Category Archives: Advice

    Categories Advice, Antioxidants, Autism, autoimmune, Biohacking, brain disorders, Cerebral palsy, Developmental Delays, epilepsy, Health

    Brain Disorders and Oxidative Stress

    My desire to help children has always been my priority throughout my career.  I began helping children as a Special Education teacher and progressed into Nursing.  My curiosity and interest in identifying the causes of brain disorders, developmental delays, autism and seizures in children has been ongoing.  This knowledge and expertise has flourished through my career in the healthcare and educational spheres.  My personal experiences with learning disability, attention problems and chronic health issues made me search for the link between these conditions.  My own healing process has helped me realize the connection between chronic illness and brain disorders is real.  Over the years, I have researched to determine the common factor in all of these conditions.  It took me years of research and personal healing to identify the common factor.  The common factor in all brain disorders, chronic illness and disease is oxidative stress.  Oxidative stress is an imbalance between free radicals and our antioxidant defenses.  This causes an accumulation of free radicals in the body that provoke tissue damage which leads to illness and disease.   Everyone has their own genetic differences and weaknesses.  As the damage in the cells continues to progress, the bodies genes are altered causing bad genes to turned on, leading to illness and disease.  In my case, free radicals were related to severe food allergies.  The attack on my body was constant with processed foods and damage my body significantly throughout my childhood and adult life.  My food allergies changed from hives to an internal damage throughout my body that eventually turned into autoimmune disease.  Throughout my childhood and adult life my diet was filled with corn and gluten filled products that wrecked havoc on my digestive tract and body.  This damage impacted my memory, attention, digestion and many more aspects of my health.  Now, that I am through the detox and healing phase, I realize the true impact of free radical damage throughout my life.  I am more energetic, happy, active and healthy than ever before.  My memory, attention, chronic pain, digestion and sleep have improved.  Now, I am sharing my store to help prevent these health issues in children before their adult lives.  My burning desire is to stop the struggle with pain, symptoms and disease by impacting the body with unique nutrients and diet to heal the body naturally.

    Now that you understand the true impact of free radicals on the body, let’s talk about brain disorders and oxidative stress.  The research shows that children with epilepsy, autism, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy have high oxidative stress.  Oxidative stress impacts their bodies by impacting brain function, memory, attention and seizures.  These are only a few of the possible symptoms associated with oxidative stress and free radical damage.   Free radicals and oxidative stress continue to increase as we age.  This damage multiplies and builds in children with these conditions increasing their symptoms and health issues as they age.   These children have low antioxidants in their bodies, which makes it impossible for the body to fight the damage and repair itself.   Indirect antioxidants are the only effective way to fight free radical damage and oxidative stress.  These indirect antioxidants are created by the body to protect itself but children with oxidative stress are not producing enough to repair the accumulating damage.  The only way to stimulate the body to produce them is by activating the Nrf2 pathway.  In healthy adults, these indirect antioxidants stop being produced after 20 years of age.  So, if children with disease are already low, damage is multiplying and they are aging, the oxidative stress is growing rapidly.  Let’s make it simple, think of children like a bright light bulb.  They were born full of energy and the light bulb was burning strong.  As they age, symptoms started to arise and the light began to dim.  As the light dims, free radical damage increases and the light progressively dims.   Some children have so much stress that the light dims much faster.  So what does that mean, children and adults with these conditions need nutrient-rich supplements to enhance their bodies defenses.  Nutrients and diet are essential in maintaining the appropriate balance of elements in the body to heal and repair itself.  The key to healing is nutrigenomics – the science of using nutrient-rich supplements to impact genetics.   These unique elements activate bodies ability to heal and detoxify itself naturally. I am here to guide you through the process.  Schedule a Free Consultation to develop a plan for you or your child.

    Categories Advice, Antioxidants, Diet, Elimination Diet, fatigue, flare up, pain

    I have Fibromyalgia. It doesn’t have me.

    I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia many years ago. Doctors tried a multitude of medications and injections. Nothing helped with the pain. I suffered from chronic pain and fatigue my entire life. Over the years, I have adapted my diet by identifying food triggers. I use my elimination diet and flare up diet to control my symptoms. I eliminated many foods that caused symptoms several years ago, like diary, gluten, sugar and processed foods. My symptoms continued even though they slightly improved. In 2017, everything changed for the better. I started taking little yellow pill after my friend showed me the ABC Primetime news report. I can’t claim that this is a cure, treat, mitigate or prevent disease but I can tell you the root cause of disease is oxidative stress.  I researched and saw the published studies on this natural supplement and finally had hope again.  I knew that the damage my body had experienced over the years due to my poor diet was going to take time to heal.  I was patient taking it daily and slowly the pain and fatigue started to improve.  The first thing I noticed was I woke up with energy ready to start my day.  I used to drag all day long feeling exhausted and coffee didn’t help.  Now, I woke up and felt rested.  Then as the months past my tight muscles started to relax and my pain practically disappeared.  Unbelievable right?  Wrong, it is totally true, I used to live with pain 7/10 or 8/10 daily.  After 3 months it was controlled at 3/10 but I still had some neuropathy on the right side of my body.  Basically my right arm and leg were numb.  On the 4th month something miraculous happened, the pain and neuropathy subsided.  At this point, I new I had to share with my mom.  My mom has the same medical history and symptoms as me, so I knew it would help her.   She felt much better too after 4 months on the product. We both switched to the Vitality stack when it came out in October to incorporate omega+ and Probio into the daily routine.  I still had some flare ups related to my diet and eventually increased Protandim Nrf2 to twice a day.  My condition tends to trap lymphatic fluid on the right side of my body, which worsens with diet triggers and repetitive movements.  Twice a day Protandim and Vitality Stack did the trick.  At this point, i decided to focus on diet and learn my body more.  I developed personalized stretching and relaxation techniques.  I also focused on zoning in on diet changed to identify triggers.  Still to this day, I find foods that trigger symptoms but the constant unbearable pain is gone.  I also have energy and happiness every day.  A recent food trigger was white jasmine rice, I usually don’t eat rice in the evening and if I do I hadn’t noticed this symptom.  I ate rice and beans for lunch and 30 minutes later, I felt really sleepy and started yawning.  That was when I realized it was the rice.  It happened again today after eating snap pea chips which have rice inside them.  It is not extreme tiredness like before but I know that if I accumulate these types of food in my system everything gets worse.  Food triggers and diet modifications help me control my symptoms and maintain my energy level.  Are you suffering from pain or fatigue?  Diet is a good place to start.  Though it did not resolve all my issues it definitely helps keep me in check.  Another important thing to remember with Fibromyalgia is movement makes a body good.  If you stay in one spot, sleeping or resting too long, pain with come.  You need to keep active, exercise and stretch.  The tissues actually get backed up with fluids and pain increases.  I know how bad this can be.  Every time I have had surgery, which is a lot, bed rest made my pain worse.  You begin aching in places you never ached before.  I can help you develop stretching and relaxation techniques, elimination diet and more, just ask and you shall receive.  Any questions?

    Categories Advice, autoimmune, autoimmune crisis

    Numbness and Tingling

    Numbness and tingling is a common symptom of neuropathy.  Neuropathy is a common  for diabetics but not an exclusive condition.  I have neuropathy but not diabetes.  I have experienced numbness, tingling and pain down my right arm since 8th grade.  I remember having pain after every school day due to the extreme amounts of writing and use of my right hand.  The condition continued to worsen into adult hood. Several years ago, I had a nerve conduction study to compare both my arms because the numbness was unbearable and anreleavable. The study showed nerve damage down my right arm.  It verified that my nerves were being impacted by the extremely tight muscles on my neck, shoulder and elbow.  The pain and numbness mostly travels down my arm to the pinkie and ring finger.  The pain travels down my arm to my finger tips.  The condition continued to progress into my 30s and I have weakness on the right side.  I actually have trouble opening doors with round handles, turning on a lighter and other things.  I have gotten stuck inside bathrooms several times because I am not able to turn the knob.  Over the years, I have tried muscle relaxants, Lyrica, pain killers and nerve blocks.  None of these techniques effectively relieved the symptoms because they never got to the root of the problem.  For years, the symptoms were so severe I slept with bilateral cock splints to relax my wrists during rest.   In my 30s the pain started to occur on the left side as well, but not as severe and the right.  These splints were a bedtime necessity and I had to travel with them too.  In 2017, I was fed up with the pain and all the medications.  Nerve blocks were not effective and the side effects sucked. I would get hot flashes for weeks after an injection.  I began incorporating more consistent acupuncture and chiropractic care with minimal relief.  Thankfully, my friend showed me a video that changed things forever. The video verified my hypothesis that my pain was related to inflammation of my muscles and lymphatic system.  Of course, I had to do some research before I tried it. You see I have a ton of food allergies and sensitivities.  I researched oxidative stress and a multitude of my symptoms and realized this was a great option.  I knew the damage my tissues had experienced would take time to heal.  I made a promise to myself to give it 4 months and see where I was.  After 3 months, my neck and shoulder muscles were more relaxed.  My pain level on my shoulder and down my arm was 3/10. Considering my pain was consistently at 8/10, 3/10 was a fantastic improvement.  On month 4, I was hooked.  The numbness and tingling was completely gone. It was then I realized I had to share this with everyone, starting with my mom.  My mom suffers from all the same symptoms I have including numbness and chronic pain on the right side of her body.  She was also pleasantly surprised with her progress.  Of course, chronic inflammation was going to be a lifelong struggle because it is impacted by physical activity and diet.  The symptoms can flare from gluten products, sugar and processed foods. Everyone is different but those are harmful foods for me.  These same foods are actually harmful for my mom too. You can read more about my reactions in autoimmune crisis.  Repetitive activities like typing and writing aggravate symptoms.  This year after being on the little yellow pill and combo pack for 1 year, I am able to reduce these flare ups and heal in 1 to 2 days.  This was unheard of before, I could get a massage and still feel the same.  Now, my body is able to detox and remove the trapped fluids from muscles and lymphatic tissue effectively.  So, stretching, yoga, acupuncture and massage work more effectively and rapidly.  I use my environment, gravity and resistance to enhance stretching and relaxation of muscles.  My technique is effective in relaxing the muscles and improving circulation to the tissue.  I call this technique Tension Buster  since it is designed and individualized to the clients tension areas and environment.  It is important to realize there is no quick fix to chronic pain, your body needs you to make an effort.  The body was made to move and stretch not to sit and stay.  The more you move the better you will feel.  The same goes for stretching and relaxation.  I can’t claim that this is a cure, treat, mitigate or prevent disease but I can tell you the root cause of disease is oxidative stress.  Call me to discuss your personal symptoms.

    Categories Advice, hysteroctomy, orthopedics, surgery

    Hysterectomy and ACL all in 1 year

    Several years ago my body was in crisis and a multitude of things came crashing down on me.  On January 3, my son’s birthday, I decided to ride back.  Why did I decide to race like I was a kid I do not know?  I was already suffering from chronic pain on the right side of my body.  I had a tear in my right hip and severe pain down my leg (sciatica).  In addition to my shoulder and arm which always hurt.  That day I was having fun and started racing in circles. My life flashed before me as I saw the median getting closer and I was losing control of the bike.  I remember saying, “Not my bad hip, not my bad hip, don’t fall.”  And boom I fell, twisted my knee and landed on my hip.  Thank goodness a family was there when I fell. I was far from my house and no way I could walk there.  They called my husband and he had to come to pick me up.  Of course, he thought I was exaggerating, and told me to get up.  The bruise on my hip was huge and horrendous that was the first thing to start hurting.  Then a few hours after the injury, I could hardly walk, I felt something in my knee.  This really sucked because it was my son’s birthday and we had plans to take him to dinner. So, I wobbled up the stairs to take a shower.  I thought I needed to stretch because my thigh was tight, huge mistake.  I asked my son Gabriel to help me stretch my quad.  Oh boy, my ACL tore, we both felt the pop.  I was able to take a shower and walk to the restaurant.  By the time dinner was over my knee was huge and I couldn’t walk.  I had to jump all the way out of the Restaurant.  The extreme force of jumping after eating made my stomach hurt and all my dinner came out, barf.  My friends Vanessa and Ferni offered to watch the kids, but my husband still thought I was exaggerating and the ER wasn’t going to do anything because I needed an MRI.  Thankfully, I had some friends that had a knee injury and told me of a surgeon.  I called the doctor and got an appointment for that Monday.  But that didn’t help the fact that my knee was a balloon and I couldn’t bear any weight.  It was time to stay downstairs and live on the couch all weekend.  Of course, as a nurse I know that knee injuries have a hard recovery and MRI can’t been done until the swelling subsides.  I went to the doctor and he gave me pain killers and I was walking with a walker.  Yep, I was a little old lady.  The fact is because of my chronic pain and numbness on my arm, I am not able to use crutches.  Since, I work in an Emergency, I didn’t want to take time off until the summer, so I chose surgery to help relieve the pain.  I was in surgery for a while and it helped with swelling and some pain.  But the fact is I love to dance and workout.  I could not squat down to the toilet much less dance.  I knew that I had to get it fixed.  So, I lived in flats until the summer, their was no way to get into a heel with a torn ACL.  My ACL repair went well but recovery was tough.  I knew recovery would suck, I have been through so many it was a give in.  Fibromyalgia and EDS III make recovering much harder.  These conditions require you to stay active and use your muscles, bed rest only aggravates it.  As, I started to improve my knee, my entire body hurt.  I did therapy for 2 months before I was able to return to work.  During my recovery, I started getting severe abdominal pain and fainting episodes.  Here we go again, some other crap to deal with.  My first fainting episode was on July 4th about 1 week after surgery.  There were many after that.  The worst one was in the middle of the night.  The abdominal cramps were combined with hot flashes.  I woke up super hot and in pain.  I remember walking down stairs to get something to drink and the heat starting rising, my ears got hot, I started to see spots.  I remember saying, “Oh shit, oh shit” before I went down.  I tried to catch my fall by kneeling and stretching out my hands but it didn’t work.  I hit the floor with a big thump and woke up with my husband screaming and kicking me, “wake up.”  Needles to say, I had hit my head and my elbow which were hurting.  After that episode, I went to the ED because the pain was intense.  It turned out I had over done it on Motrin and it was affecting my liver.  I was so upset because I had to miss my friends 40th birthday party and my clinical class as well.  You see I am not supposed to use Motrin in the first place because I get gastritis, but the unbearable pain for months had me desperate.  The CT scan showed that the fibroid I had in my uterus had grown to the size of an orange. Every time my menstruation came the fibroid would pull my blood and I would faint.  This episode was no exception but at least I knew what was causing the pain.  But after that day I knew that I had to get the fibroid out.  The choices were an open c-section to get the fibroid or a laparoscopic hysterectomy.  I did my research and decided laparoscopic was the way to go.  The hard part was accepting that I definitely could not have any more children.  You see I always wanted 4 kids.  But the fact I knew was my body just wasn’t equipped to have another child anyway.  Each pregnancy created more havoc on my body and illness multiplied.  Add breastfeeding each baby for a year and I was falling apart.  I was sad, but I knew it was time to take my uterus out.  So December of the same year, I had my partial hysterectomy.  My liver recovered and I went home a few days after.  I had to monitor my liver for a few months and was cleared.   The hysterectomy recovery was just as hard as the ACL, bed rest was so horrible on my body.  It took me 6 weeks to return to work.  My hormones were crazy, I was having hot flashes and spotting.  My hot flashes continued for 6-8 months after the procedure.  Thankfully, I had learned to hydrate and cool down during these episodes to avoid fainting.  I have learned a lot over the years.  I have learned to listen to my body and pay attention to every detail.  Thankfully, since that awful year, I have not had another surgery.  I have seen changes in my body and know that I am ready for whatever the world brings for me.  I am able to resolve pain and symptoms within a few days now which was impossible before.  I know my the little yellow pill combo pack is the secret to the changes my body has experienced. I am happy that my body will continue to age gracefully, because I was definitely spiraling badly before. I know if someone would have told me about it sooner, my life would have been very different.  I can’t claim that this is a cure, treat, mitigate or prevent disease but I can tell you the root cause of disease is oxidative stress.  Ask me about your oxidative stress and symptoms.

    Categories Advice, autoimmune, autoimmune crisis, Elimination Diet, Fibromyalgia

    Autoimmune Crisis

    Autoimmune diseases are difficult to control and often a lifelong journey.  I suffered from Autoimmune illness for 39 years.  I experienced chronic pain, migraines, memory issues and digestive problems, since childhood.  I constantly suffered from chronic pain to the right side of my body and daily stomach issues.  Finally in 2017 I found my answer.  I knew my body was missing key nutritional elements due to my poor absorption of nutrients from IBS and gastric surgery.  Over the years, I have connected my symptoms to diet by identifying foods that triggered my symptoms.  Some of these foods are: corn products, processed foods, nitrates, nitrites, certain wines, many fruits, some vegetables, carbohydrates and products with gluten.  The truth is autoimmune issues are a lifelong journey and it is important to adapt your diet as new symptoms arise.  Our bodies tell us through symptoms that certain foods are not good for us.  Each individual is unique and elimination diets need to be geared to them. Elimination is a gradual process and needs to be tweaked periodically as symptoms arise.  I actually had an autoimmune crisis yesterday.  I ate take out which I have eaten before but symptoms were vague and I had not isolated the exact trigger.  When I had eaten this gluten free sweet and sour chicken before I had gotten a headache the next day.  This time was different.  I had eaten the same meal two days in a row.  Well guess what, my crappy feeling returned.  After I finished the second meal, my brain became foggy, I got sleepy, my chronic pain and numbness all returned.  By the time I realized it, it was time to fight back and make a not of this new food item.  Last night my arm pain was 9/10, my arm was numb, all my muscles down my arm were tight and tense and I was super sleepy all day.  I thankfully, have learned how to deal with my crisis and remove symptoms in 1 or 2 days.  This is only possible because I have been using the little yellow pill combo pack for 1 year now.  My body is equipped to fight the inflammation on a daily basis, thus removing the effects of these toxic foods.  I also have some unique tricks and tips to reduce the symptoms during an active crisis, which I offer to my clients through their healing process.  I am here to provide my unique knowledge and experience to help others overcome their autoimmune crisis.  Gladly, my arm is great today, no numbness or pain, no sleepiness or brain fog.  I have a free autoimmune survey and consultation.  I can’t claim that this is a cure, treat, mitigate or prevent disease but I can tell you the root cause of disease is oxidative stress.  Let me know how I can help you.

    Categories Advice, Antioxidants, Anxiety, Autism, Biohacking, Cancer, Developmental Delays, Diabetes, epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, Health, Seizures

    Tribute to Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties Family Friendly Hands

    I am very grateful to God for reuniting me with the Mother of one of my Special Education Students again.  I was able to reunite with the mother of Robert Alfonso Murguia Clark. Alfonso is known well and loved by many.  I remember him as my student and the seizures he used to experience in school and the visits to the school nurse.  I also cared for Alfonso during seizure episodes as a bedside nurse many years ago in the Pediatric Emergency Room. I love the passion and compassion Elsa Murguia Clark has shown toward other families in need of assistance with their special needs child.  She is doing a fantastic job educating and helping families obtain resources for their children experiencing medical and educational necessities for their children.   Over my career as a special educator, nurse and nurse educator I have researched and learned the impact of stress and disease on children and adults impacting their health and development.  I started my journey with a yearning to find the causing factor of all these developmental delays and their relationship with medical diagnosis.  I was a child with learning disabilities, attention issues and many chronic health issues.  I grew to become an adult with memory and chronic health issues.  Through, my research I found the common factor in developmental delays, illness and disease to be oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.  I began using a product with 23 Published studies on the benefits of reducing this inflammation and stress in the body naturally.  I can’t claim that this is a cure, treat, mitigate or prevent disease but I can tell you the root cause of disease is oxidative stress. I have seen it benefit a variety of clients with attention disorders, autism, epilepsy, diabetes, cancer, fibromyalgia to name a few.  I began using the product little yellow pill myself 1 year ago and found a reduction in pain, inflammation and digestive issue. I also found some interesting improvements in memory, focus, attention, depression and anxiety.  This brought me to the realization that I needed to spread the word, so that others can make the decision for themselves and their families. Thank you for the opportunity to share the product that changed my life.  I once again thank Elsa for helping so many families in need to Access services for their children.  She is creating a wonderful support community.

    Homenaje de Miami-Dade y Monroe Condados – Family Friendly Hands

    Estoy muy agradecido con Dios por reunirme nuevamente con la Madre de uno de mis Estudiantes de Educación Especial. Pude reunirme con la madre de Robert Alfonso Murguia Clark. Alfonso es conocido y querido por muchos. Lo recuerdo como mi alumno y las convulsiones que solía experimentar en la escuela y las visitas a la enfermera de la escuela. También me preocupé por Alfonso durante los episodios de convulsiones como enfermera de cabecera hace muchos años en la sala de emergencias pediátricas. Me encanta la pasión y la compasión que Elsa Murguia Clark ha demostrado hacia otras familias que necesitan ayuda con su hijo con necesidades especiales. Ella está haciendo un trabajo fantástico educando y ayudando a las familias a obtener recursos para que sus hijos experimenten necesidades médicas y educativas para sus hijos. A lo largo de mi carrera como educadora especial, enfermera y educadora de enfermería, he investigado y aprendido el impacto del estrés y la enfermedad en niños y adultos que afectan su salud y desarrollo. Comencé mi viaje con un anhelo de encontrar el factor causante de todos estos retrasos en el desarrollo y su relación con el diagnóstico médico. Yo era un niño con problemas de aprendizaje, problemas de atención y muchos problemas crónicos de salud. Crecí para convertirme en un adulto con problemas de memoria y de salud crónica. A través de mi investigación, encontré que el factor común en los retrasos en el desarrollo, la enfermedad y la enfermedad es el estrés oxidativo y la inflamación en el cuerpo. Comencé a usar un producto con 23 estudios publicados sobre los beneficios de reducir esta inflamación y estrés en el cuerpo de forma natural. He visto que beneficia a una variedad de clientes con trastornos de atención, autismo, epilepsia, diabetes, cáncer, fibromialgia, por nombrar algunos.  No puedo afirmar que esto es una cura, tratar, mitigar o prevenir una enfermedad, pero puedo decirle que la raíz de la enfermedad es el estrés oxidativo.  Empecé a usar el producto una pequeña pastilla amarilla hace 1 año y encontré una reducción en el dolor, la inflamación y el problema digestivo.  También encontré algunas mejoras interesantes en la memoria, el enfoque, la atención, la depresión y la ansiedad. Esto me llevó a darme cuenta de que necesitaba difundir el mensaje para que otros pudieran tomar la decisión por sí mismos y por sus familias.  Gracias por la oportunidad de hablar sobre el producto que me cambio la vida. Una vez más, agradezco a Elsa por ayudar a tantas familias necesitadas a acceder a servicios para sus hijos. Ella está creando una maravillosa comunidad.

    Categories Advice, Detox, Diet, Elimination Diet, Stop Bloat

    5 Foods to Fit into that Special Dress

    No one likes a diet, it feels like torture sometimes.  I live a healthy lifestyle and usually eat a variety of fruits and vegetables but life always gets in the way.  Sometimes you feel a little bloated or heavy which impacts your self esteem.  I know how it feels when you are bloated and retaining fluids, it is hard to fit into that special outfit.  It can creep up on you suddenly.  There are some foods that trigger inflammation in people.  Each individual is unique and needs to learn their own body and sensitivities in order to stop the vicious cycle.  Sugar and carbohydrates are a big culprit of this dilemma women face regularly.  Our bodies were not created to eat so much sugar and carbohydrates.  The processed foods we eat are filled with chemicals, preservatives and sugar.  These foods are harder to digest and create inflammation in the body.  Inflammation equals bloating and fluid retention.  Many people struggle to lose weight and the fact is they are eating foods that are not ideal for their own body.  I can help you find those foods and empower you to embrace the difference it makes.  But this is a simple challenge to fit into a dress, right.  So, lets get to business.

    There is a way to quickly combat the bloat and detox your body to fit into that little black dress.

    1. Drinking ginger and lemon water every day. Ginger and lemon help remove toxins, promote urination and detox the body.
    2. Add berries to your morning smoothie.
    3. Season your food with Garlic, Rosemary and Turmeric. or Drink turmeric and chamomile tea.
    4. Eat cucumber with your meals.
    5. Eat some celery and almond butter for a snack.

    Detox Ginger Water

    2 ginger root cut into pieces

    4 lemons squeezed

    Stevia or Honey to taste


    Blend the ginger, lemon juice and honey with water. Fill the blender with water.  Pour the contents into a pitcher, add more water and let it sit overnight.  Strain the liquid in the morning and pour ½ cup into a glass. Add ½ cup of water and enjoy.

    The ginger water will help detox your body.  Ginger helps with digestion, nausea, cold symptoms, inflammation, cancer, cardiovascular issues, arthritis, pain, menstrual disorders and much more.

    So now you are ready to add some healthy foods into your routine to fight the bloat. Don’t forget the processed foods will counter effect your efforts. So stay away from processed food and liquor for now.  The day of the event enjoy yourself in that Sexy little dress.

    Now that you have reduced inflammation with those powerful anti-inflammatory agents.  Let’s reduce the inflammatory foods.  There are 5 highly inflammatory foods.  And these are the foods most commonly given by doctors for patients with recurrent health issues, digestive issues, joint pain and swelling, etc.

    1. Corn- many products have genetically modified corn and corn derivatives.  Read labels and avoid corn fillers.
    2. Sugar- all processed foods have added sugar.  And there is too much sugar in everything we eat.  Minimize or eliminate your sugar intake.
    3. Wheat – contains harmful additives, it is genetically modified and contains gluten.  All these are inflammatory in nature.  If you are feeing bloated, swollen or achy, try eliminating wheat and notice the impact day by day. (When I ate wheat flour pizza, I would gain 10 pounds for 2 weeks, had bloating, digestive issues, joint pain and achiness).
    4. Gluten – an ingredient in grain products, bread, baked goods and processed foods.  It is an ingredient in all wheat products.  And many people are sensitive to both gluten and wheat.  It is also important to minimize your use of gluten free baked goods for the first 30 to 90 days.   And then follow the 80/20 rule.  Indulge in your gluten free treat 20% of the time.  They do contain sugar which we already know is inflammatory.
    5. Preservatives, Additives and enriched grains.  Processed foods are filled with chemicals that are hard to digest.  Sometimes our bodies aren’t able to digest them at all.  So, limit or avoid these as much as possible.  By organic brown rice rather than enriched grains, which contained added vitamins that you may not be able to process.  And during busy times read labels and buy granola bars with minimal ingredients and no additives. If you don’t understand an ingredient, then don’t buy it.  Example: Nut-thins- Rice flour, almonds, potato starch, safflower oil and sea salt. A great choice with ingredients you already know.

    If you combine the elimination foods with a homemade tea, juice shot or water you will notice weight loss, decreased swelling and improved physical symptoms.  My recent favorite is my weekly Detox tea. I boil up this tea on Monday, then store it in little jars.  And warm them up daily.  Drink on am empty stomach before breakfast.

    Categories Advice

    Advocate for YOU!

    Your health is your priority. No one knows your body and symptoms like you do.  I urge you to advocate for your health.  If you disagree with a medication or diagnosis, it is your choice to seek another opinion.  It took me many years to advocate for myself.  Finally, I went to Holistic medicine to truly treat the root of the problem.  Advocate for your health today.