Category Archives: food allergies

    Categories autoimmune, autoimmune crisis, Chronic Pain, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, food allergies, food sensitivities, hope, Inflammation, insomnia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    I am Grateful for My Pain

    Yep I am absolutely grateful for all my debilitating pain.  I am grateful for my EDS III.  I know it sounds completely strange that I am grateful for my genetic debilitating condition.  But the fact is that if I wouldn’t have been plagued with pain, symptoms and illness I wouldn’t have Published a book.  I am truly grateful for the years of pain, numbness and discomfort my condition gave me because it awakened me to the possibilities of a life without pain.  If I wouldn’t have lived most of my life in excruciating pain than I wouldn’t understand the gift of wellness I achieved.  So let me explain my pain a little better for you to understand the extent of my transformation.

    I began with symptoms in childhood with anxiety and digestive issues.  I don’t remember if I had physical pain at the time but I probably did.  I do remember I always had a Band-Aid or injury on the mend.  I did have a lot of infections, allergies, urinary tract infections and skin conditions.

    Fast forward to 8th grade, I already had pain in my neck and right arm.  The digestive issues were worse and feminine issues emerged. I began having frequent vaginal infections and chronic menstrual cramps.  The feminine issues progressively worsened because of my allergies to ingredients in feminine products but I had no idea.

    Fast forward to adult life, I spent countless hours at doctors’ offices and specialists because all the symptoms were overwhelming.  I was on tons of prescriptions and antibiotics regularly.  My debilitating symptoms progressed to the point where my right arm and right leg were completely numb.  My pain level was 9/10 constantly and needed modifications at work through ergonomics assessments.

    The conditions worsened with stress and during my nursing career disability emerged. II had a special chair which had neck, lumbar and butt support. And this chair took years to find after many alternatives didn’t work.  My arm was in so much pain that during my MSN education I had to get transcription to software o write my papers and assignments. I had a multitude of symptoms at this point in my life: reflux, IBS, bloating, injuries, skin infections, UTIs, vaginal infections, chronic pain, migraines and fatigue.  Wow I know that is a lot for anyone to handle.  It was a tough life but it made me the woman I am today.

    I am grateful and thankful for all those symptoms because they created an awareness inside me to change.  If I wouldn’t have been at rock bottom and filled with symptoms I wouldn’t have fought for a better life.  If I wouldn’t have known the truth about pain I wouldn’t have known there was a better way of life.  My awareness of discomfort pushed me into action.

    And those two beautiful gifts are part of what I teach today in my book, “The Truth about IBS and Anxiety.”

    The book is more than a triumph over digestive issues, bloating and anxiety.  It is a triumph over autoimmune disease, Fibromyalgia, insomnia, POTS, EDS III, Reflux, and Anxiety.

    My path to understanding my body came from a place of pain but it brought me to a deep sense of relief.

    So here I am almost 43 years old and in the best shape of my life.  I am more active now than I ever was in my teens and young adult life.  I have more energy, strength and vitality than I ever dreamed.  But if I wouldn’t have come from such a dark and lonely place I wouldn’t have achieved it.  And that is why, I created a Podcast, “Goddess Unleashed’ because I truly believe “Your Medical History doesn’t have to be Your Fate.”  If I could overcome a genetic condition that progressively debilitates you into a life of surgeries, physical therapy and immobility; than you can overcome your own genetic predisposition.

    The day I was diagnosed was an eye opening experience because the doctor praised me for everything I was doing to support myself.  And this came at a time when I was still plagued by pain.  And because I came from such a dark place I truly see, feel and experience the gifts I have been given.  I am truly grateful and thankful for my new life without pain and symptoms.  I am thankful that I don’t need prescriptions, surgeries and conventional treatments.  And that unique perspective is what I share on my podcast to bridge the gap between Conventional and Alternative Medicine on a path towards disease prevention and health promotion.  If you are looking for a way out of your debilitating symptoms, indigestion or anxiety than schedule your Free Discover Call.  You have nothing to lose because you are already plagued by symptoms.  But you have everything to gain if and when you achieve your own unique wellness. Click this link for a Free Discover Call.

    Email me for a FREE Copy of the book at

    “The Truth about IBS and Anxiety” formerly titled the IBS Cure Eliminate Bloat. It will be ready in a few weeks.

    Categories Diet, Elimination Diet, flare up, food allergies, food sensitivities, Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    IBS Flare ups

    IBS can be triggeres by stress, anxiety and food sensitivity. My flare up this week is one in a trail of many. I have had issues since Valentine’s day. Learning your body and understanding the impact stress and food plays on your digestion is important. My body is calling for a cleanse. I have been having pain on the right side under my rib for weeks sporadicly. I don’t have a gallbladder which the typical reason for this pain. My chronic digestive issues helped me learn exactly what I need to do to change the game. I am ready for a full dietary cleanse to detox my liver. I know with my history cleansing helps detox the body, remove stones, sludge and inflammation in the liver ducts. Trust me I don’t love cleansing. But feeling better is always my priority. I am currently on the oatmeal diet with Kombucha. It’s the only thing that I tolerate when my stomach looks like I’m 6 months pregnant. This phase lasts a few days. Then I move onto vegan diet for the rest of the week. The final part is a liquid diet and epson salt cleanse. That is the hardest part. But you feel fabulous after. I know that my body is changing and new foods are becoming a problem. Steak is not my friend anymore. I wake up with sharp pains after I eat red meat. This cleanse will help me eliminate toxins and begin introducing foods back into my routine. The process is slow but critical to identify food sensitivities. This will help me identify other vegetables, fruits and proteins that cause symptoms. I’m on a journey to heal my body and it takes time to reverse the damage that occurs over our lifetime. Knowledge is power and learning your body is crucial to wellness.

    Categories Advice, Biohacking, Chronic Pain, Diet, fatigue, flare up, food allergies, food sensitivities, Health, hope, Inflammation, motivation, pain, Physical Pain

    Invisible Illness

    The unknown truth about invisible illness is that people live with it everyday and those around them usually have no idea. You might see a girl with a big smile going about her day hiding the pain she is experiencing. Only those close to them truly know and understand their pain. Even loved ones have trouble understanding their pain. There are many conditions that fall into this category and ehlers-danlos syndrome is one of them. This is the syndrome that I have lived with for years and never truly understood until a few years ago when I went to see a geneticist. Some of the symptoms of this syndrome are chronic pain, chronic fatigue, digestive issues, frequent infections and skin problems. I was the poster child for this condition. I had every possible symptom except a heart condition. Thankfully that was the one thing I didn’t manifest even-though I did need to see a cardiologist because I had frequent fainting episodes. The day I decided to see a geneticist I knew that this expansive list of symptoms had to be related somehow and I was right. The sad truth is there is no cure or treatment for it. The most you could do is use natural alternatives, exercise, diet modifications and prescriptions to help control symptoms. I was sick of using prescriptions and had already started incorporating diet changes and natural alternatives to help me feel better. I had reached a point in my life that covering up one symptom with a prescription that caused another problem was not an option. I wanted to get rid of all the prescriptions and I was well underway by the time I saw the geneticist. She told me everything I was doing was perfect. She said to continue my diet and fitness routine, use methods of stress relief and stay hydrated. At this point I was far from healthy but my body was slowly improving day by day. I had lived with pain to the right side of my body for almost 20 years. I remember feeling excruciating pain on my right arm beginning in 8th grade. The pain and symptoms worsened into adulthood. By the time I was 30 my right arm was always numb and in severe pain. By the time I was 35 my right leg was also affected and became numb as well. Any episodes of less physical activity or fitness routine would make all the pain and numbness worse. So I focused on staying active and eating what I thought was right. I was far from truly understanding my body and the foods that were harmful but I had already identified gluten and corn as huge culprits. By the age of 39, I had undergone a bunch of surgeries and I knew that more were eminent if I didn’t find a way to heal my body. Then one day my friend Daisy, who has Multiple Sclerosis another invisible illness came back into my life. She was experiencing some of the same symptoms and had found some relief in recent years. She spoke to me about nutrigenomics and using nutrient rich supplements to impact inflammation in the body. I was absolutely intrigued but I had to research it for myself. I took several months to research oxidative stress and nutrigenomics to see if it was my answer. I also had to research the ingredients to make sure I could take it. You see with all my food sensitivities, I had to be certain before I took the leap. Then one day, I jumped. I was pleasantly surprised that my energy was improving within the first few weeks. My pain pleasantly was down to 5/10 from 8/10 within a few months. After 4 months my numbness was gone and my pain was under control. I started to truly understand my body and the right fitness routine for me. This state of less pain also helped me identify more foods that caused symptoms to arise. I had flare ups and injuries at times but nothing compared to the life of severe pain I used to live. I was finally happy in my own skin and able to enjoy the world. I no longer had to hide behind a fake smile. I had a beautiful real smile that light up the room. I started to spread my story to the world. I am here to tell you invisible illness is real. You can never truly understand it unless you live it. People that live it need compassion and support. If you know someone with an invisible illness, I urge you to share my story with them. A story of hope is always a great thing to share. It is nice to know that you aren’t alone in the world. It is nice to know someone is here to support you if you choose to change your life. I fought back and won. It is a lifelong battle but I am here to support anyone through it with love and guidance.

    Categories Antioxidants, Anxiety, autoimmune, Biohacking, Chronic Pain, Developmental Delays, Emotional pain, fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Fitness, flare up, flexibility, food allergies, food sensitivities, Health, Inflammation, libido, orgasm, pain, Physical Pain, Sexual life

    Biohack Your Future

    Biohacking is the future of healthcare.  Health and wellness is evolving rapidly with a new focus on health prevention and health promotion.  Biohacking incorporates nutrition, fitness and lifestyle modifications to impact quality of life and promote wellness.  Biohacking has become a unique experience as each individual tweaks their lifestyle to develop routines that enhance their own unique bodies.  There is a simple step to make the most intense impact on your genetics using nutrient-rich substances but most people have never even heard of it, much less understand the potential impact it has on their health.  The remarkable phenomenon is nutrigenomics which brings high quality nutrient-rich supplements to the table.  The fact is that not all supplements are created equal.  Many supplements actually cause more damage creating an over flow of nutrients that are harmful to the body.  The biohacking revolution is evolving exponentially with nutrigenomics.  Nutrigenomics provides people with a unique wellness experience.   Nutrigenomics uses naturally occurring phytonutrients, coenzymes and antioxidants to activate pathways in the body that impact genetics.  Nutrigenomics enables the body to create its own antioxidant enzymes to impact stress in every cell of the body.  This enables the body to rejuvenate and repair itself at remarkable rate.   It is so simple and effective that many people feel its like the fountain of youth.  Nutrigenomics continues to evolve and adapt to enhance the biohacking experience enabling biohackers like myself to become the best version of themselves.  It provides vital nutrients to enhance the entire body including internal organs, skin and cells.  There is no other pathway more powerful at anti-aging as the Nrf2 pathway.  Activating this pathway reduces oxidative stress which is the cause of more than 200 diseases.  Oxidative Stress is recognized in the scientific community as the leading cause of disease and aging.  There are more than 93,000 published studies on oxidative stress published in the National Institute of Health Library.  If you are in the medical field, you know the NIH is the library of choice, it is where you want your research article to live.  The fact that oxidative stress is the leading cause of aging is huge.  Let’s make it simple for anyone to understand.  I was 30 years old and felt like a 60 year old.  The stress and tension had accumulated due to poor diet, stress and anxiety creating disease in my body.  My bad genes turned on like a fire, every breathe I took made it worse until I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.  

    The good genes of energy, vitality and vigor were shut OFF permanently.  Well I used to think it was permanent but it turned out my answer was biohacking.  Let me explain the pain a little further.  Due to the build up of toxins, allergens and free radicals my body was breaking down cell by cell since childhood.  The junk food I ate was filled with additives and toxins that created an exponential impact on my physical body.  I began with fatigue, migraines and pain in my right shoulder.  As the years passed my pains expanded and radiated down the right side of my body.  Eventually my entire right side was numb and tingly.  Now, let me get really simple, imagine a piece of clay that you lay to dry.  The clay shrinks and becomes dry and brittle.  Eventually it loses all its moisture until it cracks and breaks into infinite pieces.  That is what was happening in my body, all my muscles were shrinking and tightening.  The stress and tension was building leading me to illness and eventual death.  Yes, I said it, death.  The fact is if you don’t target the rusting of your body, now, death is the end result.

    Fast forward to March of 2018 when everything began to change.  I took a leap, for my health and my family.  My children deserved to have a healthy mom that could love and nurture them.  I deserved to put myself first.  I deserved to advocate for myself and treat myself right, literally.  So, I did, I started to incorporate holistic treatments and nutrigenomics to improve my quality of life.  I was looking to improve all my symptoms of disease and illness but I experienced exponential health benefits from biohacking.  The first thing to return was my energy, I finally didn’t feel exhausted morning, noon and night.  Next, my pain started to dwindle day by day until is disappeared.  Then my numbness and tingling faded away to an oblivion.  I though that my dreams had come true and my prayers were finally answered but the benefits didn’t stop there.  My anxiety also faded away and became less influential in my daily experiences.  The most beneficial and rewarding benefit took me and everyone around me by surprise.  The valuable gift emerged and continues to evolve month by month.  So, what is this gift? I bet you want to know.  Well, its libido and the gift of orgazmik yoga.  It is an intense connection with myself mind, body and soul.  It is a benefit that I never expected but definitely appreciate, every day.  It unveiled a magical experience that continues to evolve into new orgazmik experiences.  This never would have been possible without nutrigenomics, holistic treatments, fitness and nutrition.  My physical stress and inflammation was reduced to a manageable level where holistic treatments, massage and yoga were more effective and sustainable.  My treatments were all more effective (massages, chiropractic care and holistic treatments).  These treatments lasted for longer periods of time with less relapses of pain.  Then I began to learn my body, muscle by muscle, creating a deep emotional and physical connection.  This intense connection can be replicated and duplicated for women that can tap into themselves: mind, body and soul.   If you want to know more about this orgazmik yoga, stay tuned.   Your medical history doesn’t have to be your fate.  Biohacking is the answer.  Nutrigenomics is the tool.  And coaching is the trick that guides you through your health transformation and wellness.  Let me help you pop the bubble of symptoms, disease and illness.  Let’s start your journey together.

    Categories Diet, Elimination Diet, food allergies, food sensitivities, Health

    Diane Friendly

    Diane Friendly is a funny topic.  Its often not what are you allergic too, its what can you eat.  Over the years, my diet has changed periodically corresponding to symptoms and health status.  Food sensitivities and food allergies have increased over the years in the world.  I believe its because foods are just not as pure and simple as they used to be.  More chemicals, GMOs, additives, sweeteners and corn syrup is added to everything that makes food undigestible and essentially poison to some people.  People always ask me: How do you eat? What are you allergic too? How do you eat out?  My answer is I read menus, look at ingredients and ask questions.  My main allergies are corn, gluten, apples, black pepper and white pepper.  There are more but these are the most common allergies to mention. These are the foods I look out for everyday.  I usually try to keep my orders simple. I don’t mix too many food variables because that will cause me more symptoms.  For example, if I have eaten an entree before, I might try a new appetizer but if I am trying a new entree, I won’t order an appetizer.  The simple fact is if you tummy is sensitive, like mine, it is better to keep it simple. Let your body digest one plate at a time.  Society today pushes, appetizer, entree and dessert but many times the mixture of so many variables is the issue.  If you eat all of these things and you get an upset stomach, your body just can’t digest the food and it sticks around and causes symptoms.  I used to eat dessert all the time but now, I don’t crave it and I won’t eat it until my meal has digested.  I don’t need to add more sugar into my body while I am digesting my meal, it simply makes digestion slower.  The easiest foods for me to order are usually a protein and a vegetable.  I don’t usually eat rice because the only rice I can eat is jasmine or brown.  The fact about rice is it is filled with starch and some has more starch than others, which I can’t digest.  Vegetables and salad are usually not seasoned, which makes it a good side dish.  But there are variables because I can’t eat all vegetables or salad, which means sometimes I won’t know until the food arrives.  The protein that is usually not pre-seasoned is fish, for some reason beef and chicken usually are seasoned with pepper.  I can tell you sometimes its not easy, I can go to a restaurant and not find one item I can eat.  This happens in restaurants that have pre-seasoned everything.  I have also had times that I order, say all my allergies, and still have a reaction.  My reaction is immediate, gas, bloating and indigestion.  The reaction can last hours or days.  I can tell you the side effects are not worth the delight of eating foods I know I love but can’t digest.  The suffering used to be daily, and I refuse to live that way.  So, I take charge of my diet and keep snacks with me.  I speak up for myself, I read everything, I find the best option on the menu and go with it.  If I have a party to go to, I take an appetizer, snacks, alcohol or whatever I might need.  The simple fact is that I can’t be sure that the events will be able to accommodate me, so I advocate for myself and stay prepared.  The key to my success is eliminating and avoiding the foods that are harmful.  Advocating for myself and keeping snacks handy helps me stay healthy and avoid symptoms.  Do you have digestive issues? Do you eat and feel exhausted after?  Do you get bloated and look pregnant?  Do you have reflux?  These are all signs that some foods are harmful for you.  I can help identify the foods to eliminate and make a plan that is right for you.  Give me a call the Consultation is Free.

    Categories ADHD, Anxiety, Autism, autoimmune, Biohacking, brain disorders, Cerebral palsy, epilepsy, food allergies, food sensitivities, Health, young brain

    Nutritional Support for Children

    There are plenty of foods and nutrients around us. These powerful foods and compounds directly impact the health of children at a genetic level. I know, I thought it was impossible too, I’m a nurse, we are skeptical by nature. It took me 5 months of suffering before I gave in. What was I waiting for? I was living in severe pain and constant exhaustion daily. Even though I had started eating tons more fruits and veggies than before, but there was not much difference in my health. Food, just was not enough, my body was aging every second! As, I look back at my symptoms and those of my mom, I truly see my aging and disease process. All my health issues started in my childhood and poor diet filled with junk food was the reason.  My mom’s recent surgery and severe symptoms that reemerged reminded me of all the health issues I had during my childhood. (See My Mom for story)  Reflection helped me realize the severity of my illness since childhood. I had stomach pain, constipation, migraines, chronic arm pain during my childhood.  It progressed and worsened throughout my life until 2017 when I truly made a change to impact my genes.  I was in constant BRAIN FOG, every single day. I wrote notes but couldn’t focus enough to prioritize my 2 jobs. I’m a registered nurse by day and holistic health coach by night. (My day job – teaching parents about viral illness, medications and follow up). By NIGHT advocating for true health prevention for children. I would have given anything, SHIT everything, if I would have known about this in 2005, when it was first on ABC Primetime. Before you, watch this video, remember the secret to success is having a Health Coach to support and guide the detox process. Schedule your FREE Consultation. The symptoms of detox are specific to your genetic predispositions. Let me guide you, as I lived the process. (See Detox Process- coming soon) These products should not be purchased on Amazon because you need someone to explain the benefits, detox symptoms and provide support. I provide support through the process as your Holistic Health Coach. Help you find natural alternatives to your child’s growing pains, cough, anxiety, attention, or whatever symptom. (See How I lived as a child-chronic pain, anxiety, IBS, learning disability, severe cramps and migraines). I lived each of these symptoms. I have been helping my children and teaching them about their health, diet, nutrition, my health, etc. They know all my allergies, what happens. They could order my food for me, which is not easy, “Diane Friendly” (see Diane Friendly- coming soon). My nutritionist partner Maria Del Carmen Gonzalez-Gil with my team. We work to create a diet and wellness plan that is right for you or your child. Your blood type, food preferences and nutritional needs. We teach you about nutrition, supplementation and strategies to truly impact your genes for a healthier you. We help you create realistic and achievable goals for success. We empower you to achieve YOUR Wellness. We empower you to teach your children the importance of wellness and it’s impact on their future. What do you have to lose? The consultation is FREE.