Category Archives: Advice

    Categories Advice, Anxiety, Health

    Stress and Anxiety

    Stress and Anxiety impact your health by increasing free radical damage and stress on your cells.  We don’t realize the damage as it is occurring daily, and the little symptoms as they arise.  Stress impacts our bodies in a variety of ways. Some examples are libido, memory, indigestion, blemishes, headaches, weight gain, muscle pain, nails, hair loss, fatigue and back acne.

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    Categories Advice, Health, Supplements


    I began taking Magnesium in 2013 after it was recommended by a Homeopathic physician.  I had been suffering from frequent muscle pain, constipation, migraines, electrolyte imbalance, and fainting.  A blood test also showed a deficiency of magnesium and other electrolytes.  He recommended Magnesium glycinate because it provides better absorption and less stomach irritation.  Based on my history with IBS and reflux, this was the best choice for me.


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    Categories Advice, Diet, Health

    Migraine Hacks

    Migraines can be difficult to treat and pinpoint the cause. Aggravating factors like noise, light, smells and even food can be frustrating and overwhelming. I have suffered from migraines since childhood. The difference between then and now is my highly specialized diet. My allergies have forced me to identify foods that trigger pain, IBS and migraines over the years. I am lucky because my diet is so special and specific that I am able to identify migraine triggers easily. Read More Migraine Hacks

    Categories Advice, Health

    Oxidative Stress

    Filled with nutrient-rich compounds to support immunity, digestion, inflammation, and signs of aging.  The unique compounds active your bodies enzymes (glutathione, superoxide dismutase and catalse) that are key to reducing oxidative stress and free radical damage.  Oxidative stress occurs daily to everyone from breathing, eating and exposure.  Free radicals occur in the air, food and environment we are exposed to daily and cause damage to our cells. Some symptoms of oxidative stress are: Read More Oxidative Stress

    Categories Advice, Fertility

    Top 10 Solutions for Infertility

    This an amazing presentation for women by Dr. Patrick Flynn. It helps understand the stress our bodies undergo with our monthly hormone changes. They talk about nutrition, fitness, weight loss and infertility. Many of the suggestions they make I have incorporated into my journey over the years. It is a great insight into the struggles women face over their lifespan. Read More Top 10 Solutions for Infertility