Category Archives: fatigue

    Categories accomplishment, Advice, Anxiety, autoimmune, autoimmune crisis, Chronic Pain, Digestive Issues, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, fatigue, Fibromyalgia, gym, Health, hope, pain, Physical Pain

    Autoimmune Warrior

    What does it mean to be an autoimmune warrior?  It means you fight hard to overcome your symptoms and live the life you dream.  It means that there are battles and sometimes your fail but you get back up and do it again.  But most of all it means that once you finally succeed, it is time to share your story and help others accomplish the same.  It wasn’t an easy journey.  It was filled with obstacles and challenges.  It took me 7 years to perfect my process.  There were tons of rock bottom failures.  But we all learn from our mistakes.  That is when you find a way out, dust yourself off and do it again.  There were many times that I wanted to give up and eat junk food.  There were many times I wasn’t motivated to exercise.  There were plenty of hard days.  There were plenty of horrible days.  But every challenge I faced only made me stronger.  I have autoimmune leaky gut and a genetic syndrome called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.  The combination can be pretty debilitating and overwhelming.  If I wouldn’t have chosen to make my health a priority my life would be very different right now.  It wasn’t an easy decision to put myself before others.  After all I am a mom, wife and nurse.  All those amazing things means you put everyone else before you.  And I absolutely love doing that but when my health started to fail and it impacted my children’s joy, I stopped to reflect.  If I didn’t find a way out they would be faced with the hardships of having a chronically ill mom to care for and they didn’t deserve that fate.

    Leaky gut is a condition that allows particle of food to travel throughout your body.  These particles begin to wreck havoc everywhere.  Then your immune system begins to attack the food particles and your own body in the process.  Leaky gut and autoimmune disease is a backfiring of your own immune system.  Your body attacks itself creating physical symptoms and pain. I suffered from symptoms since childhood.  But I had no idea what or why it was happening until my 30s.  I’ve learned a lot on this journey to find wellness.  My journey took me through an educational journey to find answers for others that ended up helping me.  My career evolved from a Special Education teacher to a Registered nurse in hopes of helping children with special needs overcome their health battles.  And the amazing gift that unveiled was the very answered I needed for myself.  In the process my health eventually failed and crisis struck.  I desperately searched for a solution to my horrible digestive issues. Slowly my body began to heal and transform.  The journey helped me develop an incredible technique that I have used to support my clients and children.  I reduced and practically eliminated all my symptoms in my body.  And boy were those symptoms extensive.  I used to experience all of these symptoms almost daily: reflux, bloating, cramping, anxiety, fatigue, chronic pain, frequent illness, migraines, headaches, etc.  The symptoms became overwhelming and my life seemed to be falling apart.  I knew that there had to be a better way to live.  And I knew my children deserved better.  And I am so thankful and grateful for the journey that brought me here. But to truly understand the hardship, it is time to take you into a journey about genetics.

    I went to countless specialists and as my research evolved I knew there was a genetic condition behind all my extensive medical diagnosis and symptoms.  But it wasn’t easy to find.  I went to rheumatologists, Gastroenterologists, neurologists and then finally a geneticist.  And that was finally when I got the answer I was looking for, I was diagnosed with EDS III. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is a debilitating condition that impacts every organ, muscle and tissue of your body.  Most people with this condition have tons of surgeries and need assistive devices.  The pain and frequent injuries leave you feeling ashamed and useless.  Thankfully I was able to overcome that dreadful time in my life.  It has been amazing to see that I was able to develop a routine that has helped me become more active and energized.  It has been a long journey.  But I learned a lot along the way.  And the most valuable gift was that all genetic conditions, illnesses and diseases have a root cause that needs to be addressed synergistically for true success.  Trust me I was skeptical. I didn’t believe myself for years.  I didn’t truly accept that there were 2 root causes of my illness.  And then suddenly in 2019, as I wrote my book, “The Truth about IBS and Anxiety,” everything became crystal clear.  As I helped people heal, I truly began to see the transformations that were possible with my process and the gifts they experienced.  You see the truth about what I teach, is that it doesn’t only help mom, dad, grandma, or grandpa; it helps the kids and grandkids too.

    Think about it this way.  Reflect on your week or your month.  Was there a day that you were super stressed, anxious or overwhelmed?  Did it change the way you behaved?  Did it change the way you felt? Did it change the way you spoke to others?  Did it change their reaction? I bet if you truly think about it, you will say, YES, YES, YES.  I will give you an example.  My client, Demi, suffered from chronic illness, reflux, chronic pain and fatigue.  She felt hopeless and alone when we began working together.  She was sure she was doomed to fail and hopeless.  As we worked together to create a supportive routine for her, she began to transform easily.  Her weight seemed to melt away.  Her symptoms seemed to disappear.  Her energy and motivation increased.  And her life completely changed.  But it didn’t stop with her, it extended to the entire family.  Her husband and children began to eat healthier.  The more energetic and happy she became, the more fun and exciting their relationship became.  And her children began to change too.  When we started working together her youngest had anxiety and trouble sleeping.  He often complained of stomach aches and headaches.  As she began to improve the way she felt, their health began to change too.  She began to really see that her own health impacted the entire family.  She began to notice that the days she was stressed and overwhelmed, everyone was stressed and overwhelmed.  She noticed that when she screamed and lost her temper, her kids suddenly had a symptoms arise.  She noticed that when she wasn’t following her routine, it affected the world around her too.

    The beautiful gift she thanked me for her compassion and courage

    The funny thing is that I didn’t realize I gave her that gift until now.  I actually created that audio about courage and compassion for myself.  Because getting on camera, writing my book and sharing my story has been a difficult journey.  It has tested my resilience and perseverance.  It has tested my patience and kindness.  It has tested me in all facets of my life.  But Demi reminded me that my journey is not only to help women.  She reminded me by helping one person, I help everyone around them heal as well.  Because if one person can make a different to transform the world around them, imagine the possibilities if more people do the same.  We all deserve to feel happy, energized and vibrant.  We all deserve to thrive in life.  We all deserve to reach our ultimate potential.  And it all starts by working on yourself first.  I never thought I could overcome my chronic debilitating pain.  I though I was destined to live a life of pain and fatigue.  I thought that surgery and physical therapy was the only way to reduce my symptoms.  But now I surpassed all my physical limitations.  I went from a girl that never exercised or played sports because her pain was so intense.  To a girl that rock climbs, dances and repels down waterfalls.  And it all began with a decision to work on me first.  And the same magical transformations happen when my clients unveil their own healing powers.

    Categories ADHD, Advice, Anxiety, brain disorders, Empath, fatigue, Health, kids, Mommy

    Sensory Overload

    What is sensory overload? It occurs when input bombards your senses from all directions.  This is exactly what happens when you receive stimuli in all 5 senses simultaneously.  It can happen in loud parties, conferences, schools, public places, work, events, etc.  Many events and public venues create this feeling of increased stress due to the magnitude of sensory assaults that are emitted from equipment or people.  These constant and repetitive sensations trigger a reaction in the body.  It is the flight or flighty response.  You know the fear of the situation takes over, all your stress hormones turn on and you can fight back or run.  You can either be stuck in the moment and allow the stress to build until you explode.  Or you can step away and relax your senses.  We are all impacted by noises, visuals and sensory stimuli but some have a significantly more potent experience.  And for those that are anxious like me, sensory overload can be overpowering and exhausting.  That’s right.  It is exhaustingly depleting your energy every moment you stay stuck in that uncomfortable situation.  And if the stress left unaddressed it accumulates in the body creating a sense of panic.  That is why children and adults exhibit feelings of anger or frustration when sensitivities accumulate resulting in a reaction of some sort or a tantrum.  A child might have a tantrum or cry during fireworks.  A teen might get in a fight or scream at someone in a loud concert.  And an adult might have an argument during a music festival.   Of course there are unlimited possibilities and unlimited scenarios.   But I’m all about positive solutions for the life we live in the environment around us.  Helping others finding the mental wellness they desire through simple modifications in their daily lives.

    So let’s get back to overstimulation in public venus.  In public events there are often many groups of people talking, kids laughing, babies screaming, overhead lights, flashing lights, loud music, etc.  It feels like an overwhelming assault on your senses and it happens every second.  You might be engaged in a conversation but all the stimulation keeps distracting you.  Its difficult to speak or understand everything.  If you are trying to do something on your phone, its 10 times harder to concentrate.  Any task or action you need to perform becomes excruciatingly difficult.  Every second builds into minutes and hours of stimulation entering your 5 senses.  And after many hours your body is completely drained and devastated.  I bet you know someone who is highly sensitive.  They may have an official diagnosis or medical condition.  If you know someone you feel in your gut or body when you imagine them.  The diagnosis or condition doesn’t matter.  It is just a name given to a condition that is covered by an insurance.  Its a name for something that will helps you acquire treatments or services.  But this is simply about understanding your body and taking ACTION to help yourself relax.  I am talking recognizing the symptoms or pain your body send you.  It is about Recognizing the triggers that cause you to experience the stress in your body.  If you can picture a friend who is always sick or has a headache.  A friend who always has a stomach ache or pain.  Or maybe its you.  Maybe you always have this creeping pressure in your chest.  Or your stomach feels like you swallowed a basketball.   Take a moment to think about the last time you felt that way.  What where you doing?  Where were you?  What did you feel in your body?  How did you feel in that place?  What emotion comes to mind.

    Ok so now that you have a better idea if you are sensitive or you know someone who is sensitive let’s take a deeper look.  Highly sensitive individuals include but are not limited to those diagnosed with a conditions like Autism, Seizure Disorders, ADHD, Multiple Sclerosis, PTSD, Anxiety and Mental health issues.  It is prevalent in all ages (infants, children, teens and adults).

    Here are some possible examples:

    • A child that is very spacey and distracted.  They appear to be in another world many times a day.
    • A friend that keeps fidgeting and looking at their watch during your conversation.
    • A coworker that loses eye contact during conversation and is looking at everyone in the room instead.
    • An infant that is unconsolable and crying in her mother’s arms.
    • A friend that screams at you during a normal conversation for no apparent reason.
    • A child that hides in a tent during fireworks.
    • A person that is pacing back and forth.

    Some symptoms of sensory overload: difficulty focusing, irritability, restlessness, urge to cover your ears, urge to shield your eyes from light,  feeling overly excited, feeling anxious (fearful or stressed) and feeling sensitive to things rubbing against your skin (textures, fabrics, clothing tags and nails).  Some symptoms may be even more confusing than you thought.  I experienced sensory overload after attending a child’s party.  The event was in a loud party venue (loud music, bright colors, kids, laughing, kids screaming, bright lights and tons of talking).  As the time passed I felt more tired and drained.  By the end of the event I was in such exhaustion that I needed a nap.  Napping is not my typical routine.  I usually have more than enough energy to complete my day.  I might need an afternoon meditation but a nap usually won’t happen.  Years ago I was exhausted like this every day.  I had chronic fatigue and realize now that sensory overload was a huge part of this.  So I returned home after the party tried a meditation but was still exhausted.  And I cuddled up into my sheets to sleep for 1.5 hours.  I woke up did another meditation and finally felt vibrant again.  Interestingly my son exhibits symptoms of sensory overload too.   But his energy was not impacted in the same way mine was.  He actually developed a headache.   After all the stimulation was over and it was time for bed, his head was pounding.  I’ve been learning his symptoms along with mine for several months now.  Becoming aware of your symptoms takes some effort.  And observing your child is important to understand their symptoms.  It is also important to ask them questions about their day and how they feel.  Its important to help your child deal with sensory overload.  It also helps you develop strategies to reduce sensory overload regularly.  And have a plan in place for full fledged sensory exhaustion.

    Our nervous system has two important parts that need to work together to establish balance: the sympathetic and parasympathetic. The sympathetic nervous system is involved in activities of wakefulness and alertness.  The sympathetic nervous system is involved in the fight or flight response.  This response helps us defend ourself during dangerous situations.  Dysfunction of the sympathetic nervous system results in nervousness, stress, and anxiety.  The parasympathetic nervous system is involved  in our restful activities like sleep and digestion.   It promotes healing, regeneration, nourishment and elimination.  Activating this system in your body is essential to reduce stress, sensory overload, and anxiety.  Dysfunction of the parasympathetic system appears in symptoms of lethargy and fatigue.  If the body is unable to calm and rebalance in response to these changes causes oxidative stress in the body. A prolonged stress response leads to stress on the adrenal glands and immune system.  The prolonged stress response begins to exhibit symptoms and eventually illness in the body.

    As an empath, I realize there are many people that experience this deep inner sense of stress.  And these people experience it like me, every moment, in every second, in every activity.   But I hadn’t realized its impact on the body until recently.  It is so overwhelming that symptoms arise quickly.  The stress builds and symptoms accumulate over time.  I’ve noticed the prevalence of children exhibiting symptoms of pain or digestive issues is a growing trend.  I was the same as many of the patients coming through the hospitals regularly.  Children with inexplicable symptoms and negative lab results.  Test after test just leads to no answers or solution for your child.  So what if we decide to take a step back and observe.  Taking time to understand your child a little closer and observing the symptoms that arise.  Here are some common symptoms of sensory overload.  And I also have some relaxation techniques to help your child calm their senses.  But there are plenty more strategies that help calm the nervous system.   And everyone is different, so its imperative to create an individualized routine for yourself or your child.  The routine should be based on the individuals needs and preferences.

    Symptoms of a Child with Sensory overload:

    • Tantrum
    • Throwing things
    • Kicking
    • Screaming
    • Zoning out/Day dreaming
    • Cover their eyes or ears
    • Shift in mood

    And there are scientific methods of reducing this overload in yourself and your children.

    Strategies to avoid sensory overload:

    • Plan to leave events early from parties- have an exit strategy and take breaks
    • Shopping- Plan, write a list and prepare before you enter the store.  Being prepared will enable you to gather everything you need and exit the store quickly thus reducing the impact of sensory overload.
    • Learn your triggers and those of your child – It will help you plan for new events and have methods at hand to reduce symptoms.

    5 Ways to Calm your Child’s senses:

    • Guide your child to relax with visual imagery and story telling
    • Relax outside in Nature
    • Cuddle and watch a relaxing nature show
    • Blow bubbles
    • Noise cancelling headphones with peaceful nature sounds

    If you want to learn more ways to help your child with special needs.  Then stay tuned for events and webinars coming soon.  I will be presenting soon at Miami Family Friendly Hands in October.   I will be discussing sensory overload and its impact on children and adults with disabilities.

    Categories Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Emotional pain, Empath, Empathy, fatigue, Fear, flare up, Fulfillment, Health, hope, Human Needs, motivation, Physical Pain, positivity, self-actualization, Self-doubt, Speak your mind

    An Empathic Awekening

    What is empathy?  Empathy is a sense of understanding the feelings and experiences of another person.   Many of us are empathetic towards our friends, coworkers or family members experiences.  And we have some form of empathy this sense of every day in conversations or communication with others.  We may even experience empathy watching a movie, TV show or listening to a song.  There are many unique individuals that choose to live a life of empathy and service to others.  Those special individuals live a life of service in one form or another to better the lives of the world around them.  They often choose their profession because of their high sense of empathy and compassion towards others.  These loving individuals in the health care or service profession experience more empathic situations than others do because of their work environment.  For example, my profession healthcare (nurses, doctors, EMT, Medical Assistants, Fire fighters, etc.) experience much more empathy because their career choice is founded on helping others.  Every day they care for patients facing health challenges and they serve them in their role.  Each of their patients is facing unique experiences that involve some form of physical or emotional pain.  The healthcare workers role is empathic in and of itself, simply by their conscious decision to help others.  Many health care workers may experience added stress or health issues because of their career choice and the way they process these experiences.

    And yet there are still people that experience an extreme sense of empathy.  This highly exclusive gift is almost impossible for others to understand.  They experience empathy at a cellular level throughout their entire body.  You can’t imagine feeling this form of empathy unless you experience it first-hand.  Those enlightened individuals are empath’s and they feel exponentially more than everyone around them.  Empath’s are individuals with a gift of hypersensitivity.  Some may call it a curse but I call it a gift.  Of course to reach this point of awareness and acceptance was quite a journey for me and those around me.   Empath’s are hypersensitive to the feelings, thoughts, pains and emotions of others.  That little fact was even hard for me to understand even-though I had an intuitive feeling lingering in my mind for a long time.  The interesting fact is that many empaths (hypersensitive people) don’t even realize the extent of their empathy or the toll it can take on their own health.  For instance my career paths have always lead me to a trajectory of caring for others in various roles and environments.  My careers gradually transitioned and transformed from one career into the next in the service realm.   Every career choice was a compassionate one: Special Education Teacher, Nursing Assistant, Registered Nurse, Health Coach, Hypnotist and now Transformational Author.  These are all careers based on supporting the community by nurturing, caring, and loving others.  All of these career choices were based on love and a hope to make a difference.  They were each an opportunity to improve the lives of those around me.  I acknowledged my empath gift a few years ago but didn’t understand its true impact.  I had NO idea the significant role it played in my own emotional and physical wellbeing.  I had seen a rollercoaster decline in my health and happiness but had no idea my empathic gift was the culprit.  And truly it wasn’t the culprit at ALL now that I understand my gift.  The cause of my health decline was my lack of understanding and preparation to live with my special gift.  After all we may be born empathic but the cultivation of a deep connection with Your Inner Strength takes time.  It was my lack of knowledge that caused me to fail at meeting my own basic human needs.  It was a lack of self-loving, self-care practices that was my downfall.  It was my lack of knowledge about self-protection that truly opened my eyes.

    Imagine a person that is so open and willing to help others every second of everyday.  They are so willing that they do this subconsciously all day long, 365 days a year, over and over again.  And I mean in the moment and every moment.  It could be a text message, phone call, face to face conversation or care-giver relationship.  You name the situation and my body was ready to tackle it. And I had no idea it was happening for almost 38 years.  I was effortlessly absorbing feelings, thoughts, emotions, pain and experiences of those around me.   I absolutely mean absorb because that is what empaths do.    And that is exactly what I used to do every day.  I was completely oblivious and unaware it was happening.  I did it with patients, complete stranger, friends, family members, co-worker, etc. It didn’t matter who it was if they were in pain I was ready to fix them or give them a little relief.  The true awakening began when I noticed TV shows and movies triggered intense feelings.

    Hypersensitive people are extremely sensitive to the energetic vibrations, emotions, thoughts and feelings of others.  This weird phenomena can actually allow them to absorb the feelings, thoughts and emotions of others into their bodies.  I know it sounds crazy because until I experienced it for myself I thought it was a crazy too.  Then I started to feel intense emotions during movies and TV shows.  The most significant experiences I had were watching Game of Thrones or other violent shows.  And the most traumatic scenes in the first few episodes of Game of Thrones were the hardest for me to handle. I could feel the good, the bad and the ugly.  I could feel everything as if it was happening to me.  I could see the pain in Kalisi’s eyes as her new husband raped her.  I could feel her pain when her brother treated her like garbage.  It wasn’t always negative or bad.  I felt the good ones too.  I could feel her love transform into something new for her husband.  And when I say feel, I mean my heart would race, my blood would boil, the emotions would pop into my head and fill my entire body. I could feel her fear; her shame and it took a lot of work to be able to watch the few episodes that I did.  We tried to watch it years ago but it was too violent and at that point I hadn’t established a self-love routine.  This past year we tried to watch it again and every time those rough and tough emotions came up I practiced my own routine on the couch amidst the chaotic show.  Yep, I changed my breathing pattern, I chanted affirmations in my mind, I practiced my stretching and relaxation techniques to release those emotions that had entered me.  It was an exhausting process and eventually we stopped watching the show.  I truly thought it was an amazing show but it was a lot of work to stay relaxed and calm because I hadn’t learned how to protect myself yet.

    After this phenomena, I was more aware of feelings and emotions in my body.  I started to feel weird sensations in my body during conversations with friends, coworkers and family members.  I began experiencing pain in areas that had been pain free for years.  Random pains would emerge once again.  Sometimes the pain would vanish after some self-love routines and others would last for days or even weeks.  You see I still hadn’t learned a crucial element to prevent or limit this phenomenon.  And truly this little crucial element is beneficial to everyone not only empaths because it promotes your own resiliency by building your own inner strength.

    Have you ever had a conversation and suddenly your head hurts?  Or Your shoulders tense up?  or  You get a sharp pain in your stomach?  Once, I started to put things together and realize this was my reality I began to ask myself questions.  Why does my back hurt?  What is the message my body is sending?  Suddenly, I started to ask myself a lot of questions.  This little practice began several months ago.  I began to see patterns with friends, family and strangers.  I realized that many pains that arouse in my body were not mine: back pain, shoulder pain or headache.  I’m not sure if they experienced any relief but suddenly after the conversation ended, I had their pain too.  Some might say its psychological, you are imagining it but I wasn’t.  They didn’t tell me they were in pain, I wasn’t assessing them as a nurse does, yet boom it came.  Then later on in the day they would mention they had a headache or their right shoulder hurt and it confirmed what my intuition had already told me.  And when I say I had pain I mean it.  My muscles were tight and tender, I was less flexible.  My muscles would making popping and snapping noises and activities became harder to perform.   Let’s just say the things I had worked so hard to relieve started pilling back up again.  My arm pain or back pain would be debilitating once again.

    It would happen suddenly in the middle of a conversation, my neck suddenly tightened and tensed up causing a radiating pain.  Then I would take some time to meditate, breath and relax.  I would ask myself.  Is this my pain mine or someone else’s? Boom, a name would pop into my head.  Then I would think about the conversation and any visual cues I had received.  Maybe the person was rubbing their neck or told me they had a headache.  I usually didn’t know they were in pain during the conversation.  Mysteriously symptoms would arise all the time out of absolutely thin air.  It helped me understand a little more why working bedside in the Pediatric Emergency Room was so difficult for me.  Being such a loving person and trying to heal the pain of those beautiful little children had eventually taken a toll so huge that I had to leave them behind.   But I hadn’t figured this out until now.   And I left bedside nursing more than 9 years ago because I left when my oldest was little.  You see I have been taking care of myself for years already and my chronic pain is pretty much non-existent.  I literally had to give up bedside care because my body couldn’t take it and my doctor was worried I was going to die if it continued.  Fast forward to this year, I am aware that I can feel these intense emotions and am creating a routine to relax and calm but I’m still missing a key element protection.  I get flare ups here and there but the extent of my pain is never close to what it was 6 or 7 years ago.  Then I travel to Hawaii with my family.  People that I love more than anything in the world.  People that I would give my life for and obviously if I absorb the pain of strangers my body was open and ready to take on their pain too.  Traveling in a group is always stressful.  We all know that it’s hard to please everyone and I always try to please everyone.  So I did, I used my ho’oponopono and my self-loving practices blessing everyone in my family.  I blessed them all every single one of them all day long.  If there was a family argument I blessed them.  If the kids were fighting I blessed them.  If we couldn’t agree on a tour, I blessed them.  If we were in a car for a long time and tension was running high, I blessed them.  I thought I was helping myself in the process that the blessings would help me remain peaceful, calm and protected.  They helped me stay peaceful and calm but I definitely wasn’t protected.  Each day I was exhausted and drained.  I would fall asleep early and wake up exhausted.  I didn’t realize I was missing some crucial steps in my process until I returned from Hawaii and read a book that arrived as a gift from my Publisher. Ramses Rodriguez’s book “Stop Pressing Your Own Panic Button” opened my eyes to my gift.  It also brought to light a doctor that has my special gift.  She has dedicated her career to help people understand their gift and protect themselves. Dr. Judith Orloff wrote the “The Empath’s Survival Guide” really opened my eyes.  I began to listen to her book on audible and them progressed to purchasing her program for additional insight.  And suddenly it all made sense, the exhaustion and the desire to rush home early from Paradise.  By the end of my trip to Hawaii, I was exhausted, drained and overwhelmed.  The lack of protection for myself caused me to feel completely overwhelmed and snappy.  I was snapping at people, grumpy and making hasty decisions because I just couldn’t take any more stress.  I had spent the entire trip blessing everyone around me and had lost myself.  I had lost my happy, positive attitude and upbeat personality.  I was at complete exhaustion and the only thing I could think about was getting home.  I still oblivious of my true gifts and the impact it was having on my own health.  I hadn’t developed a protection routine for myself because I didn’t know I needed one.  I was still taking on the emotions, thoughts, pains and energies of everyone around me even though I didn’t want to. And thus my Empath awakening happened. It has been a few weeks since we returned from that spectacular trip that enlightened me to the true powers of my gifts.  It also helped me realize the importance of creating a routine for myself that truly gave me resilience and happiness.  The funny thing I learned along the way is these little routines that I have are not only beneficial to me but everyone around me.  This week a course came into my email at Baptist called “Highly Resilient Nurses” that cemented this little fact in my mind.  The course spoke of some of the practices I have developed for myself over the past few years.  My practice is still significantly different than anything I have encountered out in the world.  But I realize now that I am on the right path and that Hawaii was the trip that brought my true awakening to light.  After all we all need to fall to stand up again.  We all need to crawl to walk.  We all need to hurt to heal.  So now it’s time to write the Transformation book I was born to write.


    So Here is a little gift.  I created it for all those empath’s out there.  Those Special people like me that feel more than the rest.  Those people that have a unique gift and were born to help the world around them.  And maybe even live in the health care world like I do.  Take time for yourself to listen and relax before you begin your day.  Create a sense of protection for yourself every morning.  This practice of self-love will make your day Fabulous.  Blessings and Joy to all of you. Click the image below to list to the Meditation.

    Morning Meditation
    Empathic Awakening
    Categories Advice, Biohacking, Chronic Pain, Diet, fatigue, flare up, food allergies, food sensitivities, Health, hope, Inflammation, motivation, pain, Physical Pain

    Invisible Illness

    The unknown truth about invisible illness is that people live with it everyday and those around them usually have no idea. You might see a girl with a big smile going about her day hiding the pain she is experiencing. Only those close to them truly know and understand their pain. Even loved ones have trouble understanding their pain. There are many conditions that fall into this category and ehlers-danlos syndrome is one of them. This is the syndrome that I have lived with for years and never truly understood until a few years ago when I went to see a geneticist. Some of the symptoms of this syndrome are chronic pain, chronic fatigue, digestive issues, frequent infections and skin problems. I was the poster child for this condition. I had every possible symptom except a heart condition. Thankfully that was the one thing I didn’t manifest even-though I did need to see a cardiologist because I had frequent fainting episodes. The day I decided to see a geneticist I knew that this expansive list of symptoms had to be related somehow and I was right. The sad truth is there is no cure or treatment for it. The most you could do is use natural alternatives, exercise, diet modifications and prescriptions to help control symptoms. I was sick of using prescriptions and had already started incorporating diet changes and natural alternatives to help me feel better. I had reached a point in my life that covering up one symptom with a prescription that caused another problem was not an option. I wanted to get rid of all the prescriptions and I was well underway by the time I saw the geneticist. She told me everything I was doing was perfect. She said to continue my diet and fitness routine, use methods of stress relief and stay hydrated. At this point I was far from healthy but my body was slowly improving day by day. I had lived with pain to the right side of my body for almost 20 years. I remember feeling excruciating pain on my right arm beginning in 8th grade. The pain and symptoms worsened into adulthood. By the time I was 30 my right arm was always numb and in severe pain. By the time I was 35 my right leg was also affected and became numb as well. Any episodes of less physical activity or fitness routine would make all the pain and numbness worse. So I focused on staying active and eating what I thought was right. I was far from truly understanding my body and the foods that were harmful but I had already identified gluten and corn as huge culprits. By the age of 39, I had undergone a bunch of surgeries and I knew that more were eminent if I didn’t find a way to heal my body. Then one day my friend Daisy, who has Multiple Sclerosis another invisible illness came back into my life. She was experiencing some of the same symptoms and had found some relief in recent years. She spoke to me about nutrigenomics and using nutrient rich supplements to impact inflammation in the body. I was absolutely intrigued but I had to research it for myself. I took several months to research oxidative stress and nutrigenomics to see if it was my answer. I also had to research the ingredients to make sure I could take it. You see with all my food sensitivities, I had to be certain before I took the leap. Then one day, I jumped. I was pleasantly surprised that my energy was improving within the first few weeks. My pain pleasantly was down to 5/10 from 8/10 within a few months. After 4 months my numbness was gone and my pain was under control. I started to truly understand my body and the right fitness routine for me. This state of less pain also helped me identify more foods that caused symptoms to arise. I had flare ups and injuries at times but nothing compared to the life of severe pain I used to live. I was finally happy in my own skin and able to enjoy the world. I no longer had to hide behind a fake smile. I had a beautiful real smile that light up the room. I started to spread my story to the world. I am here to tell you invisible illness is real. You can never truly understand it unless you live it. People that live it need compassion and support. If you know someone with an invisible illness, I urge you to share my story with them. A story of hope is always a great thing to share. It is nice to know that you aren’t alone in the world. It is nice to know someone is here to support you if you choose to change your life. I fought back and won. It is a lifelong battle but I am here to support anyone through it with love and guidance.

    Categories Antioxidants, Anxiety, autoimmune, Biohacking, Chronic Pain, Developmental Delays, Emotional pain, fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Fitness, flare up, flexibility, food allergies, food sensitivities, Health, Inflammation, libido, orgasm, pain, Physical Pain, Sexual life

    Biohack Your Future

    Biohacking is the future of healthcare.  Health and wellness is evolving rapidly with a new focus on health prevention and health promotion.  Biohacking incorporates nutrition, fitness and lifestyle modifications to impact quality of life and promote wellness.  Biohacking has become a unique experience as each individual tweaks their lifestyle to develop routines that enhance their own unique bodies.  There is a simple step to make the most intense impact on your genetics using nutrient-rich substances but most people have never even heard of it, much less understand the potential impact it has on their health.  The remarkable phenomenon is nutrigenomics which brings high quality nutrient-rich supplements to the table.  The fact is that not all supplements are created equal.  Many supplements actually cause more damage creating an over flow of nutrients that are harmful to the body.  The biohacking revolution is evolving exponentially with nutrigenomics.  Nutrigenomics provides people with a unique wellness experience.   Nutrigenomics uses naturally occurring phytonutrients, coenzymes and antioxidants to activate pathways in the body that impact genetics.  Nutrigenomics enables the body to create its own antioxidant enzymes to impact stress in every cell of the body.  This enables the body to rejuvenate and repair itself at remarkable rate.   It is so simple and effective that many people feel its like the fountain of youth.  Nutrigenomics continues to evolve and adapt to enhance the biohacking experience enabling biohackers like myself to become the best version of themselves.  It provides vital nutrients to enhance the entire body including internal organs, skin and cells.  There is no other pathway more powerful at anti-aging as the Nrf2 pathway.  Activating this pathway reduces oxidative stress which is the cause of more than 200 diseases.  Oxidative Stress is recognized in the scientific community as the leading cause of disease and aging.  There are more than 93,000 published studies on oxidative stress published in the National Institute of Health Library.  If you are in the medical field, you know the NIH is the library of choice, it is where you want your research article to live.  The fact that oxidative stress is the leading cause of aging is huge.  Let’s make it simple for anyone to understand.  I was 30 years old and felt like a 60 year old.  The stress and tension had accumulated due to poor diet, stress and anxiety creating disease in my body.  My bad genes turned on like a fire, every breathe I took made it worse until I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.  

    The good genes of energy, vitality and vigor were shut OFF permanently.  Well I used to think it was permanent but it turned out my answer was biohacking.  Let me explain the pain a little further.  Due to the build up of toxins, allergens and free radicals my body was breaking down cell by cell since childhood.  The junk food I ate was filled with additives and toxins that created an exponential impact on my physical body.  I began with fatigue, migraines and pain in my right shoulder.  As the years passed my pains expanded and radiated down the right side of my body.  Eventually my entire right side was numb and tingly.  Now, let me get really simple, imagine a piece of clay that you lay to dry.  The clay shrinks and becomes dry and brittle.  Eventually it loses all its moisture until it cracks and breaks into infinite pieces.  That is what was happening in my body, all my muscles were shrinking and tightening.  The stress and tension was building leading me to illness and eventual death.  Yes, I said it, death.  The fact is if you don’t target the rusting of your body, now, death is the end result.

    Fast forward to March of 2018 when everything began to change.  I took a leap, for my health and my family.  My children deserved to have a healthy mom that could love and nurture them.  I deserved to put myself first.  I deserved to advocate for myself and treat myself right, literally.  So, I did, I started to incorporate holistic treatments and nutrigenomics to improve my quality of life.  I was looking to improve all my symptoms of disease and illness but I experienced exponential health benefits from biohacking.  The first thing to return was my energy, I finally didn’t feel exhausted morning, noon and night.  Next, my pain started to dwindle day by day until is disappeared.  Then my numbness and tingling faded away to an oblivion.  I though that my dreams had come true and my prayers were finally answered but the benefits didn’t stop there.  My anxiety also faded away and became less influential in my daily experiences.  The most beneficial and rewarding benefit took me and everyone around me by surprise.  The valuable gift emerged and continues to evolve month by month.  So, what is this gift? I bet you want to know.  Well, its libido and the gift of orgazmik yoga.  It is an intense connection with myself mind, body and soul.  It is a benefit that I never expected but definitely appreciate, every day.  It unveiled a magical experience that continues to evolve into new orgazmik experiences.  This never would have been possible without nutrigenomics, holistic treatments, fitness and nutrition.  My physical stress and inflammation was reduced to a manageable level where holistic treatments, massage and yoga were more effective and sustainable.  My treatments were all more effective (massages, chiropractic care and holistic treatments).  These treatments lasted for longer periods of time with less relapses of pain.  Then I began to learn my body, muscle by muscle, creating a deep emotional and physical connection.  This intense connection can be replicated and duplicated for women that can tap into themselves: mind, body and soul.   If you want to know more about this orgazmik yoga, stay tuned.   Your medical history doesn’t have to be your fate.  Biohacking is the answer.  Nutrigenomics is the tool.  And coaching is the trick that guides you through your health transformation and wellness.  Let me help you pop the bubble of symptoms, disease and illness.  Let’s start your journey together.

    Categories Chronic Pain, Diet, fatigue, Health, pain, Physical Pain

    Chronic Fatigue

    I remember so vividly the day I decided to take my health into my own hands.  I had just arrived home from a long day at work with the kids.  My husband was away on a business trip and all the responsibility was in my hands.  I was absolutely exhausted, my head was pounding and my body pains were intense.   Moving was impossible because nausea and dizziness accompanied my headache.  I had a debilitating migraine, chronic fatigue and chronic pain.  I felt like I had been hit by a truck.  It was going to be another afternoon where I just laid on the couch unable to do anything.  My children needed me and I wasn’t able to move.  My oldest Gabriel was around 5 and Lucas was 2.  Gabriel spent the afternoon caring for me and his little brother.  I needed time to rest for the stress and symptoms to diminish.  I needed time for my  migraine prescription to take effect.  Gabriel brought me whatever I needed and watched his brother.  He played with him and changed the TV channels to keep him entertained.  They both were so well behaved and worried about me that it was heart breaking.  Lucas came to hug and kiss me periodically and try to get my attention.  It took some time for my migraine pill to take effect and looking at their sweet little faces broke my heart.  I was laying on that couch close to 2 hours.  Eventually, I had to get up and prepare dinner, even-though I was still excruciatingly exhausted.  I managed to feed and bathe them pushing through my exhaustion.  On these extra exhausting days, I would fall asleep with the kids right after dinner.  There was no watching TV or alone time, I was just too drained to stay awake any longer.  As soon as the clothes was prepared for the next day, I would pass out.

    I knew that feeling this exhausted and drained everyday was not normal.  The problem was my doctors didn’t always understand or believe it.  They often told me its normal, you are a young mom with a career, it comes with the territory.  They said its normal for you to feel tired and drained.  But they just didn’t grasp the true extent of my extreme exhaustion.   I was exhausted every day all day long and there is no way that is normal.  It didn’t matter if I had slept 7, 8, 9, or 10 hours, I woke up exhausted and spent the day exhausted.  This type of extreme fatigue is nothing like being tired because the baby didn’t let you sleep.  This was beyond sleepless night and new mom exhaustion.  This was beyond fatigue from raising an infant.  This was something much more profound and I was determined to figure it out.  I knew that all my health issues and symptoms were related.  I knew that I had to find an answer.  I knew that I had to advocate for my health.  I knew that I wanted my body back.

    What I didn’t know, was that it was going to take me many years of specialists, prescriptions and health struggles to get my answer.  I went to countless doctors ranging from primary care, gastroenterologist, psychologists, pain specialists, neurologists, orthopedists, rheumatologists and geneticists.  I am sure there are more specialists that I missed but the point is after endless years and tons of money on prescriptions and doctor visits, I was still sick.  Eventually, I became “Sick and tired of being Sick and Tired.”  I knew I wanted to be there for my children, enjoy time with them, teach them, play with them and be a fabulous mom.  But the fact was to accomplish that I had to change my health fast because they were growing quickly and I wasn’t getting any better.  The problem was I needed to put myself first to accomplish my goals and I had always put everyone else first.  If I wasn’t a healthy mom then I couldn’t care for my children the way they deserved.  I had spent years focusing on everyone else, my patients, my students, my coworkers, my children, my husband and my family.  This vicious cycle of caring for everyone but myself was ready to spiral if I didn’t take action.  I had hit rock bottom and I needed to climb out of the hole.   It was me now or death.  Sounds strong but true, if health continues to fail, symptoms and prescriptions multiply, then death is eminent.

    In 2013, I finally took the leap.  I decided that I needed to be my priority.  I changed my diet by removing foods that were harmful to my body.  I started seeing a homeopathic physician and undergoing IV vitamin infusions, immunoglobulin and treatments.  I also started incorporating fitness into my weekly routine.  I was still fatigued most of the time but my energy levels were starting to change.  I noticed I wasn’t exhausted the entire day.  I slowly felt like my body was coming back.  Of course, the treatments became very expensive and I had to stop.  I continued the diet, supplements and fitness regimen.  I made sure that I had some alone time to relax periodically but my body was still in pain, exhausted and filled with other symptoms.  I spent years trying to wean of prescriptions and tackle things with OTC supplements. I researched and made my own OTC regimen but they really were not working.

    I knew that there had to be a better way.  But I just hadn’t figured it out yet.  I knew my body was missing nutrients to enhance my health.  Thankfully, I had a friend that was about to share a revolutionary new concept with me and I was open to learn more.  She told me about her Multiple Sclerosis and the supplement she was taking.  She shared a video that would change my future.  It took me 5 months of research to finally take the leap but I did.  I am thankful everyday for her and finding my way to nutrigenomics.  Nutrigenomics is the science of using nutrient-rich compounds to impact your genetic expressions.  This revolutionary supplement activates a pathway in the body that enable your body to produce its own enzymes to activate your good genes.  It removes toxins, fight free radical damage and supports the body for the daily assault of oxidative stress.  The research showed me that oxidative stress was the leading cause of disease and illness.  It impacts more than 200 diseases and is published in PubMed.  I realized pretty quickly that Nrf2 activation was a good step for me to take.  So, I started and was amazed.  A week after starting Nrf2 and Nrf1 my energy levels were increasing, I was sleeping better and less achy.  I knew it would take time to reverse the damage my body had undergone over these 39+ years, so I was patient.  After 1 month, my energy and sleep continued to improve.  Like anyone, stressful nights with less sleep would make me tired, but I wasn’t exhausted all day long anymore.  Month by month my symptoms kept getting better.  I knew after 3 months, nutrigenomics was going to be a staple in my life.  My health journey, was far from over and healing was still progressing but I was finally on the right path.  Over the next year, I realized autoimmune disease and chronic illness is a lifelong battle.  I learned that tweaking and adjusting diet routines, exercise, yoga, medication and my supplements were essential.  I learned to deal with flare ups and create a plan that worked for me.  I am thankful that I achieved my goals, I reduced my fatigue and pain successfully. It is essential to advocate for your health and remember your health needs to be a priority everyday.  It is also important to find resources and holistic health treatments that enhance your healing throughout your journey.  I still remember the exhausted mom with excruciating pain but I am thankful I don’t have to live that way anymore.  Now, I live my life helping others find their own health and stop the constant struggle.

    Categories ADHD, Antioxidants, Autism, autoimmune, autoimmune crisis, Biohacking, brain disorders, Developmental Delays, epilepsy, fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Health

    Food Sensitivities and Nutrition

    Food sensitivities and food allergies are a growing problem. These food sensitivities are impacting the brains of children and adults. Research shows the most common food sensitivities are: gluten, dairy, corn, sugar and artificial sweeteners. These foods are negatively impacting brain health everywhere.

    The Center for Celiac Research conducted a study of gluten allergies because they had noticed a critical increase of patients with a variety of symptoms that increased significantly over time. These patients exhibited symptoms of Celiac Disease but testing continued to be negative. These patients continued to return with the same symptoms. Many patients began gluten-free diets and their symptoms improved. They reached the conclusion that though this group of people did not have celiac disease, their symptoms were related to the disease (Fasano 2012).
    The researchers discovered that one of the culprits for this phenomenon was related to agricultural changes in wheat. Centuries ago gluten grains did not exist. Wheat, triticale, rye and barley are new grains that have been introduced to our modern diet. Our bodies have not evolved in order to digest them properly. In recent years the protein content in modern wheat has increased significantly and 14% of dry wheat is gluten. This amount of gluten is high. This phenomenon is happening because more gluten gives food desirable characteristics that look appetizing and delicious (Fasano 2012).
    There is a significant connection between brain function and gluten. People with gluten sensitivity exhibit symptoms of gas, bloating, pain, constipation and diarrhea. The interesting fact is that the brain could be impacted at a molecular level even with out any digestive symptoms (Perlmutter 2013). Degenerative brain disorders are linked to inflammation and oxidative stress. In recent years, they have discovered the exact triggers of this inflammation. The research shows that high carbohydrate diet and gluten stimulate the inflammatory pathways that reaches the brain (Perlmutter 2013). Gluten sensitivity is caused by elevated levels of antibodies against a protein found in gluten. The protein known as gliadin combined with the antibody anti-gliadin when people eat food containing gluten.  As a result of this reaction, specific genes are turned on. These genes then cause inflammatory chemicals are created called cytokines.  Cytokines directly cause damage and impact brain function. The brain does not like inflammation thus, it responds negatively to cytokines. This phenomenon of turning on genes that negatively impact brain health and function (Perlmutter 2011).  This connection between gluten sensitivity and the brain has been studied for the past decade.
    According to Dr. Maios Hadjivassiliou of the United Kingdom, a recognized world authority on gluten sensitivity: “gluten sensitivity can be primarily and at times, exclusively a neurological disease.”  People can manifest gluten sensitivity by having issues with brain function without any gastrointestinal symptoms at all. Dr. Hadjivassiliou indicates that the antibodies that a person has when they are gluten sensitive can be directlyand uniquely toxic to the brain (1996).  Since his original investigations in 1996, there has been an explosion of scientific papers describing this relationship between gluten sensitivity and brain disorders.  Researchers in Israel have noted neurological problems in 51% of children with gluten sensitivity. They also describe a link between gluten sensitivity and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).  As authors in a recent issue of the journal, Pediatrics, stated in their research, “This study suggests that the variability of neurologic disorders that occur in celiac disease is broader than previously reported and includes softer and more common neurologic disorders including chronic headache, developmental delay, hypotonia and learning disorders or ADHD”(Pediatrics 2004).
    These research findings pose an interesting problem in a society bombarded by processed foods and gluten filled products.  There is a significant need for education and advocacy throughout the community.  The key to health prevention and wellness is knowledge.  Knowledge gives people to power to make decisions that can improve their health and wellness.   The incidence of health issues, developmental delays, Autism and a multitude of diseases continues to multiply every day.  The most interesting part of this phenomenon for me, is that Maria found it through research and I found it through my own health crisis.  This phenomenon impacted my health from the beginning of my life until my adult autoimmune crisis.  The significance of my food allergies and sensitivities as a child was never really addressed.  I continued to live a life eating foods filled with corn, diary, sugar, gluten and artificial ingredients.   As a child, my symptoms were abdominal pain, constipation, anxiety, fatigue, attention issues and learning disability.  As a teen, my symptoms were migraines, IBS, constipation, abdominal pain, severe cramps, anxiety, brain fog, fatigue and attention issues.  These symptoms multiplied and worsened into adulthood until my eventual autoimmune crisis.  Thus, research and my own experiences, truly show the significant impact a relationship between autoimmune conditions and gluten sensitivity.  The impact of gluten sensitivity on our brains and bodies is significant.  The phenomenon should not be taken lightheartedly, knowledge is power, take action and advocate for your health.  Schedule a Free Consultation to learn how to fight back. Click the Brain and watch the Presentation, Today.
    Categories Antioxidants, Anxiety, depression, Detox, Diet, fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Fitness, Health

    Case Study: Fibromyalgia

    Case Study: Fibromyalgia

    Author: Diane Vich

    Key words: Chronic Pain, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Depression, Anxiety


    Betty Boop has suffered from chronic pain since childhood.  She developed juvenile arthritis at a very young age.  She was lonely as a child and enjoyed spending time with adults because there were no other kids around.  She was very creative and adventurous by creating her own friend that took adventures with her.  She remembered naps part of her regular routine for her since childhood.  Her mom was not very nurturing or kind, likely because she was suffering from the same ailments as her daughter.  This made Betty sad and often spent time alone.  Betty learned to cook as a child with her grandmother and loved food.  She grew to be an adult with chronic pain, anxiety, depression and arthritis.  Her favorite past time was cooking meals for her family, sleep, family time and painting.  She progressed in her illness to a point that the pain was unbearable and impacting her daily life.  She was extremely tired every day and could sleep most of the day.  She had trouble walking around alone.  She often fell and was not able to stand up alone.  Her chronic body pain was intense and numbness was developing in her hands and feet.  She could no longer deal with the pain and symptoms.  She had gone to countless Specialists and Doctors without any relief.  She finally decided, it was time for Holistic treatments and diet changes.  She remembered her grandmother used to use natural remedies to help her as a child.  It couldn’t hurt to try something new.  Western medicine had definitely failed her, it was time to find HOPE, somewhere…

    Case Presentation

    Betty suffers from a variety of medical conditions. She takes medications for cholesterol, depression, nerve-damage, thyroid, blood pressure and pain.  She has pain every day in her back, legs, arms, hands and feet.  She often gets treatments like injections and nerve blocks to help with the pain.  She is progressively losing her balance and stability.  She had difficulty walking and going up the steps.   The bones of her knees are severely damaged and need repair in the future.  She want to regain her strength, lose weight, energy and regain her life.  It is important for her to be able to spend time with the family and participate in activities. Her pain in 10/10.  Her muscles are in spasm with bursitis and tender areas throughout her body.  She had also gained 50 pounds over the last 6 months which has made everything worse.


    • Juvenile arthritis is caused by oxidative stress. The symptoms are pain, swelling, limping, joint stiffness, fatigue and irritability.  Which progress rapidly through life and.
    • Chronic Pain is caused by inflammation of the tissue causing tenderness and discomfort. In people with chronic pain the pain accumulates over time and the level of pain gets worse.
    • Fibromyalgia is chronic pain and chronic fatigue among other symptoms.  It involves inflammation and pain throughout the body.
    • Depression and Anxiety caused by oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, impacting the neurotransmitters and enzymes that support mood.


    • Physician to wean her of Rx medications as symptoms after 3 month detox
    • Supplementation/Dosage: (1) Nrf1, (2) Nrf2, (3) Omega, (1) vitamin D, (1) B vitamins and (3) Probiotic. Essential oils for chronic pain, mood and anxiety.
    • Diet: High in low sugar fruits, gluten free, high in green vegetables, beans, organ meats, bison, fish, shrimp, eggs and turkey (rare carbohydrate like cereal, cakes and dessert).  No sugar or iodized salt.  No inflammatory vegetables or fruits.  No precessed foods.  Sea salt and spices to taste.
    • Coaching: 3 months of coaching recommended
    • Motivational Statement: I am willing to change and grow. I am creating a safe and new future for me.


    A multitude of diseases (200+) are linked to oxidative stress and inflammation.  Oxidative stress is an imbalance between antioxidants and Free radicals.  Patients with chronic pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, depression and anxiety have high levels of free radicals in the body.  They cause damage to the body on a daily basis.  The body has poor capability of creating antioxidants like glutathione, catalase and SOD.  These antioxidants are the only way to fight free radicals, so as they decline illness, disease and decline progressively continues through life.


    1 month: Betty reports she has more energy. Is able to stay awake longer and not require a nap in the afternoon.  Her movement is a little better. Pain 7/10  She is happy with the progress but a little bored of the diet. She had lost 8 pounds.

    • Coaching Session: Betty realized that her health goal was to reduce her pain and mobility.  This will improve her ability to be with the family and enjoy playtime with her grandkids.  This was desperately important to her because she missed teaching and loved being around children.  All of these things were important to her because they made her happy and she wanted to enjoy her life.  She decided the diet was an important part of her healing and she needed to stick to it.

    3 months: Betty made a few diet mistakes but was able to stick to it most of the time. She noticed she felt worse after eating processed foods and gluten products.  She needed several coaching sessions to learn how to deal with her pain flare ups. She incorporate the essential oils, stretching routine and treatments.  She was happy the coach was available during her first pain crisis to give her strategies to help with the symptoms.  The coaching made her much more confident about her symptoms and ways to relieve them.  She had lost 20 pounds.

    • Coaching Session 1: Betty realized that her pain was worse and she had a headache. Her pain was 8/10.  She called the coach for a face to face coaching session.  The coach was able to teach her strategies to target her muscles to promote relaxation and pain relief. She taught her strategies for each of her pain areas, incorporating essential oils and the pain was relieved by the end of the session. She instructed her to continue using the treatments, oils and stretches daily for 3 more days.  Before the session ended the coach reviewed Betty’s health goal: to reduce her pain and mobility.  Betty felt confident and happy at the end of the session.   She knew that the coach was there to help her.  She knew the treatments were helping and she really needed to stick to the diet this time.  She realized she needed to stick to the treatments, supplements and diet for this to work.  She was motivated and ready.
    • Coaching Session 2: Betty successfully incorporated all the strategies for the last month of her treatment and finally felt better.  She realized it was good to incorporate the essential oils and treatments to help her with her symptoms.  The support really helped her through the month.  Her pain and numbness had improved. Pain 5/10 but relieved with treatments or exercise.  She was highly motivated and eager to keep this healing process. She wanted to reduce her pain and improve her mobility further.  She was dedicated to continuing this coaching for another 6 months to see the possibilities.  She finally felt hope that she was going to be able to enjoy life again.

    6 months: (After 6 months of coaching)

    • Coaching Session 3: Betty successfully incorporated all the strategies for the 6 months of her treatment.  She felt energized, free of pain and happy.  She was able to participate in yoga and exercise regularly.  She was painting again and spending time playing with the grandchildren.  Her pain was 3/10 daily, relieved by her treatment regimen and essential oils.  She used her oils daily and loved the benefits she experiences.   She was finally able to enjoy life again.  She was ready to take on new adventures and help her friends regain their lives again too.  She had also stopped a bunch of her medications with her Physician.  She only was taking her thyroid medication.  She lost a total of 48 pounds.

    Book an Appointment


    Categories accomplishment, Advice, fatigue, flexibility, freedom, hope, motivation, pain

    Clean Slate

    What is a clean slate? It’s is a fresh start to finding your younger self. It’s trapped inside you waiting to emerge again. My health crisis has me feeling exhausted, fatigued and filled with pain. Through holistic healing I found so many possibilities. These are all new feeling and accomplishments for me:

    • The love for nature and appreciation of the little moments with family.
    • The drive and motivation to accomplish more and maintain health.
    • The knowledge that you deserve to care for your health too.
    • The feeling of accomplishment and happiness after a long stress filled day.
    • The ability to care for everyone you love and yourself at the same time.
    • Accomplishing your hope for a better way to feel and live.
    • Energy and motivation to jump out of bed and seize the day.
    • The freedom of pain to accomplish fitness in ways you never thought was possible.
    • Flexibility to improve the circulation of your entire body.
    • Savoring the healthy nutrient-rich foods you eat while your body reaps the benefits.
    • The relief that your children don’t have to worry about you being sick or caring for you through a health crisis.
    • Love for life and enjoying the beauty around you
    • Reconnecting with your loved one and igniting the fire for passion.

    These are only a few of the changes I made when I took a leap for a Clean Slate. The possibilities are endless. You can achieve more than you think. Let me help you BELIEVE!

    Categories Advice, Antioxidants, Diet, Elimination Diet, fatigue, flare up, pain

    I have Fibromyalgia. It doesn’t have me.

    I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia many years ago. Doctors tried a multitude of medications and injections. Nothing helped with the pain. I suffered from chronic pain and fatigue my entire life. Over the years, I have adapted my diet by identifying food triggers. I use my elimination diet and flare up diet to control my symptoms. I eliminated many foods that caused symptoms several years ago, like diary, gluten, sugar and processed foods. My symptoms continued even though they slightly improved. In 2017, everything changed for the better. I started taking little yellow pill after my friend showed me the ABC Primetime news report. I can’t claim that this is a cure, treat, mitigate or prevent disease but I can tell you the root cause of disease is oxidative stress.  I researched and saw the published studies on this natural supplement and finally had hope again.  I knew that the damage my body had experienced over the years due to my poor diet was going to take time to heal.  I was patient taking it daily and slowly the pain and fatigue started to improve.  The first thing I noticed was I woke up with energy ready to start my day.  I used to drag all day long feeling exhausted and coffee didn’t help.  Now, I woke up and felt rested.  Then as the months past my tight muscles started to relax and my pain practically disappeared.  Unbelievable right?  Wrong, it is totally true, I used to live with pain 7/10 or 8/10 daily.  After 3 months it was controlled at 3/10 but I still had some neuropathy on the right side of my body.  Basically my right arm and leg were numb.  On the 4th month something miraculous happened, the pain and neuropathy subsided.  At this point, I new I had to share with my mom.  My mom has the same medical history and symptoms as me, so I knew it would help her.   She felt much better too after 4 months on the product. We both switched to the Vitality stack when it came out in October to incorporate omega+ and Probio into the daily routine.  I still had some flare ups related to my diet and eventually increased Protandim Nrf2 to twice a day.  My condition tends to trap lymphatic fluid on the right side of my body, which worsens with diet triggers and repetitive movements.  Twice a day Protandim and Vitality Stack did the trick.  At this point, i decided to focus on diet and learn my body more.  I developed personalized stretching and relaxation techniques.  I also focused on zoning in on diet changed to identify triggers.  Still to this day, I find foods that trigger symptoms but the constant unbearable pain is gone.  I also have energy and happiness every day.  A recent food trigger was white jasmine rice, I usually don’t eat rice in the evening and if I do I hadn’t noticed this symptom.  I ate rice and beans for lunch and 30 minutes later, I felt really sleepy and started yawning.  That was when I realized it was the rice.  It happened again today after eating snap pea chips which have rice inside them.  It is not extreme tiredness like before but I know that if I accumulate these types of food in my system everything gets worse.  Food triggers and diet modifications help me control my symptoms and maintain my energy level.  Are you suffering from pain or fatigue?  Diet is a good place to start.  Though it did not resolve all my issues it definitely helps keep me in check.  Another important thing to remember with Fibromyalgia is movement makes a body good.  If you stay in one spot, sleeping or resting too long, pain with come.  You need to keep active, exercise and stretch.  The tissues actually get backed up with fluids and pain increases.  I know how bad this can be.  Every time I have had surgery, which is a lot, bed rest made my pain worse.  You begin aching in places you never ached before.  I can help you develop stretching and relaxation techniques, elimination diet and more, just ask and you shall receive.  Any questions?