They deserve to enjoy intimacy and achieve orgasms. They deserve to reduce stress, anxiety, pain and more. They deserve to live the life they want in the body they love. I am here to show you my techniques and help you achieve what I did. Love your body, embrace it and learn the multitude of possibilities it has to offer. Learn to target your pelvic muscles for better orgasms. Learn to relax your tight muscles more effectively. Breathe deeply and embrace the sensations of stretching and relaxation. Let me show you how to embrace your body and achieve all your desires. Your journey is only a phone call away. Ask me how?
Learn to Love Your Body!
Love your body, seems simple right. Well it truly is a complex process, there is nothing simple about it. Learning your body can take months or even years to achieve. It took me 20+ years in a constant health struggle to decide; there had to be a better way to Love my body. I was oblivious to the potential my body had to offer, the gifts I was given and the path my journey would take me. I wasted years eating the wrong foods, hiding my emotional/physical pain and avoiding physical activities. This constant physical assault on my body caused my physical and emotional illness to develop and my self-love to diminish. Over the past 5 years, I learned the foods that were optimal for my body, the physical activities that made me heal, the importance of caring for yourself, and the optimal routine to maintain my health. My true understanding of my body came over the past year. Finally, I was free of pain and able to feel and understand the messages my body was sending. I became aware of the tension forming in my muscles, when stress was at its peak. I realized that taking the time to address this tension early on, helped prevent the development of severe pain and helped maintain a state of homeostasis or balance. I learned to develop techniques and strategies to promote my daily healing, detox, muscle relaxation, repair and rejuvenation. I learned that there is a huge connection between physical and emotional pain. This fact made me more aware of emotional stress and its impact on my body. I was able to incorporate relaxation and stress relief into my routine to reduce the impact stress had on my body. Over this year, I developed my tension-buster routine, its unique for my body, my tension and my pain. But the fun fact is, it can be adapted and developed to help others achieve the same benefits. I learned to use my environment, gravity and body weight to stretch each and every muscle in my body. I learned to feel the tension in each muscle and learn ways to release the stress, toxins and tension from each one. Wether the pain is in your shoulder or your leg, our muscles are all interconnected and effective stretching needs to target this complex muscle network. I learned that my bodies weakness is toxins and poor circulation. My techniques help me optimize my bodies potential to release these toxins and enhance my circulation to reduce inflammation, stress and pain more effectively. The best benefit of my tension-buster routine and health journey, was rediscovering my libido. My libido had gone, completely dormant for 10-15 years, due to my severe illness and build up of toxins. It was an amazing benefit to see that all the work and effort I put into healing my body, helped me reap such powerful physical and emotional benefits. Over the past few months, I further adapted my routine to include Kegel Yoga. This Kegel Yoga routine is specifically designed for women to enhance libido, improve vaginal muscle strength and improve orgasms. This yoga is part of my daily routine and the benefits are outstanding. I am thankful that my friends and peers are now seeing the benefits of the courses, I offer. Kegel Yoga is designed to help women develop an intimate relationship with their bodies, combining the tension-buster yoga with kegel strengthening to enhance and reengage sexual desires. So, there it is, if you want to learn your body and reconnect with its unique abilities, give me a call. I am here to share my routines with you, in groups or private sessions. Learn to love your body, feel it, experience and achieve all you desire. Book an appointment, today, what are you waiting for?
Don’t Deny the World of Your Gift!
A good friend once told me, don’t deny the world of your gifts, speak your mind and tell your story. My friend Luly B. has inspired me to share my story, speak my mind and change the world. She helped me realize my story is powerful and worth sharing. She has empowered me to share my gift of healing with the world. She has opened my mind to the possibilities for my new career path as a Holistic Health Coach. She empowers and supports my growth and development of my business. I am thankful for the reawakening of my passion. I am inspired to help others heal emotional and physical pain in a supportive, caring and meaningful environment. Luly has helped me develop myself into the strong women that I am today, the journey was not easy, these past few months have been the hardest. But every step in my journey has been leading me to becoming the woman I want to be: a supportive, inspirational and loving voice to guide others in their wellness journey. Over the past few months, I have realized my health journey and experiences with illness, physical pain, emotional pain and disease, were a stepping stone to my future. My journey created the foundation for my new career path as a Holistic Health Coach. My struggles, experiences and accomplishments have made me the woman I am today. If my life would have been pain free and emotionally easy, I would not have all the experience and knowledge I have today. This expansive knowledge base helps me make connections with people, understand their struggles and share my experiences in a meaningful manner with my peers, family, friends and clients. My experiences helped me develop the skills that I needed to become an effective, compassionate, caring, loving and inspirational Wellness Coach. Giving people the gift of wellness, is my passion, it is my new journey and my Gift to the world. I know that the gift is there waiting for everyone; open to learning and embracing it. It takes people time to realize that the gift I offer is exactly what they want for themselves. It requires the knowledge and understanding, that life can be fulfilling, happy, pain free and illness free. I can help people pop the bubble of symptoms, disease and illness. The question is, are You Open to receiving the gift I offer. I am here to share my gift with you, all you have to do is ask.
Speak Your Mind!
Speak your Mind! Share your story. Speak your truth and share from the heart. If there is one thing I have learned over these 2 months, is that speaking your mind is essential. If you have ever suffered from emotional abuse or trauma, it is hard to share your voice or speak your mind. It is hard to feel accepted and understood by others. You lose sight of your voice and its importance. It has always been hard for me to speak my mind. I suffered from anxiety and fear of public speaking all my life. It is easier for me to write a paper or story, than to speak it. I can write it all down in a journal, letter or story but getting up and Speaking, is another story. Over the past several months, through networking and social support, I have been able to reengage my voice and understand the importance. I realize now how important it is to express yourself and get your emotions out. The more you hold in your feelings and emotions, the more health issues develop. That was my biggest issue over my life, my physical and emotional pain, was triggered by keeping all my feelings and beliefs trapped inside. I never felt my voice was important, I didn’t think my story needed to be told, or that others would listen and appreciate it. I have learned through the relationships I have built this year, that my negative voice, was giving me the wrong idea. People have welcomed me and accepted me into their social realms. They have cherished the stories, I have told and the journey I have experienced, they see me as a powerful woman that is going to change the world. It was hard for me to see and accept the truth until now. My voice was hidden for so long, it has been a process to get it out. I realize today that those that don’t let you express yourself, don’t deserve your company. If you find someone that holds you back, break the connection and move on. Your voice needs to be cherished, your feelings heard and your knowledge expressed to those that will benefit. I have met many people over that passed years and realize not everyone deserves to be part of my life. Those that help you become a better person and achieve your dreams, are the people you cherish. The individuals that foster your growth and development are the ones that earn your respect. The relationships you build need to be supportive and nurturing. You will encounter people that you think are interested in your intellectual mind, power and knowledge but they might not be honest or true. It is important to surround yourself with those that support you and guide you in your journey. There is no point in creating relationships with those that don’t enhance your individual growth. It is simply a waste of time and energy to engage in relationships and friendships that tear you down. Your voice needs to be heard, your struggles expressed, your feelings shared and your journey supported. Surround yourself with those people that help you achieve all your goals and dreams. The people that continue to foster and support your growth, wellness journey and life goals are your true friends and companions. Keep them close and grow those relationships, you will see how you grow with them.
Love Your Body!
Love your body! The truth is most of us don’t do this. We get stuck listening to the negative voice inside us. The voice torments us and makes us feel ashamed of who we are, how we look or the way we feel. I know first hand, how hard this transition can be. I have struggled with self-esteem my entire life. My friends always ask me, how is it possible, you are so gorgeous, why don’t you see it. The fact is, until you feel it, you won’t believe it, no matter what everyone else tells you. I worked my butt off to heal my body and finally started to feel a gradual improvement in self-esteem over the last 5 years. The fact is if you spend more time focusing on your health by healing your emotional and physical self, things will change and self-esteem comes with it. You will see changes in your physical body, thus improving the way you feel in your own skin. I can tell you the huge self-esteem change happened this year, over the last few months because I got out of my comfort zone. After, 1 year pain free, working on helping myself heal from autoimmune issues, taking time to relax and focus on myself, I was finally able to realize I needed to help others accomplish the same. After I started feeling healthier and happier, my self-esteem started to flourish. I started to truly look at my body as this beautiful gift, I was born with. I started to enjoy dressing up, putting on make-up and seeing the transformation my body had undergone. The true understanding of my beauty, didn’t come from close friends or family, it came from deep inside me but I had to work for it. Once, I started venturing out of my comfort zone, attending BNI meetings and networking happy hours, I realized the impact I had on others. I finally, was able to see what my friends and family had been telling me all along. When I really paid attention to the reactions others made, the complements I received and the way it made me feel, the changes started to happen. I no longer brushed off the complements, I accepted them and thanked those that gave them. I learned to give complements in return. I realized the power of complements and the desire everyone has to feel better about themselves. Over these past months, I have developed friendships with people that I never would have spoken to before. I was so shy and scared to speak to anyone because of my own insecurities and emotional struggles. When I got out of my comfort zone, accepted the complements and felt good in my own skin, my self esteem started to flourish. It allowed me to reflect on my childhood, the relationships from the past that affected my self-esteem and develop strategies to deal with those emotions. By accepting the hurt, developing a plan and actively working to improve my health, the emotional pain and self-esteem issues started to melt away. I share this because I know I am not the only person out there with self-esteem issues. I know that I am not the only person that stopped caring for myself and suffered emotional and physical pain as a result. I realize that sharing is the first step in helping others build up the courage to take on their own healing. A huge part of learning my body was physical but the emotional was just as important. Learning my physical pain, understanding it, feeling it, and learning how to combat it each and every day was the foundation for my emotional battle. By learning, how to relieve my own physical pain and tension, I was finally ready to combat the emotional pain. Emotional pain is hidden and harder to deal with and accept. It takes a real conscious effort to work on emotional struggles and make a change. These battles are easier when you have a coach to guide you through the process, I know that my holistic health coach, guided me through this final phase of healing. If it wasn’t for her, I would not have truly understand the reasons why I was so shy, why I had trouble speaking to others, and why I felt my voice was not important. This emotional process was difficult and left my voice silent again for almost 2 months, as I continued to learn myself. It was hard to express emotions and write my blog, while I was working on the final transformation. I realize now, that a lot of my physical pain, was caused by my emotional battle. I realize that holding in my emotions and not speaking my voice, caused my illness and pain. Now, 2 months later, I realize that it was the final step in my healing. I learned that self-esteem is impacted by your body and mind. I realized, that my voice is important, that my story is powerful, and I can help others heal. The power is in the journey, the connections and guidance you receive in the healing process. I am here to help others accomplish their desires and goals by helping them cherish, love and appreciate their bodies: mind, body and soul. I am here to help you find your self-esteem and keep it. I want you to know that you don’t have to struggle through this alone. There are plenty of people out there waiting to help you. I just happen to be someone that experienced it first hand, I am here to guide you through the journey, if you are ready to take the step.
Why Can’t I Lose Any Weight?
Weight loss can be a constant struggle for both women and men. There are a variety of variables that can impact weight loss. It is important to identify the issues that might be impacting you, specifically. Most individuals that seek assistance from Health Coach or professional to assist in identify your obstacles and create a plan that is right for you. I’m writing this post because I have 2 clients that are currently facing this struggle and I am developing an individualized plan for each them. Let’s discuss the most common obstacles to weight loss.
Lack of Sleep – sleep quality and quantity impacts health and weight loss. It is double edged sword because high stress impacts sleep which then impacts stress, weight loss and other health factors. Research shows that even small sleep alterations can increase cortisol levels and create insulin resistance. Lack of sleep is associated with a variety of health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, mood disorders and depression.
Poor nutrient intake – nutritious foods are essential for a healthy body. It is more important than you think to eat fruits, vegetables, healthy proteins and nuts. A diet high in nutritious foods that focuses on anti-inflammatory meals helps promote weight loss. Its important to avoid processed foods, granola bars, cereals and bread because they are filed with empty calories and create inflammation in the body. A diet high in healthy fats, protein and healthy carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables revs up the metabolisms and gears you up for a healthier lifestyle. Check out my presentation on You-Tube to see what harmful ingredients can be impacting your gut, brain and causing your weight gain.
Inflammation– inflammatory foods, like those in the video I shared, create a slow and constant inflammatory response that disturbs our body in many ways. The biggest problem with inflammation is that it is invisible, if people could actually see the damage inflammatory foods cause at the cellular level, they wouldn’t eat the foods that cause it (See video if you haven’t yet). Inflammatory foods are foreign invaders to our bodies and it responds with systemic inflammation. The cycle continues and inflammation multiplies, leading to a multitude of diseases anemia, autism, Alzheimer’s, carpel tunnel, gallbladder disease, GERD, autoimmune leaky gut, fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s, psoriasis, Crohn’s, celiac disease and many more… (The purple diseases are some of my personal conditions related to chronic stress and inflammation). Some symptoms of inflammation are tired, fatigues, sleepy, brain fog, attention issues, upset stomach, bloating, achy joins and muscle pain. These are signs your body is going through inflammation and its time for an anti-inflammatory elimination diet to identify your food triggers. Now, let’s talk specifically about inflammation and weight loss. Inflammation impacts a hormone that regulates fat in the body. The hormone called Leptin, controls your metabolism and appetite. Healthy people get the message from leptin, causing their bodies to suppress appetite and speed up the metabolism, thus burning fat. Chronic inflammation impairs the bodies ability to receive the message from leptin to suppress your appetite, causing you to eat more and gain weight. As you can see inflammation can be a vicious cycle, the good new is you don’t have to tackle it alone. Back to ways to fight the chronic inflammatory response. The best way is to identify your inflammatory trigger foods, develop a diet and supplementation plan that will help build up your digestive tract, immune system and reduce the inflammation. Ask me how?
Chronic stress– stress is the biggest obstacle to weight loss and everyone has stress on a daily basis. We are faced with highly stressful fast paced lives, and stress is not going anywhere. Stress in the body causes a flight or fight response which impacts your cortisol and adrenaline hormones. This is a normal response but our bodies are faced with it too rapidly and frequently. This response elevates cortisol levels, which can cause weight gain. These continuous state of chronic stress impacts the immune system, lowers good gut bacteria and places individuals at risk for infection and autoimmune disease. Unfortunately, after 20 years of age our bodies lose the ability to properly fight stress at a cellular level. The simple fact is that our bodies no longer produce the antioxidant enzymes that help the body heal and recover from stress, thus it accumulates daily throughout our adult lives. The only true way to impact this stress daily is by fighting back with nutrigenomics. Ask me more?
Toxic overload– We are exposed to harmful toxins and chemicals throughout our lives. These toxins are in the water, food, hosehold cleaning products, lotions, cosmetics, paint, candles, plastic containers and much more. Even items that seem healthy can be filled with harmful chemicals, like toothpaste, bread and shampoo. These toxins can create inflammation and hormonal imbalances in the body. This also impacts the bodies Leptin response and created inflammation in the body. These toxic levels can stop your bodies weight loss even with exercise and healthy diet.
Estrogen Imbalance– More estrogen than progesterone can play a role in weight gain. Estrogen dominance causes increased cravings and decreased metabolism. The most common cravings are sugary foods, if this is the case and you can’t control your cravings, estrogen might by the culprit. Increased cravings, more calories and slow metabolisms promote weight gain. You can try to attack the inflammation in your body with an elimination plant to see if the cravings improve.
Low testosterone – It is well known that testosterone levels drop with age. This drop causes increased body fate, heart disease, insulin resistance and cancer. Interestingly, obesity can also cause testosterone to drop. The most visible sign of low-testosterone is belly fat and difficulty loosing weight. So if this sounds like you, its time to attack that inflammation and fight back.
Insulin imbalance – Insulin resistance occurs when the body is not able to absorb extra blood glucose and keeps generating more from the food you eat. The liver convert the glucose into fat and its a vicious cycle. Inability to regulate blood sugar and insulin levels creases excess belly fat and difficulty with weight loss. Processed foods, which we discussed earlier cause insulin resistance, inflammation, chronic stress, etc. It is important to find someone that will support you in your journey. Someone that can help you identify the foods that are harmful for you and develop a plan to fight back.
Losing weight can be a difficult journey but it is possible. The most important part is finding your particular challenges or obstacles and creating a plan with a Health Coach to tackle them. If you feel stressed or overwhelmed by all the information and possibilities, let me help you develop a plan that you can stick too. Some of these obstacles may require medications or supplements specific for that condition. If you are not able to resolve these issues with diet modification and supplementation, you may need medical attention, so make an appointment with your physician.
Case Study: Lupus
Case Study: Lupus
Author: Diane Vich
Key words: Lupus, Brain Fog, Chronic Pain, Inflammation & Bloating
Vera Boss is a mom of four. She has been suffering from chronic pain, digestive issues and brain fog for many years now. She is frustrated with western medicine because none of the treatments and medications have helped her. She has seen a vicious cycle of new prescriptions and side effects. Her symptoms progressively got worse after each child. Her youngest is now 1 year old and she is so exhausted she just feels like she is not able to keep up with her. Her digestive issues and bloating have become severe and now it happens 3-5 times a week. Her headaches are also getting worse. She is desperate to find a natural alternative.
Case Presentation
Vera is looking for alternative treatments. She has noticed her health has progressively gotten worse after each child. She wants to be there for her family and enjoy her life. It is important to her that she regain her energy and feel better. She was diagnosed with Lupus 6 months ago. She has chronic pain throughout her body. The symptoms that are really bothering her the worst are the bloating, inflammation and stomach pains. She has headaches 5 times a week and they last the entire day, sometimes more. Her joint pains are 10/10. She reports her bloating makes her look pregnant and its very painful (8/10). She is exhausted every day and needs coffee to stay awake. She sometimes drinks 5 glasses of coffee and feels it doesn’t even work very well. She often needs naps in the afternoon before she can cook dinner and play with the kids.
- Lupus is an autoimmune disorder where the body begins to fight itself. Lupus like a multitude of conditions is caused by oxidative stress and inflammation. Some symptoms are fatigue, chronic pain, headaches, memory issues and joint pain.
- Chronic Pain is caused by inflammation of the tissue causing tenderness and discomfort. In people with chronic pain the pain accumulates over time and the level of pain gets worse.
- Supplementation/Dosage: (2) Nrf2, (2) Nrf1, Omega, essential oils, Brain food supplement and (3) Probiotic. Essential oils for pain and digestion.
- Diet: High in low-sugar fruits, gluten free, high in green vegetables, beans, organ meats, bison, fish, shrimp, eggs and turkey (rare carbohydrate like cereal, cakes and dessert). No sugar or iodized salt. No inflammatory vegetables or fruits. No processed foods. Sea salt and spices to taste.
- Coaching: Recommended for 4-6 months to help with symptoms management.
- Motivation Statement: I speak up for myself freely and easily. I claim my own power and advocate for myself. I love myself. I am free and safe to be the person I want to be.
A multitude of diseases (200+) are linked to oxidative stress and inflammation. Oxidative stress is an imbalance between antioxidants and Free radicals. Patients with weight gain and inability to lose weight have high levels of free radicals in the body. They cause damage to the body on a daily basis. The body has poor capability of creating antioxidants like glutathione, catalase and SOD. These antioxidants are the only way to fight free radicals, so as they decline illness, disease and decline progressively continues through life. By enabling the body to produce antioxidants and remove toxins, they client will reduce inflammation, bloating and fat build up to promote weight loss. Lupus, digestive issues and chronic pain are all impacted by the increased inflammation throughout the body. It is essential to provide the body with nutrients that will help it fight back on a daily basis.
1 month: Vera has started the detox and supplementation plan. She is enjoying the detox soup and meal plan, specially because it has stopped the bloat. She is also happy she lost 8 pounds, her goal was to feel healthier and the weight loss makes her happy. She noticed that her headaches and joint pains were worse during first 2 weeks of detox. She reached out for some coaching to relieve her symptoms. She knew the pain and symptoms were expected and she was glad that she had a support system to help her manage them.
- Coaching Session: Vera reached out to have a tension buster session to help target her pain sites. She chose to have the session at her pool to start incorporating some gentle activities several times a week. This was important to her because she want to be able to enjoy fun activities with the kids without feeling exhausted and in pain. She noticed she felt relief and better circulation after her pool session. She committed to perform these activities at lest 4 days a week. She also enjoyed the essential oils and simple stretching to relieve her pain.
- Coaching Session : Elimination plan: Vera experienced some digestive issues, body pains and headaches on the cheat days, she asked the coach for some digestion relief suggestions. The coach added an elimination plan to determine her food sensitivities. She was able to identify her sensitivity “white rice and gluten free bread.” Her symptoms improved and she realized the importance of keeping track of her diet to identify food triggers. She was happy that she had the essential oils and natural remedies to help her if new symptoms arouse.
2 month: Vera is happy with her progress. She has avoided her food sensitivities and has seen big differences in her symptoms. She happily lost another 5 pounds. She contacted her coach 2 times during the last month to get support with food sensitivities, she identified two new foods “corn and apples”. She felt confident that she had the tools to deal with her symptoms and knew the coach was there to support her.
- Coaching Session: Vera was very happy with her progress, her pain was 6/10 and improving every day. She realized the stretching and exercise helped improve her pain significantly. After her afternoon stretch routine her pain was 4/10. She started using the exercise 5 times a week. Elimination plan: She is glad she has essential oils and natural remedies that she can keep with her all the time. Through her food trigger journal and coaching she was able to identify several foods to avoid. She realized it was important to track her symptoms. She plans on signing up for 4 months of coaching to help her to continue to monitor her food sensitivities and expand her diet plan further.
4 months: (After 4 months of coaching)
- Coaching Session: Vera successfully incorporated all the strategies for an additional 4 months coaching. She felt like a new woman. She had lost a total of 20 pounds. Her energy and memory was better. She used the brain food supplement much less now. She felt energetic and ready for anything every day. Her pain was 3/10 and relieved with exercise and stretching. She started to incorporate stretching into her daily routine and noticed big changes. After stretching and hydration her pain decreased to 1/10. She started to use 10 minutes stretches twice a day. Her headaches were almost gone, she only had a few a month. She noticed the headaches usually came with her food sensitivities and loved using the essential oils to stop the pain. Elimination plan: She continued her food journal to monitor food sensitivities. She identified several additional food triggers. She is thankful she learned to identify and treat her food sensitivities naturally. The elimination pain helped reduce her joint pains, digestive issues and headaches. She finally felt like she was able to be an active mom with her kids. She was happy that she had learned how to take care of herself.
Clean Slate
What is a clean slate? It’s is a fresh start to finding your younger self. It’s trapped inside you waiting to emerge again. My health crisis has me feeling exhausted, fatigued and filled with pain. Through holistic healing I found so many possibilities. These are all new feeling and accomplishments for me:
- The love for nature and appreciation of the little moments with family.
- The drive and motivation to accomplish more and maintain health.
- The knowledge that you deserve to care for your health too.
- The feeling of accomplishment and happiness after a long stress filled day.
- The ability to care for everyone you love and yourself at the same time.
- Accomplishing your hope for a better way to feel and live.
- Energy and motivation to jump out of bed and seize the day.
- The freedom of pain to accomplish fitness in ways you never thought was possible.
- Flexibility to improve the circulation of your entire body.
- Savoring the healthy nutrient-rich foods you eat while your body reaps the benefits.
- The relief that your children don’t have to worry about you being sick or caring for you through a health crisis.
- Love for life and enjoying the beauty around you
- Reconnecting with your loved one and igniting the fire for passion.
These are only a few of the changes I made when I took a leap for a Clean Slate. The possibilities are endless. You can achieve more than you think. Let me help you BELIEVE!