Category Archives: motivation

    Categories accomplishment, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Emotional pain, flare up, hope, motivation, pain, Physical Pain

    Let go and Be Free!!!

    Learning your personal stress triggers and fears is a huge part of emotional health and wellness. It is impossible to change the world around us but we can change the way we react to it. I’ve learned a lot about myself over this past year. Learning the way I react to criticism, comments and conversations with others wasn’t easy but it is an essential part of emotional health. Every single one of us has pre-established beliefs, rules and behavior patterns in our subconscious mind. The healing comes into play when we truly understand our own beliefs, rules and patterns. We can only change our responses and actions towards the events life sends our way. We all face challenges and obstacles in our daily lives that can impact our health and happiness. Our reactions to these obstacles and challenges impact our bodies in exponential ways. Over the years, keeping my true emotions trapped inside lead to an exponential changes in my body resulting in chronic illness and disease. I was a person that held in all my emotions, fears, worry and stress. I didn’t share them with anyone much less myself. I kept everything so bottled up and tight that my health began to fail more and more with each year that passed. These high stress levels impact our bodies cell by cell that accumulates over time developing illness and disease. Emotional intelligence is not something we are born with or learn in school. The more we experience stress and keep it bottled up inside the worse our emotional and physical health gets. I’ve learned that no one can hurt you more than you hurt yourself. We hurt ourselves everyday repetitively and harshly. We repeat the same hurtful and harmful statements to ourselves everyday. It’s a vicious cycle that creates a build up of emotional stress in our bodies. This emotional pile accumulates inside our tissues, organs and cells and eventually develops into symptoms, illness and disease.

    My health issues started as a child with digestive issues, reflux, and IBS. I began bottling up my emotions and hiding my voice from the world as a child. I lost my creative side completely. The part of me that could write poems and paint, simply went to sleep when my voice went silent. The symptoms built up more and more each year until my health crisis in 2013. I reached a point in my life that any more stress was simply overwhelming and my body was ready to give up. It was evident in my emotional and physical health that something had to change. I reached my breaking point where my body just couldn’t take any more stress. I was getting my MSN degree, working in the PEDS ED and raising to young boys. My husband’s work schedule had him traveling all the time which added extra stress on my already full plate. At this point my hair was falling constantly, panic attacks were the norm and food was simply not digesting. I reached a point where water and saltine crackers were causing me stomach distress, nausea and pain. After extensive tests and hospitalization the truth was clear. My body was tearing itself down little by little. My stomach lining was eroding and ulcers were soon to develop in my stomach and intestines. The poor digestion and lack of nutrient absorption was impacting my skin, body and hair. The anxiety was causing panic and my chronic pain was at its peak. I was taking 13+ prescriptions and felt absolutely awful. My right arm and leg were numb and the pain was constantly severe. The doctor basically told me either you change your lifestyle or you are going to die. It was a scary truth that I had to face as a 36 year old young mom. The decision to place my health on my priority list was not easy. I had spent my entire life helping everyone else around me. Since childhood I had placed the feelings of everyone around me before my own. The decision I made was for me but even more for my children and husband. After all my health impacted my children the most good or bad. If I kept on that path my boys (Gabriel 7 and Lucas 3) would face a life without a loving and supportive mom to guide their way. Even typing that today brings tears to my eyes. I can imagine their beautiful little faces and lives impacted by my own lack of self-love. Over these 6 roller coaster years, I found my way back to my emotional and physical health. But the hardest part was this last year. The emotional journey to unlock the feelings and beliefs that had impacted my health over these 41 years. Now as a 41 year old mom of 2, I see the power in emotional health and wellness. I see the impact our emotions have on our bodies and that we harm ourselves more than anyone else can. We fail to forgive ourselves for our mistakes, behaviors and actions. We criticize ourselves more every single day about any little insecurity. Some of the criticisms I realize now runs really deep and impacts your body. I learned a month ago that I actually was angry with myself about the birth of my children. I was angry at myself for not having a vaginal birth. It was a decision that had to be made because my oldest was too big and likely would have been stuck in the birth canal. I didn’t realize the impact my anger had on my body until 12.5 years later. I realize inside my body, inside my yoni, I was blaming myself for not being good enough. I blamed myself and thought I wasn’t a good mom because of this little bump in the road. This little obstacle that gave me a precious gift a son that I love with all my heart. It just goes to show that you have no idea what your subconscious is hiding and the damage it can be causing in your body.
    Low self-esteem and self-doubt plagued my mind throughout my life. When I was heavier, I used to say horrible things to myself when I looked in the mirror. “Yuck look at that cellulite. Omg look at that belly bump, you are so fat.” I would look at myself and not see the beautiful woman everyone else saw. I didn’t think I was beautiful, I had little self-esteem, I didn’t show myself much self-love. This continued for most of my life until 2013 when started making myself the priority. I started eating right and exercising. I began to show myself more kindness as my body started to feel better and the pain began to leave my body. I began loving the beautiful girl in the mirror. I started to see my body was changing, shedding weight, looking less bloated and a real smile started to emerge. It wasn’t the fake smile I had been hiding behind for so long. I had been hiding my physical pain from the world a long time. Finally, when that pain was gone and I connected with the truth behind it my true smile emerged. It’s a smile filled with self-love and appreciation for everything I had been through, everything I had learned and the new me emerged.

    This journey of emotional healing and connecting with my intuition wasn’t easy. It takes dedication and self-love to truly get to the root cause. Learning that I had been keeping emotions trapped inside my body gave me the power to release them. I was holding a multitude of emotions. I had been a worrier all my life. I worried that I didn’t do things well, that I wasn’t good enough, that I wasn’t beautiful, that I wasn’t loved, etc. I was holding many other emotions too. The thing I realized through hypnosis was that my subconscious not only had the power to hurt me but it had the power to heal. There are so many emotions we hold inside us. These emotions don’t serve us to keep them trapped inside. The more we allow them to build up inside our bodies the more symptoms arise. It’s very interesting to tap into your intuition and allow your body to give you the answers. When you connect with yourself through self-love and nurture your mind, body and soul everything unfolds. You become aware of the immediate tension that arises in your shoulders, when your feeling overwhelmed. You notices the knot erupting in your neck while you talk to a friend that tells you something upsetting. You feel the pressure in your chest when someone shares a truly emotional truth they experienced. You can actually close your eyes, scan your body, identify a sore spot and know exactly why it is tender. This is not pain or soreness from exercise or overuse of a muscle. This is emotional pain that you have absorbed inside your body. Sometimes the pain isn’t even your own. It sounds absolutely crazy, I know but I have learned that as an empath, I can actually absorb the physical and emotional pain of others. My intuition tells me exactly why the pain is there and only then am I able to release it. It’s essential to bring out the subconscious triggers from hiding into your conscious mind. You need to feel the emotions in the moment in order to Let it go!!! You need to feel the pain, feel the symptoms, cry if you need too, sit with it and feel it. Sometimes you need to work a little harder to get it out of your muscles and tissues. The power of naturally releasing pain comes into action when you combine the subconscious mind, the conscious mind and the physical body. I have learned my body so well that I can actually release physical pain, feel the fluids shift inside my body and sense the emotions change with it. Working with your body in this deep way connecting mind, body and soul empowers you to tackle your biggest trauma, your worst heartbreak and even your greatest fears. Understanding your bodies natural healing powers enables you to accomplish things you never dreamed. Letting go of the past that created turmoil inside your body creates a positivity that radiates out of you. Letting go of every emotion that no longer serves you sets you free. Let go, live your life, be free, be powerful, be abundant, be YOU!! ou can be the ultimate version of yourself, I believe in YOU!!!

    Categories Anxiety, Emotional pain, hope, motivation, pain, Physical Pain, Transformation

    The truth…

    Transformation to unveil your true self is painful. The truth about change is it takes hard work and perseverance. Nothing worth achieving is ever easy. Changing a career isn’t easy. Having and raising children isn’t easy. Finding your true purpose in life is the battle of a lifetime. It unveils your true abundance and fortitude to pave the way for the power of creativity. Your future is waiting for you to expose your truth and transform your beliefs to develop your ultimate potential.

    Trust me I never thought it was possible to transform my feelings and beliefs. Working on emotional stress, anxiety and panic was the last thing on my list to resolve. Finally, last year I decided hypnosis was my answer and took a leap. I connected in a true spiritual and emotional way with my guide, Adrianna Foster. The universe brought her to me at the perfect time. I was ready to make the last change for my abundance to flourish. The journey had obstacles, resistance and pain but each step made me stronger. The journey is far from over but I am now aware of each part of the process.

    Yesterday was a day of pain, sadness and anxiety but living in the moment transforms the future. Taking time for myself and honoring my feelings helped me transmute the lies into truth. Each time this blocks arise a tough time unfolds but it is followed by a glorious day of enlightenment. I am thankful for my pain because it unleashed my true purpose in life. It created my deep connection with others. My unique gift creates a bond to help my clients heal their pain and sorrow in the physical and emotional realm. The best therapists and caregivers are those that truly understand the pain their clients feel. They have lived and experience the pain. That is the fact that sets me apart from the rest. I have a unique gift to understand both physical and emotional pain. I worked on healing both and learned the power in the process. The physical pain was the easiest for me. The physical journey was easy but lengthy. It unraveled over 6 years to develop the perfect plan. My healthcare background helped me identify the specific human needs to focus and support (nutrition, supplementation and fitness). The emotional journey was rapid and difficult. It is the finally step in my journey to abundance. The emotional journey started in Sept 2018 and has enlightened me revealing the power in my story.

    I am grateful for the opportunity to use my gift using transformational regressions to help others achieve their super powers. And I am excited that my journey to becoming a hypnotherapist is underway. So I ask you… Would you be willing to dig deep and unlock the past that is haunting you? Are you willing to feel the pain and unveil your true self? Are you willing to connect with yourself – mind, body and soul? That is the journey that unlocks your abundance. I am here to guide you…

    Categories Advice, Biohacking, Chronic Pain, Diet, fatigue, flare up, food allergies, food sensitivities, Health, hope, Inflammation, motivation, pain, Physical Pain

    Invisible Illness

    The unknown truth about invisible illness is that people live with it everyday and those around them usually have no idea. You might see a girl with a big smile going about her day hiding the pain she is experiencing. Only those close to them truly know and understand their pain. Even loved ones have trouble understanding their pain. There are many conditions that fall into this category and ehlers-danlos syndrome is one of them. This is the syndrome that I have lived with for years and never truly understood until a few years ago when I went to see a geneticist. Some of the symptoms of this syndrome are chronic pain, chronic fatigue, digestive issues, frequent infections and skin problems. I was the poster child for this condition. I had every possible symptom except a heart condition. Thankfully that was the one thing I didn’t manifest even-though I did need to see a cardiologist because I had frequent fainting episodes. The day I decided to see a geneticist I knew that this expansive list of symptoms had to be related somehow and I was right. The sad truth is there is no cure or treatment for it. The most you could do is use natural alternatives, exercise, diet modifications and prescriptions to help control symptoms. I was sick of using prescriptions and had already started incorporating diet changes and natural alternatives to help me feel better. I had reached a point in my life that covering up one symptom with a prescription that caused another problem was not an option. I wanted to get rid of all the prescriptions and I was well underway by the time I saw the geneticist. She told me everything I was doing was perfect. She said to continue my diet and fitness routine, use methods of stress relief and stay hydrated. At this point I was far from healthy but my body was slowly improving day by day. I had lived with pain to the right side of my body for almost 20 years. I remember feeling excruciating pain on my right arm beginning in 8th grade. The pain and symptoms worsened into adulthood. By the time I was 30 my right arm was always numb and in severe pain. By the time I was 35 my right leg was also affected and became numb as well. Any episodes of less physical activity or fitness routine would make all the pain and numbness worse. So I focused on staying active and eating what I thought was right. I was far from truly understanding my body and the foods that were harmful but I had already identified gluten and corn as huge culprits. By the age of 39, I had undergone a bunch of surgeries and I knew that more were eminent if I didn’t find a way to heal my body. Then one day my friend Daisy, who has Multiple Sclerosis another invisible illness came back into my life. She was experiencing some of the same symptoms and had found some relief in recent years. She spoke to me about nutrigenomics and using nutrient rich supplements to impact inflammation in the body. I was absolutely intrigued but I had to research it for myself. I took several months to research oxidative stress and nutrigenomics to see if it was my answer. I also had to research the ingredients to make sure I could take it. You see with all my food sensitivities, I had to be certain before I took the leap. Then one day, I jumped. I was pleasantly surprised that my energy was improving within the first few weeks. My pain pleasantly was down to 5/10 from 8/10 within a few months. After 4 months my numbness was gone and my pain was under control. I started to truly understand my body and the right fitness routine for me. This state of less pain also helped me identify more foods that caused symptoms to arise. I had flare ups and injuries at times but nothing compared to the life of severe pain I used to live. I was finally happy in my own skin and able to enjoy the world. I no longer had to hide behind a fake smile. I had a beautiful real smile that light up the room. I started to spread my story to the world. I am here to tell you invisible illness is real. You can never truly understand it unless you live it. People that live it need compassion and support. If you know someone with an invisible illness, I urge you to share my story with them. A story of hope is always a great thing to share. It is nice to know that you aren’t alone in the world. It is nice to know someone is here to support you if you choose to change your life. I fought back and won. It is a lifelong battle but I am here to support anyone through it with love and guidance.

    Categories Anxiety, Emotional pain, Health, motivation, Physical Pain, positivity, Support system

    Embrace your Pain!

    Emotional and physical pain has a huge connection in our health.  We usually ignore our emotional pain and it builds up throughout our bodies every day.  The tension, anxiety and turmoil intensifies creating health issues and stress.   The emotional pain festers into a physical symptoms, illness and disease.  In my case, I suffered from chronic pain, anxiety and fatigue, since childhood.  I started my health journey undertaking the physical symptoms (pain, fatigue & digestive issues) and realize now that it stemmed from emotional trauma.  It took me a year to truly tackle the physical pain and heal my body, but it doesn’t have to be that hard.  My struggle to regain my health, tackle my pain and symptoms was an essential preparation for this final step.  The sense of accomplishment helped me create a happy positive life.  Once that phase of my life was complete, it was time to tackle the emotional pain.  The emotional journey is definitely a work in progress as new obstacles arise daily.  It requires dedication, perseverance and persistence to tackle your emotions, feelings and beliefs.  I realize now, that you don’t need to tackle it alone.  Creating a positive support system is essential in dealing with your pain.  Developing a group of friends and family that truly create a positive, nurturing and supportive environment for you to learn, grow and flourish is essential.  It is an important part of the journey to break ties with those individuals that bring you down and hold you back.  I realized the importance of finding key influential positive people in your life this year and connected with a multitude of supportive peopl.  I found many influential and supportive people in my local community with BNI Rainmakers, Luly B and Adrianna Foster.  There are many more supportive people that have helped me in my journey to wellness but these have been the most significant in my emotional journey.  These fabulous empowering business owners have given me confidence, support and guidance to continue to build my business and embrace my purpose in life.  My purpose in life is to help people accomplish their health and wellness by providing guidance and support through the process.   I teach my clients to embrace and understand their feelings, develop goals to meet their needs and support them in their journey.  So whether, your journey is to lose weight, enhance orgasms, tackle a chronic disease or just feel healthy, then I am your girl. I am here to help you tackle the pain, overcome the obstacles and succeed in your endeavors.

    Categories Advice, libido, motivation, orgasm

    Sexting for Some fun

    Sexting with your partner can be fun, exciting and ignite a fire in your body.  Sexting is a fun and provocative form of communication.  It is an thrilling way to flirt with your partner and rev up your engine.  Pumping up the electrifying conversation will prepare both of your bodies for a great evening.  Society has placed this label of taboo on anything to do with sex.  There is no reason for this feeling of wrong doing or inappropriate behavior when it comes to your relationship.  Your relationship is a safe place and sharing with your partner is fun, exciting and perfectly normal.  Flirting is a big part of courtship and relationships.  There is no reason why the flirting needs to stop just because you are married.  Flirting doesn’t have to stop when you are in a committed relationship either.  Its up to you to change the rules for yourself.  Develop a plan that makes you feel sexy, happy and alive.  It can be simple or complex depending on your desires and fantasies.  Your relationship is a safe place to share your desires and fantasies.  There is no need to keep your desires and fantasies secret from your partner.  Let them truly understand your needs and appetite for your sexual experiences.  We all have fantasies and your relationship is a safe place to share them.  Your partner will embrace your fantasies and desires to develop a more intense and deep bond between you.  I know it can be hard to step out of your comfort zone.  I lived it, I was hiding my desires and fantasies for 15 years from my husband.  I was scared to express myself and truly tell him what I needed.  It doesn’t have to be such a struggle.  Everything started to change the moment I started to share my likes and dislikes with my husband.  Our relationship grew in exponential ways once I finally took the leap and truly expressed myself.   The passion we felt during our courtship returned and our sexual relationship flourished once again.  You can start simple with sexting or sending a pictue.  Sometimes sending a text is easier than speaking your mind.  Sometimes a little love note or email is even easier.  For me that was how it started, writing a letter via email was the medium for me to regain the voice that I had hidden for so long.  Once you open the door the communication begins to flow easily and the walls you have built tumble down.  Sexting doesn’t have to be difficult or scary.  If you don’t know what to say, there are so many options today. It doesn’t have to feel dirty or wrong to share with someone special.  There are now a variety of applications with phrases to help guide you.  There are even quotes on the internet that you can use to get ideas.  If you are scared of sending pictures you can use SnapChat.  Once you start exploring and engaging in sexting it becomes easier and the excitement builds.  Taking a few minutes to tell your partner that you are thinking of them makes them feel appreciated, wanted and desired.  It brings you closer and opens the door for communication and fantastic sex.  So take a leap, send your partner a sexy text message, the results will surprise you.

    Categories Advice, Fitness, libido, motivation, orgasm, pain, Supplements

    Foreplay or You Play!

    Foreplay is essential for women because it takes longer for us to get to the point of orgasm. Foreplay creates excitement and initiates the bodies responses for fun by dilating blood vessels and increasing blood flow.  Foreplay also improves oxygen and nutrient delivery throughout the body to prepare your genitals and erogenous zones.  But the truth is foreplay doesn’t have to be what you think.  Foreplay is about engaging the body and creating sensations that stimulate your desires.  “You play” can be done all alone with the same wonderful benefits.  I have created a few simple routines that create the benefits of foreplay in a non-sexual way, let’s call it “you play.”  I developed these routines to help relax my body, reduce stress and inflammation.  The fun fact I learned was that stretching, yoga and deep breathing provide a variety of unexpected benefits.  My yoga stretch, kegel yoga and tension buster routines impact your body similar to foreplay.  The best thing is that you can do it all alone and you don’t have to feel ashamed or embarrassed about stretching and relaxing your body.  All three routines use your body weight, the environment and gravity to impact each and every muscle in your body. Through progressive relaxation with deep breathing your body relaxes and gets revved up for a fabulous orgasm.  Incorporating deep breathing and focused stretching targets the body in a unique way that promotes relaxation, tension release, restful sleep and even orgasm.  Foreplay serves a females needs by meeting the physical and emotional preparation we need for fabulous sex.  The hugs, kisses and caresses of foreplay prepare the body by increasing lubrication which is essential for orgasm.  Yoga Stretch, tension buster and kegel yoga provide the same benefits as foreplay.  Both foreplay and my routines help prepare the vagina for a great orgasm by enabling muscles throughout the body to relax.  By engaging your pelvic muscles during the routine your natural fluids build and prepare your for sex.   Females need vaginal lubrication and blood flow to the clitoris to achieve orgasm.  Preparing the body by engaging in targeted relaxation provides the same benefits as foreplay.  The best part is it also prepares you for restful sleep.  Wether you perform this routine for restful sleep, self-play or pre-sex routine, you will reap the benefits.

    Are you serious? Does this work?  Yes it does. You see 1 year ago, I had no libido or desire for sex. I was suffering from chronic pain and inflammation.  Stress and anxiety didn’t let me shut off my brain and relax for sex. Sex was more like a chore than a desire for me.  Over this year, week by week, I started to reap the benefits of my routine.  I noticed I was more ready for sex and relaxed in the moment.  My mind was not wondering as much and I was more present in the moment.  The best part was that my libido and interest in sex slowly creeped back.  As my libido returned, my orgasms intensified and multiplied.  Orgasms became more intense and more pleasurable because my blood was flowing more freely throughout my body.  The inflammation was being targeted through supplementation and daily relaxation techniques.  My body was no longer blocked by pain, inflammation, stress or anxiety.  I was able to relax and enjoy sex to truly connect with my husband and achieve better orgasms.  The fun fact, I learned is that the routine also helped me sleep better with or without sex.  Wether you are comfortable playing alone, engaging in sex or not the routine helps prepare your body for relaxation, stress release and sleep.  So why, not try a routine that enhances your bedtime routine and takes 20-30 minutes to reap the benefits.  You play classes: Tension buster, Yoga Stretch, Kegel Yoga or Fireworks series, you choose the class for you.


    Categories accomplishment, motivation, positivity

    Embrace Life

    We only get one chance at this Life, Embrace it. Embrace the life you have and enjoy every day you have on earth. Trust me I know it can be difficult sometimes. We often get stuck in a negative mindset and feel trapped. This negativity stops us from enjoying the happiness and fun around us. Staying positive and enjoying life has changed a lot for me. Positivity has opened my life to new possibilities for today and tomorrow. It has given me the power to tackle obstacles and challenges. I tackled my obstacles and created the life I love. I have learned to embrace and enjoy the little things. I learned to truly enjoy the life I was given. Don’t get me wrong, it took time to establish this positive routine and effectively use it daily. It was a struggle to heal my body and develop a positive outlook. But my journey was worth every moment because I am worth it. You are worth it too. You deserve to be happier, healthier and enjoy the life you have. Sometimes you need a helping hand to change your mindset. Maybe you need a little push in the right direction. I know for me, I had an internal desire, motivation and dedication to accomplish my desires. But the journey doesn’t have to be as hard as mine was. If I would have had a helping hand to show me the way, I would have accomplished it so much sooner. I am here to guide your way. Let me help you find the motivation you need, the support you desire and the helping hand to change your future. Don’t let the negativity bring you down. Shout out and spread positivity to yourself and the world around you. Positivity will change your life and the lives of those around you. Let me help you find the obstacles that are holding you back, create strategies to tackle them and develop the life you want. Let’s embrace life now, don’t wait until tomorrow, it might be too late. Live the life you want now. Love the life you have, embrace it and live the way you want, now and forever. Create the life you want today. There is nothing stopping you…

    Categories Advice, Detox, Diet, flexibility, Health, Inflammation, motivation, Sexual life

    Learn to Love Your Body!

    Love your body, seems simple right.  Well it truly is a complex process, there is nothing simple about it.  Learning your body can take months or even years to achieve.  It took me 20+ years in a constant health struggle to decide; there had to be a better way to Love my body.  I was oblivious to the potential my body had to offer, the gifts I was given and the path my journey would take me.  I wasted years eating the wrong foods, hiding my emotional/physical pain and avoiding physical activities.  This constant physical assault on my body caused my physical and emotional illness to develop and my self-love to diminish.  Over the past 5 years, I learned the foods that were optimal for my body, the physical activities that made me heal, the importance of caring for yourself, and the optimal routine to maintain my health.  My true understanding of my body came over the past year.  Finally, I was free of pain and able to feel and understand the messages my body was sending.  I became aware of the tension forming in my muscles, when stress was at its peak.  I realized that taking the time to address this tension early on, helped prevent the development of severe pain and helped maintain a state of homeostasis or balance.  I learned to develop techniques and strategies to promote my daily healing, detox, muscle relaxation, repair and rejuvenation.  I learned that there is a huge connection between physical and emotional pain.  This fact made me more aware of emotional stress and its impact on my body.  I was able to incorporate relaxation and stress relief into my routine to reduce the impact stress had on my body.  Over this year, I developed my tension-buster routine, its unique for my body, my tension and my pain.  But the fun fact is, it can be adapted and developed to help others achieve the same benefits.  I learned to use my environment, gravity and body weight to stretch each and every muscle in my body.  I learned to feel the tension in each muscle and learn ways to release the stress, toxins and tension from each one.  Wether the pain is in your shoulder or your leg, our muscles are all interconnected and effective stretching needs to target this complex muscle network.  I learned that my bodies weakness is toxins and poor circulation.  My techniques help me optimize my bodies potential to release these toxins and enhance my circulation to reduce inflammation, stress and pain more effectively.  The best benefit of my tension-buster routine and health journey, was rediscovering my libido.  My libido had gone, completely dormant for 10-15 years, due to my severe illness and build up of toxins.  It was an amazing benefit to see that all the work and effort I put into healing my body, helped me reap such powerful physical and emotional benefits.  Over the past few months, I further adapted my routine to include Kegel Yoga.  This Kegel Yoga routine is specifically designed for women to enhance libido, improve vaginal muscle strength and improve orgasms.  This yoga is part of my daily routine and the benefits are outstanding.  I am thankful that my friends and peers are now seeing the benefits of the courses, I offer.   Kegel Yoga is designed to help women develop an intimate relationship with their bodies, combining the tension-buster yoga with kegel strengthening to enhance and reengage sexual desires.  So, there it is, if you want to learn your body and reconnect with its unique abilities, give me a call.   I am here to share my routines with you, in groups or private sessions.  Learn to love your body, feel it, experience and achieve all you desire. Book an appointment, today, what are you waiting for?

    Categories Advice, motivation, Share your story, Speak your mind

    Don’t Deny the World of Your Gift!

    A good friend once told me, don’t deny the world of your gifts, speak your mind and tell your story.  My friend Luly B.  has inspired me to share my story, speak my mind and change the world.  She helped me realize my story is powerful and worth sharing.  She has empowered me to share my gift of healing with the world.  She has opened my mind to the possibilities for my  new career path as a Holistic Health Coach.  She empowers and supports my growth and development of my business.  I am thankful for the reawakening of my passion.  I am inspired to help others heal emotional and physical pain in a supportive, caring and meaningful environment.  Luly has helped me develop myself into the strong women that I am today, the journey was not easy, these past few months have been the hardest.  But every step in my journey has been leading me to becoming the woman I want to be: a supportive, inspirational and loving voice to guide others in their wellness journey.  Over the past few months, I have realized my health journey and experiences with illness, physical pain, emotional pain and disease, were a stepping stone to my future.  My journey created the foundation for my new career path as a Holistic Health Coach.  My struggles, experiences and accomplishments have made me the woman I am today.  If my life would have been pain free and emotionally easy, I would not have all the experience and knowledge I have today.   This expansive knowledge base helps me make connections with people, understand their struggles and share my experiences in a meaningful manner with my peers, family, friends and clients.  My experiences helped me develop the skills that I needed to become an effective, compassionate, caring, loving and inspirational Wellness Coach.  Giving people the gift of wellness, is my passion, it is my new journey and my Gift to the world.  I know that the gift is there waiting for everyone; open to learning and embracing it.  It takes people time to realize that the gift I offer is exactly what they want for themselves.  It requires the knowledge and understanding, that life can be fulfilling, happy, pain free and illness free.  I can help people pop the bubble of symptoms, disease and illness.  The question is, are You Open to receiving the gift I offer.  I am here to share my gift with you, all you have to do is ask.

    Categories Advice, hope, motivation

    Love Your Body!

    Love your body! The truth is most of us don’t do this.  We get stuck listening to the negative voice inside us.  The voice torments us and makes us feel ashamed of who we are, how we look or the way we feel.  I know first hand, how hard this transition can be.  I have struggled with self-esteem my entire life.  My friends always ask me, how is it possible, you are so gorgeous, why don’t you see it.  The fact is, until you feel it, you won’t believe it, no matter what everyone else tells you.  I worked my butt off to heal my body and finally started to feel a gradual improvement in self-esteem over the last 5 years.  The fact is if you spend more time focusing on your health by healing your emotional and physical self, things will change and self-esteem comes with it.  You will see changes in your physical body, thus improving the way you feel in your own skin.  I can tell you the huge self-esteem change happened this year, over the last few months because I got out of my comfort zone.  After, 1 year pain free, working on helping myself heal from autoimmune issues, taking time to relax and focus on myself, I was finally able to realize I needed to help others accomplish the same.  After I started feeling healthier and happier, my self-esteem started to flourish.  I started to truly look at my body as this beautiful gift, I was born with.  I started to enjoy dressing up, putting on make-up and seeing the transformation my body had undergone.  The true understanding of my beauty, didn’t come from close friends or family, it came from deep inside me but I had to work for it.  Once, I started venturing out of my comfort zone, attending BNI meetings and networking happy hours, I realized the impact I had on others.  I finally, was able to see what my friends and family had been telling me all along.  When I really paid attention to the reactions others made, the complements I received and the way it made me feel, the changes started to happen.  I no longer brushed off the complements, I accepted them and thanked those that gave them.  I learned to give complements in return.  I realized the power of complements and the desire everyone has to feel better about themselves.   Over these past months, I have developed friendships with people that I never would have spoken to before. I was so shy and scared to speak to anyone because of my own insecurities and emotional struggles.  When I got out of my comfort zone, accepted the complements and felt good in my own skin, my self esteem started to flourish.  It allowed me to reflect on my childhood, the relationships from the past that affected my self-esteem and develop strategies to deal with those emotions.  By accepting the hurt, developing a plan and actively working to improve my health, the emotional pain and self-esteem issues started to melt away.  I share this because I know I am not the only person out there with self-esteem issues. I know that I am not the only person that stopped caring for myself and suffered emotional and physical pain as a result.  I realize that sharing is the first step in helping others build up the courage to take on their own healing.  A huge part of learning my body was physical but the emotional was just as important.  Learning my physical pain, understanding it, feeling it, and learning how to combat it each and every day was the foundation for my emotional battle.  By learning, how to relieve my own physical pain and tension, I was finally ready to combat the emotional pain.  Emotional pain is hidden and harder to deal with and accept.  It takes a real conscious effort to work on emotional struggles and make a change.  These battles are easier when you have a coach to guide you through the process, I know that my holistic health coach, guided me through this final phase of healing. If it wasn’t for her, I would not have truly understand the reasons why I was so shy, why I had trouble speaking to others, and why I felt my voice was not important.  This emotional process was difficult and left my voice silent again for almost 2 months, as I continued to learn myself.  It was hard to express emotions and write my blog, while I was working on the final transformation.  I realize now, that a lot of my physical pain, was caused by my emotional battle.  I realize that holding in my emotions and not speaking my voice, caused my illness and pain.  Now, 2 months later, I realize that it was the final step in my healing.  I learned that self-esteem is impacted by your body and mind.  I realized, that my voice is important, that my story is powerful, and I can help others heal.  The power is in the journey, the connections and guidance you receive in the healing process.  I am here to help others accomplish their desires and goals by helping them cherish, love and appreciate their bodies: mind, body and soul.  I am here to help you find your self-esteem and keep it.  I want you to know that you don’t have to struggle through this alone.  There are plenty of people out there waiting to help you.  I just happen to be someone that experienced it first hand, I am here to guide you through the journey, if you are ready to take the step.