Some days are filled with challenges or obstacles. They can be internal or external. The external ones impact our body in many ways. Some of us get headaches, chest pain, shortness of breath, etc. There are many physical responses that happen when you are stuck in Fear. They are all due to our bodies fight or flight response. It happens in the moment and it is intense. It could happen for many different reasons and in many different situations. It could be a confrontation by a superior or elder. It could be a conversation that made you upset. It could be a TV show that triggered some emotions. But the fact is that they all stem from the subconscious beliefs we made in childhood. It was based on our experiences and lack of coping mechanisms. We simply were never taught how to deal with our emotions: anger, sadness, fear, worry, shame, guilt, etc. We had no idea what to do with them. And the way we dealt with these challenges before impacts the way we react now. The interesting fact I learned this past year is that you can Thrive in Your life. The tricky part that most people don’t realize is that it requires an investment in self-improvement and development. Yes, that’s right, an investment in YOURSELF. You can make little changes here and there by reading books and taking free courses but you still feel stuck. The shift just doesn’t happen because your subconscious still doesn’t believe you Really DESIRE the change. Trust me I’ve felt it and I’ve been there multiple times. You take two steps forward thinking you are on top of the world, just to fall back on your ass when the next obstacle hits. Yep, exactly you read a book and started to change the way you react to confrontation. You are doing well and then suddenly someone you absolutely love and admire, throws you a curveball and boom you are back to square one. Your body responds once again with a deep sense of Fear and the fight or flight response happens again and again. Then one day I decided to truly get out of my comfort zone and surround myself with powerful, successful business women and entrepreneurs. They were women I admired and honor for their courage and accomplishments. Women that have overcome hardships and turmoil to get to where they are and I realized that was exactly what I needed. It took time and investments to make the shift in my life but it all focused on Self-Development and Self-Improvement. And when I speak of an Investment, I mean monetary investment and time. The truth about psychology of the mind is that if there isn’t a monetary contribution then You won’t make time and truly invest in the transformation. So I did, I took a leap, I cried and second guessed myself many times but in the end I took a leap. I took the leap because I deserved better than the life I was living. My family deserved the best version of me. I had worked on improving my health for 6 years but the anxiety was still there. I had to work on that subconscious and I had to actively get out of my comfort zone. And the investment simply motivates and pushes you to do it. I attended networking meetings, weekly meetings, coaching courses and online programs. Each activity brought me a step closer to where I wanted to be. Nothing worth achieving is Easy. Nothing worth earning is FREE. You need to put the time, money and effort into your Transformation. And I did, just that and it finally stuck. And I know it stuck because I finally took action for myself regardless of the obstacles that came my way. I finally didn’t let a confrontation, conversation or challenge stop me in my tracks. I used everything I learned through my health journey and my personal improvement to transform myself. That meant actively responding to my self-Awareness and taking Action. Then suddenly everything fell into place. Obstacles came and went but I kept moving forward. Confrontation made me uncomfortable and I took action. Taking action through awareness means feeling your emotions and sitting with them. Then the true Action happens, using everything you’ve learned and practiced to regain your composure, focus, commitment and drive. That’s right, you get down and dirty to fix the problem in the moment. That’s when you feel the SHIFT. You notice that conversation didn’t bother your quite as much as before. Your notice the self-care and self-love you invested in the moment worked. You realize that you are actively creating again and that your future is coming. This only happens when you are ALL into the Change you Desire. When you desire change and truly want to transform then you will achieve it. But first you need to Invest in yourself and Your personal development. Then everything will fall into place exactly how you desire. You can THRIVE in LIFE when YOU INVEST in YOURSELF. That’s right, Imagine you are Thriving. FEEL NATURALLY AMAZING with a little self loving and nurturing for YOU. Sounds to good to be true. Nope it is Powerful and Achievable.
Some people need a visual of how Awareness and Action works. Here it is: A few weeks ago I woke up completely exhausted and unmotivated for anything. It was time to go to work and get things done, so I needed to suck it up and move Right. But remember this, I woke up like a zombie. I drove to work like a zombie in autopilot. I had zero energy, my eyes were droopy and I felt like I hadn’t slept in weeks. I was completely drained and unmotivated to work or even think. I need to act quickly to shift things. Which meant taking ACTION to switch from a snail pace to a Productive and Powerful day. Then, I took ACTION: I stumbled out of the car to grab some things from the back of the car (yoga mat, Kasina glasses, sound bowls and ear buds). I Stumbled to the lake like a sleepy kid to Meditate, Breath and Rejuvenate. I set everything up and laid down. I put in my ear buds and Kasina lenses to stimulate alpha waves. I used the techniques I have developed over the year to relax, unwind and focus. I Listened to a meditation (made specifically for me), practiced my relaxation techniques and 20 min later…I was ENERGIZED and feeling FANTASTIC. One funny thing happened in the middle of this little relaxation session that could have thrown me into Fear and Worry. An employee at the Hospital actually thought something was wrong with me. Remember all my senses were involved so I didn’t hear or feel him approaching. When he said, “Excuse me man, Are you ok?” I heard him and lifted the glasses up. LMAO I actually screamed. I am someone that startles easily so thinking back that poor man must have freaked out. I told him I was fine and jumped back in for the last few minutes. My heart slowly slowed its pace, my breath relaxed and my body settled once again. I finished my routine and I was Vibrant, Motivated and Energized. The obstacle that happened didn’t stop me from my goal of getting back in my groove. You can THRIVE IN LIFE with more Self-love, Positivity and Nurturing. You are POWERFUL.