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    Pelvic Floor Muscles

    The pelvic floor muscles are essential to reduce stress, anxiety and tension. I didn’t realize this until my libido came back. It was a process of feeding my body right, focusing on supplementation and fitness but I fought back and won. I had lived with low libido for most of my marriage. It dropped off sometime after the honeymoon. I wanted to be interested in sex but I just was too sick to care. I always felt awful and libido goes with that. If you don’t feel happy, healthy and alive, its hard to be motivated for sex. Well once I felt better and the motivation came. I began to learn my pelvic floor muscles, the female anatomy and how the body works. Female symptoms of urinary incontinence, prolapse uterus and overactive bladder are no joke. Tomorrow, I am live on All Health TV talking about this very issue. I teach women how to regain muscle tone, enhance libido and reconnect with themselves mind-body-soul. There is nothing better than a Happy Wife. Happy Wife, Happy Life!!! Watch Replay at 9pm EST.

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    Anxiety is real

    Anxiety is real and not easy. Life is stressful enough add anxiety to the mix and life becomes overwhelming. Anxiety creates physical and emotional obstacles in your path. You might not realize the impact they have on your life, until to step back take a look. I have suffered from anxiety since childhood. It is a common problem in my family and it isn’t easy to tackle alone. My health journey helped me reduce the symptoms but the emotional background was the hardest part to tackle. The emotional background requires in depth reflection and reconnecting with your intuition in a deep manner. It can lead to panic attacks in random situations throughout your life. Tackling this pain was my final path in my holistic health journey. Its the most rewarding journey you will ever take because it opens up the gates for your creativity and future abundance. Learning to understand the underlying emotions and feelings that trigger your intense reaction. I have had several panic attacks this year and each one has been easier to combat. Learning your body, its reaction and the cause of the problem helps you transform your reaction and your future. Transformational regressions and hypnosis helped me reconnect with my soul and understand my inner child. The child that became scared so long ago and hid her emotions and feelings from the world. The little girl was hiding and bottling up her emotions throughout my life. These emotions built up into chronic illness and adult disease. It doesn’t have to be that hard to live a life you love and enjoy. If I would have known years ago the power of emotional healing my life would have been very different. It has been amazing to tackle the emotions head on and learn to transform my future. It is amazing to see that I am helping people transform their futures by tackling their emotional trauma. It transforms your physical and emotional health to potentiate all of your amazing abilities to succeed in life. I have one friend that I helped realize her childhood trauma was impacting her career path and now she is on the path to success. So I tell you, give it a try the consultation and first regression is free. You have nothing to lose except your pain. Give me a call. I have lived it and experienced the relief. You will be amazed.

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    Transform Your Pain

    My top challenge was fighting autoimmune disease, chronic pain, chronic fatigue and tons of health issues.  It took me years to tackle my illness and find strategies that help keep me feeling happy, healthy and alive.  I used to feel like a 60 year on in a 20 year olds body.  But I worked hard to find the nutrition, nutrients, stress relief, exercise and meditation to keep me on track.  I know feel healthier than I ever did.  I feel like a 20 year old in a 40 year olds body.  I learned that the path doesn’t have to be so hard or take so long.  There are very powerful ways to change your health, life and future. The hardest obstacle I faced in 2018 was overcoming the emotional awakening. I had suppressed my inner voice long ago in my childhood due to fear and other emotions. Its was an interesting revelation through hypnosis to identify the underlying beliefs that we create in our childhood. The last phase of the journey was the hardest. Filled with obstacles and symptoms as I learned my body again. It was interesting to see that symptoms can actually occur throughout your body. The symptoms can range from pain, illness and rashes. I have seen the symptoms come and go in a variety of ways. The symptoms could emerge and disappear quickly. Some symptoms take a lot of hard work to resolve and overcome. The best part of this journey has been identifying the strategies that are most effective for my body. Not everyone is the same and some techniques require a little practice to perfect.

    Feeling your emotions and pain is a crucial step in truly transforming your life. Over the past few years I developed stretching routines that have relieved my symptoms of pain by increasing blood flow, lengthening muscles and increasing range of motion. I never though that adding your emotions into the mix would transform the results in such a powerful way. Transformational regressions have helped me connect to my past obstacles and realize the overwhelming feelings of today are actually unresolved feelings from the past. Tapping into the pain and truly feeling it throughout your body helps release it from your tissues.

    This new chapter in my life has brought me to Transformational Stretch. Its a combination of transformation regressions, meditation and yoga stretch. It enables you to connect with your emotions and feelings deeply to release the pain. It has been truly beneficial these past few weeks. If you have ever suffered from panic attacks then you know how real and scary that pain can be. It is a tightness in your chest, a pressure that won’t resolve, intense feelings of fear, and often shortness of breathe. Realizing that these fears are deep rooted in the past helped me transform them into positive vibes. Truly sitting with those emotions and feeling the pain inside your body as you stretch, meditate and relax is cathartic. It takes time to process and cleanse the body of emotional pain but dedication and consistency helps you develop a plan of action that works for you. I am thankful for my pain and obstacles because they help me understand and connect with my clients in a deep spiritual way. My success in personal healing has created a pathway to transform the lives of those around me.

    Success is fulfilling your destiny by helping others achieve their own success.  Success is about sharing your love and passion with the world to make this life better and happier.  It is about any little contribution you make to the world to improve the lives of those around you.  Success is feeling the love and joy others experience because you helped guide their path.  It is about helping others fight their trauma and abuse head on to live the life of their dreams.  My success comes from the success of my clients, friends and family.  If they succeed in their path and I helped paved the way with positivity then I am successful.

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    Send Positive Vibes and Receive

    Positivity pours out of some people and change the lives and energy of those around them. I happen to be one of those people that send out positivity but also absorb negativity from others. Sounds weird I know but in my final healing Journey of spiritual awakening and connecting with my inner intuition this gift has come to light. The problem with people that absorb the negativity or pain from others often experience it impacting their emotional and physical health. Learning to break that vicious cycle has not been easy but mysteriously the universe send you people and resources you need in your journey.

    Coming from a background of Science based medicine it was an interesting transition to focus on my spiritual intuition was a process. I had been ignoring the messages my body and intuition has been sending me for over 35 years. I was finally ready after I started connecting deeply with my childhood self through hypnosis with Adrianna Foster. Adrianna came to me at the perfect time, I was ready and willing to take my life back into my hands and I knew hypnosis was going to be my tool. Adrianna and some other positive uplifting people (aka Luly B and a few others) the world brought me this year, I was able to tackle this final step in my healing journey.

    Its important to be open and willing to try new things. If your heart is open and your truly want something deep in your soul, the universe will make it work out. I found this course “Love and Above” by Christine Sheldon. The universe is truly an amazing force and sends you those people you truly want in your life. I had speaking with several friends about Sheena, a fabulous hypnotherapist that certifies in Miami. I have been wanting to meet her and boom guess who walks by yesterday, Sheena. I was having a fantastic working dinner with my friend Luly B and surprise, I get a connection with Sheena.

    I have learned in this spiritual awakening. That connecting yourself mind, body and soul creates a positive space for you to flourish and grow creatively however you desire. Each individual is different and their spiritual journey will be unique. For some it might be healing physical pain, rashes or other inexplicable symptoms. For others it might be a path to a healthier lifestyle to regain their energy, vitality and vigor. For others it might be to create a new purpose in life. For me my journey took on all of those characteristics. Each path in my holistic transformation had its time and place:

    1) body- reducing chronic pain, fatigue, illness, disease and anxiety by healing my body inside out

    2) mind – creating a connection between mind and body to feel my physical healing and develop techniques to maintain my health achievements. Reconnecting with my body deeply and feeling every change that happened and tackling them head on.

    3) soul – connecting and embracing my inner goddess, intuition and gifts to truly create a path filled with resources to help myself achieve my success. Which paved the way for my purpose in life – to help others achieve the same connection Mind-Body-Soul.

    Paving the way with positivity, love and joy – Opens a path for your success. The journey is yours to accept and everything else will fall into place when you are ready to receive it. The resources you need are at your finger tips if you open your mind to the possibilities, believe in yourself and surround yourself with people that boost you up. My purpose in life is set, my future is bright and I am moving mountains. You can do it, I believe in you. Let’s Chat and make it happen in 2019.

    Categories Breast Feeding, Diet, Fertility, Health, Pregnancy, Uncategorized

    Pregnancy Support

    Pregnancy and fertility can be difficult for women.  Fertility is impacted by a multitude of factors including diet, fitness, stress level, genetics, medications, ovulation, infections and more.  Some women face a variety of struggles with fertility.  I had difficulty conceiving my first child.  I had tried for 9 months, then finally decided to read a book about fertility.  The book was called “Taking Charge of Your Fertility.”  I had several friends that had used it.  I had already scheduled an appointment with a fertility specialist but the appointment was 2 months away.  I started taking my temperature every day and keeping track.  The book helped me understand my ovulation and menstrual cycle.  I made sure that after intercourse on ovulation days, I remained in bed for 20 minutes.  I did this for 2 months, and when I went to see the doctor, guess what I was pregnant.  It is also important to ensure you are feeding your body healthy foods, exercising and taking time for you.  These techniques help relax your body, reduce stress and feed nutrients that will support the infant.  If I could turn back the clock,  I would have taken nutrients that could stop the damage that occurs during pregnancy and repair my body.  Of course, at the time, I had not had an idea of the health decline that would come after my pregnancies.  If someone would have shared with me the benefits of activating the Nrf2 during pregnancy, it would have made a huge difference in my health.  It would have given my body the nutrients it needed to repair itself and reduce the cellular stress that was multiplying every second.  Based on my experience I know the pregnancies placed a huge impact on my health decline and eventual health crisis.

    The female body undergoes a variety of additional stressors during pregnancy.  The body creates an environment to grow and nurture and infant.  My body was already experiencing some digestive issues, chronic pain and other problems at the time.  Thankfully, the pregnancy went well but it wrecked havoc on my body.  My health continued to progressively get worse and eventually I needed to remove my gallbladder.  My health continued to have issues but miraculously 3 years later, I was pregnant again.  This time, I did not have to try at all. We were planning to begin trying and I found out I was already pregnant. After my second son, my health worsened exponentially.  After each child, I breast fed them each for 1 year.  This continued to place more priority on the baby than myself.  I was feeding the babies every nutrient I had and my body just couldn’t absorb more.  I had severe IBS that progressively worsened until I developed leaky gut.  I had told doctors many times that my body was not absorbing nutrients and that was why my hair was falling and other symptoms were multiplying.  Unfortunately, conventional medicine was not the answer, and I had not figured that out yet.  Essentially, I had placed priority nutritional support for my children for approximately 3 years and 6 months.  Now, think about this, we are built to carry babies and feed them.  But we are not necessarily equipped to maintain optimal nutrition and health for ourselves during this process.  I have seen a multitude of women that have gone through the same issues. Progressively their health changed after each child until chronic illness developed.  This health decline is easily preventable by activating the Nrf2 pathway, which goes dormant at 20 years of age.  Essentially, our bodies were born with the ability to do this, but then it just stops.  If you activate this pathway your body can repair itself, every single day.    So, I tell you this, if you could prevent this damage, would you?  Would you take the opportunity to learn more? Ask me how?

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    Make the Best of It!

    Have you heard the saying, “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”  Let’s talk about having the health of a “lemon” aka always sick, pain, having surgeries and taking medications.  That was me, my husband married a lemon.  That was the joke for years, I was a defective “lemon.”  Over the years, I had developed a ton of genetic illnesses from my parents.  I had severe IBS and reflux (my father has Chron’s Disease, reflux and IBS).   I had chronic pain and fatigue (my mom has EDS III, fibromyalgia and issues with Right side of body).   I was taking tons of prescriptions daily in my 20’s and 30’s.  I was sick all the time, taking antibiotics, pain killers, antacids, proton-pump inhibitors (Nexium), muscle relaxants, anti-spasmodics (Bentyl) and nerve medications (Lyrica).  I was literally falling apart and each medication made things worse.   The joke was that being the last child (7 years after my siblings) for some reason made me a lemon.  I had developed all those genetic weaknesses that my parents developed as adults.  So let’s think of advanced maternal age and the developing infant.  It is well known that advanced maternal age is linked to Down Syndrome and genetic anomalies.  This is because as we age, our bodies develop inflammation and oxidative stress, which alters our genetic makeup including the sperm and ovum.  Essentially, it triggers are bad genes to turn on and inflammation to increae.  Therefore, being the product of an older than ideal sperm and ovum, I developed with a predetermined genetic makeup that was less than ideal.  My body was created under the influence of oxidative stress, 40 years ago this was not know or even imagined.  Then introduce, processed foods, environmental factors and more stress into the body of a developing child with a weak genetic makeup.  The impact is huge, a weak body with oxidative stress and bad genes will develop into an adult with chronic health conditions. I experienced this very phenomenon, first hand.  It took me 40 years of learning my body and identifying my food and environmental triggers.  No Doctor was able to figure me out.  I went to countless doctors over the years to identify my condition, they only patched me up with a surgery or new prescription.  No one ever treated the root cause of the problem.  This is the issue with western medicine, it is not designed to treat the person as a “WHOLE” or to identify the “root cause.”  It is designed to apply a bandage and move to the next patient.  It took my disease and my career as an Special Educator and Registered Nurse to apply my knowledge and experiences in my own healing process.  Let’s make my explanation simple, I was a fragile lemon.  Stress impacted my body by bruising and damaging the inside and outside.  By treating the root cause, inflammation and oxidative stress, the bruising and internal damage improved progressively.  Now, I am delicious lemonade instead of a sick lemon.  So what does that mean for you?  It is important to identify your genetic weakness, your medical predispositions, allergies and triggers.  The easiest way to heal quickly is activating the Nrf2 pathway for your body to heal itself.  This will remove the free radicals, toxins and oxidative stress from you body, to treat the “root cause” of your genetic weakness.  Then, during the healing phase you will be able to identify your triggers and allergens to create the right diet for you.  Not everyone is meant to eat everything, each individual has food sensitivities and triggers that create symptoms.  It is important to pay attention to those symptoms and treat your body naturally.  Embrace the power of your body and accept that symptoms are there to warn you of a problem.  Don’t make my mistake and cover them up with prescriptions and surgeries.  This will only wreck havoc on your body and eventually your body will spiral into illness.  My holistic journey incorporated acupuncture, Nrf2 pathway activation, essential oils, yoga, exercise.  I am here to support you in your journey.  Let me guide you through the healing.  I can relate to my clients because of my personal experiences and backgrounds to develop a holistic plan that is right for you.  Schedule your FREE consultation today.  You have nothing to lose, I’m here to help YOU!

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    Essential oils

    Essential oils provide a multitude of health benefits.  I used to be huge on essential oils and for some reason lost my passion.  Over time, I became so preoccupied with the hustle and bustle of life and building a business that I stopped using my essential oils.   I remember a year ago, I used to come home fill my infuser with oils while I was cooking.  The kids would swing by the infuser and inhale some yummy vapors and critique or praise the aroma.  I also used to do some deep breathing while I did some yoga a stretches.  It was wonderful to smell the clean and fresh aromas in my house throughout the afternoon and evening.  I lost my focus because life got in the way.  I am making decision to focus again and a conscious effort to keep essential oils with me.

    I attended the Holistic Health Coach course last weekend and was reminded of all the spectacular benefits of essential oils. It was very interesting to learn the benefit of certain oils in relieving symptoms, stress and anxiety.  I learned the significant difference between using any oil vs. high quality pure essential oils.  Some oils can be filled with pesticides or harmful chemicals.  These particles enter the body causing symptoms and damage.  It is important to follow directions on using oils for topical and oral use.  Another interesting fact I learned was doTerra essential oils have high quality standards and research studies for their products.  They also “cold press” there essential oils to ensure pureness, quality and fragrance is preserved.  As a nurse, research and quality are huge requirements for supplements, food, medications, products and essential oils.  I realized the importance of quality and research after my health struggles.  I realized that harmful chemicals and additives were causing me symptoms and illness. It became very important to read labels for all products that I ingest or expose to my skin.  I am highly allergic and sensitive to creams, lotions, soaps and even paper products.  The fact that doTerra has such high quality standards, was a huge inspiration for me.  I knew the importance of essential oils but had not looked into research and quality until now.  During my holistic course, I was experiencing right arm pain, neck pain and migraine.  I truly enjoyed the aromas from the infuser during the course.  I also loved the “Deep blue” essential oil and cream.  I applied the cream to my entire right arm and shoulder.  The smell was subtle, clean and delicious.   There were no obvious stinky muscle rub odors or strong burning sensations on my skin.  My skin felt hydrated and invigorated as the cream absorbed in my skin.  I also applied the oil to my temple, wrist and forearm for the migraine headache.  I was pleasantly surprised during the course my arm relaxed, the tension in my muscles was relieved and my headache was gone. I didn’t take any oral medications with me, so I would typically be stuck with that headache and arm pain all day. I was very thankful because I really wanted to concentrate and learn.

    Now, back to why I love essential oils.  As many of you know, I suffer from anxiety and stress.  Truthfully who doesn’t in the busy and crazy society.  We are always balancing tons of obstacles on a daily basis and things can definitely get stressful.  I use essential oils to enhance my mood, reduce stress, reduce anxiety, stomach upset, improve digestion and reduce pain.  The truth is essential oils can be used for any symptoms.  They can be easily integrated into your daily routine.  You can use a diffuser or infuser to spread the wonderful scents in a room.  You can apply them to jewelry and enjoy the benefits throughout the day.  You can carry them in a bag and apply as needed.  You can keep some on your nightstand or desk.  Essential oils can offer you a natural alternative to those OTC prescriptions and in some cases allow you to reduce your prescription medications.  Always remember medications should be reduced and weaned with the supervision of a Physician.

    My favorite essential oil: Deep blue- because of the variety of powerful benefits I experienced

    What is your favorite essential oil?

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    Hypochondriac, no way! I was Super Sick.

    The fact is I have suffered from chronic pain, fatigue, infections, digestive issues and much more.  My symptoms started in childhood and progressed throughout my life.  I remember going to my doctor in my teenage years and he called me a HYPOCONDRIAC.  I wanted to kill they guy (not literally of course) but I was upset and absolutely frustrated.  I knew my symptoms were not in my head. I had been suffering for years and this was not an acceptable response for me.  That was the last time I saw that doctor.  I decided to advocate for me and find a different primary doctor.  Over the years, I have been to countless primary doctors and specialists to diagnose and treat all my problems.  As the years passed my prescriptions and surgeries multiplied.  The good thing was doctors were trying to help me but the solutions weren’t getting to the root of the problem.  In my 20s, I began to realize that my symptoms were mirror images of my mom, but way more rapid and progressive.  I had undergone a ton of surgeries, the biggest one was my reflux surgery.   In my 20s, I had seen a bunch of gastroenterologist and undergone countless tests.  My reflux was so severe, it would burn my sinus and vocal cords regularly.  The tests proved that my esophagus was always opened and my doctor was concerned about future pregnancies with this issue.  I had a wrap surgery to repair the esophageal flap and reduce reflux, and new symptoms started to arise. After the surgery, the reflux was better but gas was trapped in my abdomen, I couldn’t vomit or belch.  Thus, my IBS began to progress and worsen.  By the time I was in my 30s, I was taking 13 prescriptions and feeling like crap every day.  I woke up tired, achy and filled with pain. My IBS was intense and while i was working the the Pediatric Ed, I lost 30 pounds in a few months because of it. Doctor’s told me stop dairy, do the FODMAP diet, etc.  But I wasn’t ready to listen.  I didn’t want to accept that diet was the issue, I loved food too much. I got to the point that I could not eat anything, not even saltine crackers.  I ended up hospitalized once again to run more tests.  I was a regular at the Adult Emergency Room and usually became sick during stressful workdays.  At this point, they thought I had Crohn’s or Ulcerative colitis but the tests just couldn’t verify it. My father has Crohn’s Disease, I have a few other loved ones with Crohn’s disease and I know my autoimmune leaky Gut acts like Crohn’s.  I have tried to tell my story and help them but some people just aren’t ready to listen.  I have learned that some people need to reach a breaking point or crisis to make a life change.  It is not easy to make a lifestyle change and people need to be ready for it.  I am writing my story to spread the benefits of healing the GUT.  HEAL the GUT = Improved Immune System, Better Digestion and Less Pain).  #HEALTHYGUT My doctor told me at this point, I had to leave the Pediatric Emergency Room, it was taking a toll on my health and it was only going to get worse.  My time in the Pediatric ER was rewarding and painful at the same time.  I developed friendships that I treasure to this day, we might have lost track or moved away, but I still love everyone of them.  I thank them for guiding me in your nursing journey and helping me through my illness.  I would love to reunite with the Old School BCH Peds ED Team. I would love to reconnect each of them and thank them personally.  I am not “Debbie Downer” or “BUBBLE GIRL”  #BUBBLEGIRL Thankfully, my manager had noticed my health decline and offered me a desk job following up on patients.  It was the best move ever.  It didn’t solve my health issues but definitely reduced my stress levels.  My journey to finding health was still in the inception phase.  I knew that a lot of my health issues were linked to poor nutrient absorption from my IBS and reflux surgery.  I told countless doctors this fact and according to them all my labs were always perfect.  How can all my labs be perfect? How can I feel this sick every day and be fine?  Nope, I am not accepting this, I am going to figure myself out. I went to dermatologists for HAIR LOSS, since High School. If you knew me then you remember my hair it was super thick gorgeous long hair. I will find a picture of that, Senior Picture, St. Brendan High School Class of 96′. After high school, my health became a spiral of illness and diseases.  Don’t laugh but go to my doctor, any doctor and look at my file, its huge, like an encyclopedia.  My medical records are BOOKS people literally the size of an encyclopedia.  My favorite primary after the Doctor that broke my heart was Dr. Arguelles.  Dr. Arguelles, was amazing and truly cared about me. I thank him for listening and acknowledging my pain and for empowering me to find my health.  I went to his office recently and left packet about the little yellow pill but wasn’t able to see him.  I really want to reconnect with him. I wish my insurance would not have changed, I would have liked to share the rest of my journey with him.  I am a complete 360 degree different girl, no longer Bubble girl.  I am the new and improved vivacious Diane Vich.   I have energy, memory, strength, happiness and most importantly LIBIDO.

    Is your libido important to YOU?

    Hello ladies, how important is your libido.  Mine is very important, I think it is important to many people, men and women alike. Everyone has these desires but are you TOO TIRED, STRESSED and Anxious in our stressful society.  I used to be exhausted every day and heck no, I did not want to have sex.  I would go to bed because I had a headache, pain or exhaustion.  Sex was not my priority and I know I was not meeting my husbands desires.  But who could be interested when you felt like SHIT every day.  Fast forward to 2018, I have been on the little yellow pill for a year now.  I will give you the details of my nutrient-rich regimen later. The fact is our food does not have the exact nutrients we need to stay younger, healthier and more active.  Don’t you want to die doing something fun, like I don’t know relaxing on the beach.  I am working towards doing just that, I am going to be the sexy grandma that does yoga and looks FABULOUS.  Do you know her? I’ve met a few and hell yes, they take care of themselves or they have awesome GENES.  The fact is my genes were crap because I had fed my body the wrong foods and no nutrients for 30+ years, it activated my bad genes, this is what happens in your body when you develop Diabetes, Cancer, Lupus, etc.  These are all triggered by the expression of your bad genes from the damage your body has incurred over your life.  I suggest taking the little yellow pill because I used to have tight muscles all the time before, muscle cramps, injuries, bursitis, nerve damage, etc.  I am now very flexible and able to drain my lymphatic system every day. I can not say Protandim is a cure for any disease or illness but it reduced the inflammation and stress that triggered my body to develop this progressive illness.  My true secret is the Vitality stack, looking back now at all my doctors visits and money spent on medications.  I was spending much more on crap, now I am investing in my HEALTH, I am spending money on me.  I Deserve it, I want it and I am worth every penny.  It is the mentality of health prevention instead of prescription pushing and doctor visits.

    THE SUPPLEMENT KEY: Since October 2017, I have been taking the little yellow pill combo pack (Omega for my BRAIN, skin and NERVES), Probiotic (Gut health and immune system), NRF1 (MEMORY, energy and sleep) and NrF2 (Cell repair, REMOVE TOXINS, LIBIDO).

    Now let’s get down to the nitty gritty. Everyone wants to know how its possible to reignite your Libido after 30.  Well it is possible, the fact is if your body is detoxing daily, reducing stress and relaxed, you are in the best state for enjoying sex.  And guess what, sex helps you release more toxins through vaginal and penile ejaculation.  Yep women ejaculate too.  It is natural process for a healthy vivacious female body to ejaculate, thus releasing stress, enhancing relaxation and promoting sleep.  Before the little yellow pill, I did not want sex, hardly ever.  Now, I can have sex every day. Sometimes a few times a day.  How about you?

    Do you want to have Bigger & Better Orgasms?

    Did you know something as simple as stretching combined with nutrient-rich supplementation can enhance libido?   I will teach each lady how to engage her own unique precious body to target and relax her muscles.  In my Private class, I will teach you key stretches to promote relaxation and enhance libido. Free Sexy Saturday Calls at 10am.  Write a comment or send me a message to get more information for the Free Call.  I want to thank Luly B. for all her inspiration, motivation and support.  I would not be spreading this story without her guidance.  I was stuck in my Bubble hiding my story, I wanted to share but felt ashamed or unsure of myself,  Luly helped me find my voice and share the truth of my pain and healing.  I also want to thank BNI and BNI Gables Rainmakers for welcoming me into your community.  I absolutely love waking up to see you all Wednesday mornings, it isn’t a hardship for me to wake up extra early and share my story.

    Back to My medical history BOOKs, each doctor has a BOOK unique to their profession detailing my non-hypochondriac issues.  I actually am dying to read my files at all my Doctors, what the heck were all my symptoms, I remember some, the more prominent ones but I am sure there were more.  I looked at my HUGE file last week, during my visit with Dr. Guell for my annual.  Ladies you need to go to your annual pelvic & mammogram, this prevents cervical cancer and other issues. I might have spent my life at doctors before, but now, I only go to my annual.  Of course, I go to my annuals for all my specialists, which is quite a few. My gastroenterologist Dr. Angel Veloso and Dr Alexander Veloso-(hubbies bestie). My gastroenterologist is married to one of my best friends and personal psychologist bestie, Dr. Elda Kanski-Veloso.  I love each and every one of them and thank them personally for my journey to wellness.  There were some doctors that failed me, those that hurt my soul and broke me down, specially the statement “hypochondriac.”  I know your name and so does my mom.  I won’t say your name as respect to my parents.  Most of my doctors remain the same. I have had to change my primary 3 times over the years (1 because he called me a hypochondriac).

    Let’s get down to the facts, my copayment for any Physician is $50 a visit and my prescription co-payments range from $10 to $50 and add all those harmful OTC vitamins and antioxidants I used to take. Add this shit up people, If I was going to 5 doctors a year approximately 6 times each, that is 30 visits a year at $1,500 (it was more but lets keep it simple).  Now, add $1,500 plus copayments and OTC stuff, that is over $2,000 and I was only getting worse. Then my holistic journey began, oh boy was that expensive, I spent $10,000+ in 6 months getting IV glutathione, Vitamin C and individualized treatments.  Little did I know there was a less expensive alternative waiting for me. Fast forward to now, my little yellow pill combo pack costs me $150 a mont , and its healing my body, why would I want to spend the same money and go to the doctor. Heck no, I’m not a hypochondriac, my symptoms were all real and I can honestly say they are pretty much all gone.  Those that linger are rare and fare between.  So there it is I spend LESS now $1,800 on keeping myself healthy than $2,000 in copayments and junk.  This is a HUGE difference from Chronic Pain (right side of body), Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, EDS III, ACL repair, GERD, IBS, Frequent UTIs, Frequent Yeast infections, Severe Menstrual Cramps, Allergies to pollen+, Allergies to creams and lotions, Allergies to FOODs, Latex Allergy (aka Condoms and gloves), Vaginal Sensitivity (Soaps, tampons, maxi-pads), Underarm sensitivity (deodorant), Labial Abscess, Bartholind Cyst (OUCH!), Migraines, TMJ, Periodontal Disease, Biliary dyskinesiaFrequent Sinus infections, Nerve damage, Piriformis syndrome, Sciatica, Hip tear, Thyroid nodules, Syncope and Fibroids. To Name a Few Lol, that is a mouth full isn’t it.

    Now I want you to think about your current situation.  How do you feel? How much are you spending on doctors and medications?  Is it truly helping you feel better?  Are you spending more time at doctors than enjoying life?

    Now Repeat after Me: I Deserve it, I want it and I am worth every penny! So what is stopping you from living the healthy, energetic, vivacious life of your dreams.