Author Archives: Diane Vich

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    I love myself…

    I love myself more and more each day. The truth is I didn’t love myself in the same way before. I can tell you achieving this wasn’t easy. If you want something and you work for it than you can achieve anything. This past year was a journey. I faced tons of obstacles and challenges but worked through them. Each obstacle and challenge was an opportunity to learn and grow. I was reconnecting with myself in a way I never thought possible before. I was reconnecting with my personal intuition, learning my dreams, learning my purpose and my path in life. You see I had lived my life hiding my truth from myself and from the world. I realize now that I am not the only one that is hiding. We all are hiding from something. We might feel ashamed, guilty, fearful, sad, scared or… Your truth is yours to discover but the power is in seeking out a little help and guidance to climb the mountain. I did a lot of hard things over this past year to learn my truth and purpose in this world. I wouldn’t have made it here without the support of my new circle of girlfriends that have empowered me to become everything they saw in me. You see they saw a strong, powerful, intelligent, kind, caring, loving and creative women. But the power in finding yourself is that you need to live it, experience it, own it, cherish it and accomplish it. If you don’t go through the process for yourself than you can’t achieve your dreams and become your ultimate person. The road might be a little bumpy but nothing that is worth living for is ever easy. Finishing high school and living through the tough teenage struggles isn’t easy but absolutely worth it. Getting married and building a life with someone isn’t easy but absolutely worth it. Having a baby and raising a child isn’t easy but absolutely worth it.

    So I ask you this. Are you worth it? Are you worth the hard work, dedication and focus to find your path? YES you are. Do you deserve to be loved, cherished and appreciated? Absolutely yes. We all deserve that. We all deserve to be loved cherished and appreciated but the truth is to accomplish this you need to start within yourself. You need to see the truth others see in you. You need to feel the love in your heart. You need to appreciate and be grateful for every obstacle and challenge you have faced. You need to work for what you deserve because no one else can do it for you. It would be great to have a magic dust that would make your life everything you dream but nothing is that easy. I learned in my journey that I was surrounded by men and women that were living the same truth. We were not born with emotional intelligence, that is something you have to learn, practice and develop. We are born into a world filled with obstacles and challenges. These challenges can make you or break you. Most of the time they break you more and more each day until you are overwhelmed. Feeling overwhelmed and unloved by yourself wrecks havoc on your life. Its a vicious cycle of challenges but there is power in finding your path to self-love. Taking the time to learn from your mistakes and become a better version of yourself paves the way to your abundance.

    I worked through this over the past 9 months and paved a beautiful walkway to my tree of abundance and prosperity. Its a brick road with twists and turns; ups and downs; joy and sadness; forwards and backwards. The entire journey was worth it. Focusing your life purpose on helping others inevitably helps you heal yourself in the process. Learning my own little lies that held me back for 40 years brought me to this moment in time. The moment when I realized that everyone has these little lies in the back of their mind. These little lies that stop them in their tracks. These little lies that make them think they aren’t good enough, smart enough and powerful enough. But these are all lies in your subconscious. You absolutely positively are good enough. You just need to work on transforming your beliefs to create the abundance and prosperity you desire. So, I ask you now. The choice is yours to make. Are you worth it? Do you deserve it? Do you want it? Are you ready?

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    I deserve to be forgiven

    Today, I recorded a hypnosis guided meditation. It resonated deep in my soul because I have connected with a multitude of people over the past year and noticed a pattern of self-punishment. The person that harms us the most is ourself. We hold ourselves to such impossible standards and never forgive ourselves for our mistakes. It is a harmful process that tears us down to pieces day by day. We don’t notice the harm until things start to fall apart and overwhelm hits us. And even then we don’t realize our biggest problem is our lack of self-love. We all make mistakes. It is part of being human. It is how we learn and grow. We make mistakes and adapt our lives to become better versions of ourselves. But there is one fact we never take into account. In our process of evolution, we miss some very crucial steps in our development of an abundant and prosperous life. This is what we fail to do for ourselves:

    Have we let the past mistakes go?

    Have we truly healed ourselves and learned from our mistakes?

    Have you forgiven ourselves for the mistake?

    Do you replay that moment in your mind?

    Do you use any of these harmful words towards yourself? (undesirable, unworthy, not good enough, ugly, unattractive…) Those are only a few but believe it or not, I felt that way for most of my life. I bet many of you do too.

    You might think you forgave yourself but think a little closer. Have you ever hurt someone you love? Even if that person forgave you for what you did. Did you forgive yourself? Chances are you didn’t. Do you replay this mistake in your head over and over putting yourself down? Do you keep making the same mistake over and over? Do you feel like life never changes for the better?

    This is what I learned in my spiritual journey since August 2018. If we continue to treat ourselves with such hate and disrespect our lives aren’t able to transform. Think of transformation in a different form that is easy to understand. A butterfly has a very long growth process to support and nurture her evolution. It is all about self-care and self-love. The mommy butterfly lays her eggs on the perfect tree for her babies to grown. The larvae hatch and life has placed them in the perfect spot to flourish. The caterpillar is born into the world like a tiny spec of dust in a garden of abundance. She sits on a leaf and begins to eat. She nurtures herself every day by eating the perfect food for her body. She continues to grow bigger and bigger. She eats this perfect food and grows every day. She grows bigger and stronger everyday. When she is feeling perfectly fool and abundant she begins to weave her cocoon. It is an intricate and delicate process that she needs to do for herself. No other caterpillar can help her. She needs to travel this path of evolution for herself. She weaves the perfect little cocoon in the perfect spot for her transformation to continue and prosperity to emerge. This process isn’t very long for the butterfly. If she does everything right, loves herself and feeds herself the right food she will emerge in 14 days. She will be a new and beautiful creature that flies freely in the wind. When she emerges she is still delicate and weak. But as her wings dry and harden she finishes her transformation. She flies away to find some beautiful flowers to spread her love and create new life.

    Now think what would happen if the butterfly allowed her self-sabotage tendencies to take over her life. She might not eat enough food to maker her strong. She picks a location to maker her cocoon that is not safe and brings her harm. She leaves a tiny hole in her cocoon. The sad truth is this poor little caterpillar will never emerge as a beautiful butterfly. She will die and decompose right there were she built her cocoon. That is exactly what we do to ourselves, everyday we put these judgements on ourselves. We tear down our self-love, break our self-esteem and self- loathing. We continue this assault on ourselves day after day. This assault accumulated in our body and begins to show itself in our physical body. We break ourselves down until we become overwhelmed with pain, grief, fear, worry, sadness, disgust… It is a vicious cycle but it can be transformed.

    It is time to change the pattern. Its not for me. You need to do this for yourself. This journey is all your own. It is about feeding your mind and body everything it deserves. It involves transforming those negative thoughts into positive affirmations. It is about allowing these positive statements to resonate in your life. It is about letting go of those mistakes and forgiving yourself. It is about changing the story. No one can change to story for you. No one can stop you from connecting with people that harm you and bring you down. No one can stop you from eating foods that hurt your body. No one can make you exercise. No one can make you meditate. No one can make you do anything. And the worst part is No one can make it work and create your abundance but yourself.

    I had to learn this all the hard way. It was a year of vicious cycles and ups and downs. Self-sabotage, worry and fear resonated my life in the down times. I finally realized it and decided to tackle it head on. It all started with hypnosis and body work. Transforming your thoughts, giving yourself a little self-love everyday and nurturing yourself is the secret to creating your abundance and prosperity. And once you have it and you feel it in your heart, no one can take it from you. That is why I have a blue butterfly on my shoulder. It is because no one can take my evolution away from me. This transformation was all mine. I worked my ass off for it and a beautiful butterfly emerged.

    This past month when I began giving free hypnosis, the truth resonated even deeper in my soul. I could hear the pain in my clients voice. Their sadness, fear and worry taking over their lives. I realized that I needed to finish my transformation and own it. I needed to be the one to support these amazing women and men in their transformation. And guess what emerged when I did. Clients that felt energized, joyful and happy after hypnosis. Clients that felt empowered to take on their life and create the life they desire. The most crucial part of this evolution is making the investment for yourself and owning this as your path. To facilitate this process for my clients I created a 6 week course to begin their transformation. Let’s all become butterflies in our lives. Let’s emerge in our full abundance and prosperity.

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    Hypnosis helped me Change!

    Hypnosis had been on my mind for years but I was too scared to take the leap. I was afraid of what I was hiding. I was afraid of the secrets that were trapped. I was scared to find out what my true purpose was. I was absolutely scared enough to literally shit my pants. I was hiding inside a deep cavern inside my body. I was freaked out at what I would find. But along came my Sunshine. Luly B. If you don’t know this amazing, courageous, spontaneous, caring and supportive friend. Then I urge you to find out who she is and do it. I had known of her since Kindergarten. She was the girl with the big voice. She was the lion. I was the sheep. I was too scared and afraid to walk up to her. It took me 35 years to work up the courage but I did it. I signed up for Spark last April. Ladies, If you haven’t gone to spark then you are missing out. I absolutely understand the excuses. I can’t take PTO. I can’t leave the kids with grandma. I can’t take an entire day for myself. That was hard shit for me too. I never took time off. I felt guilty for staying late at work and not picking up my kids. But you know what I realized I deserved it. I decided one April morning to sign up for Sip and Spark. I wanted to actually shake her hand and talk to Luly B. In my head it was, “THE LULY B.” That girl is on fire. If i could just get an ounce of that fire. I worked up a little spark and took a leap. I went to her Sip & Spark event.  She greeted me with a hug and kiss at the door. She remembered me. She actually knew who I was. It was unbelievable to me that this amazing women that had always intimidated me. This amazingly strong woman knew me. I found out later that it was a hard time for her those months we met. She never appeared to be scared or afraid. She was amazing and bright no matter what. She rocked it at spark. So much so that I pulled out my credit card and paid for the Superwoman Retreat. That was hard as hell for me to say “no matter what I am buying this and going to this retreat. I need this.” Pay for myself to have an entire weekend about me. I mean who does that? Now, I say “Why the fuck not? Why not invest in yourself?” We spend so much time taking care of those around us and we forget ourselves. Over this past year I have learned to love and appreciate myself for who I am. To love myself with all my flaws. To accept myself for the amazing, hardworking, mom, daughter and wife. To appreciate myself for all the good I give to the world. Because you know what. If you don’t care for yourself no one else will. If you don’t love yourself no one else will. If you don’t STAND UP AND SHOUT I DESERVE THIS then you will never get it. So I went to the Superwoman Retreat. I met some amazing women that have supported my transformation. I focused on myself and my purpose in life. I met Adrianna Foster my Moon. She is no ordinary hypnotherapist. She is an awesome mom, exceptional inspirational singer and friend. She is the hypnotherapist that unlocked my mind. She gave me the tools to dig deep and reveal the secrets and lies that were holding me back. I worked hard. It was a struggle but nothing worth living for is ever easy. Raising a child is not easy. Growing up is not easy. I had my ups and downs. My wins and my losses but with each one I dusted myself off and kept going. It took a long grueling 6 months but I did it. I took classes, listened to podcasts, You-tube videos and webinars. I did anything that resonated with my soul. Getting my voice back was not easy. Then I met Sheena. This was exactly what I needed and the universe brought us together. You see each of these women and come up in my life several times but taking the leap was not easy for me. Picking up the phone and calling a stranger was impossible. Speaking up for what I want took more than what I had at the time. So the universe literally placed her in the exact place I was with Luly B. I met Sheen and we connected instantly. I told her that I had know about her for a while and want to become a hypnotherapist. Oh shit yes, the words came out of my mouth. We talked and once again I took another huge leap. I invested in the education I knew I needed to help more people. It was hard as crap to spend this money I didn’t have. I didn’t have the courage to tell my husband about it. But I did. I said it, I paid for it and I waited. This has been the most fantastic weekend. Yes it has been hard. I’m on day 6 of 14 straight days of work. But I’m doing something that lights up my soul. I’m connecting with people and helping them find their truth, their path and their future. That is what hypnosis did for me. Hypnosis gave me my voice. It gave me the voice that I had deep down inside. It emerged my goddess from her deep dark hole. I am shinning bright now. I am offering hypnosis for FREE for a limited time. I invite you to a Discovery Call with me. You have nothing to lose.

    Categories Anxiety, Emotional pain, hope, motivation, pain, Physical Pain, Transformation

    The truth…

    Transformation to unveil your true self is painful. The truth about change is it takes hard work and perseverance. Nothing worth achieving is ever easy. Changing a career isn’t easy. Having and raising children isn’t easy. Finding your true purpose in life is the battle of a lifetime. It unveils your true abundance and fortitude to pave the way for the power of creativity. Your future is waiting for you to expose your truth and transform your beliefs to develop your ultimate potential.

    Trust me I never thought it was possible to transform my feelings and beliefs. Working on emotional stress, anxiety and panic was the last thing on my list to resolve. Finally, last year I decided hypnosis was my answer and took a leap. I connected in a true spiritual and emotional way with my guide, Adrianna Foster. The universe brought her to me at the perfect time. I was ready to make the last change for my abundance to flourish. The journey had obstacles, resistance and pain but each step made me stronger. The journey is far from over but I am now aware of each part of the process.

    Yesterday was a day of pain, sadness and anxiety but living in the moment transforms the future. Taking time for myself and honoring my feelings helped me transmute the lies into truth. Each time this blocks arise a tough time unfolds but it is followed by a glorious day of enlightenment. I am thankful for my pain because it unleashed my true purpose in life. It created my deep connection with others. My unique gift creates a bond to help my clients heal their pain and sorrow in the physical and emotional realm. The best therapists and caregivers are those that truly understand the pain their clients feel. They have lived and experience the pain. That is the fact that sets me apart from the rest. I have a unique gift to understand both physical and emotional pain. I worked on healing both and learned the power in the process. The physical pain was the easiest for me. The physical journey was easy but lengthy. It unraveled over 6 years to develop the perfect plan. My healthcare background helped me identify the specific human needs to focus and support (nutrition, supplementation and fitness). The emotional journey was rapid and difficult. It is the finally step in my journey to abundance. The emotional journey started in Sept 2018 and has enlightened me revealing the power in my story.

    I am grateful for the opportunity to use my gift using transformational regressions to help others achieve their super powers. And I am excited that my journey to becoming a hypnotherapist is underway. So I ask you… Would you be willing to dig deep and unlock the past that is haunting you? Are you willing to feel the pain and unveil your true self? Are you willing to connect with yourself – mind, body and soul? That is the journey that unlocks your abundance. I am here to guide you…

    Categories Diet, Elimination Diet, flare up, food allergies, food sensitivities, Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    IBS Flare ups

    IBS can be triggeres by stress, anxiety and food sensitivity. My flare up this week is one in a trail of many. I have had issues since Valentine’s day. Learning your body and understanding the impact stress and food plays on your digestion is important. My body is calling for a cleanse. I have been having pain on the right side under my rib for weeks sporadicly. I don’t have a gallbladder which the typical reason for this pain. My chronic digestive issues helped me learn exactly what I need to do to change the game. I am ready for a full dietary cleanse to detox my liver. I know with my history cleansing helps detox the body, remove stones, sludge and inflammation in the liver ducts. Trust me I don’t love cleansing. But feeling better is always my priority. I am currently on the oatmeal diet with Kombucha. It’s the only thing that I tolerate when my stomach looks like I’m 6 months pregnant. This phase lasts a few days. Then I move onto vegan diet for the rest of the week. The final part is a liquid diet and epson salt cleanse. That is the hardest part. But you feel fabulous after. I know that my body is changing and new foods are becoming a problem. Steak is not my friend anymore. I wake up with sharp pains after I eat red meat. This cleanse will help me eliminate toxins and begin introducing foods back into my routine. The process is slow but critical to identify food sensitivities. This will help me identify other vegetables, fruits and proteins that cause symptoms. I’m on a journey to heal my body and it takes time to reverse the damage that occurs over our lifetime. Knowledge is power and learning your body is crucial to wellness.

    Categories flare up, pain, Stop Bloat

    IBS and Stress

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome sucks when it flares up. You feel like you have a giant balloon in your stomach. You feel like a whale waiting to explode. The cramps can vary in duration and location. The pain can be generalized or localized to one area in your abdomen. The truth is IBS can be triggered by stress and many other variables. I had a flare up this week and it all started with a prescription for an injury. I had forgotten that sometimes prescriptions are laced with corn starch. I am extremely sensitive to any corn product and the problem only got worse from there. I went to bed that night feeling bloated a few hours after taking Flexeril. It was a week out of the norm with a ton of work to due and added stress. I was appearing on my first ever TV appearance. It was exciting and nerve racking all at the same time. If you have IBS then you understand that any added stress on a tummy that is already acting up is a volcano waiting to erupt. I woke up every morning this week feeling bloated and filled with gas. I had some cramping but it wasn’t too bad. My usual routine when IBS flares is oatmeal and brown sugar for a few meals until everything settles. I also drink Kombucha to help build my probiotics and get the excess gas out. The day of the show I woke up in pain and bloated. This was definitely stress related, I know because I usually have presentation anxiety with stomach ache. That was a pattern for me most of my life since childhood. Thankfully meditation and relaxation brought the bloat down before the show. I desperately wanted it to disappear so I could wear my red dress. It did and the show went well, nerves and all. That night I ate a delicious fish and lobster dinner. I went to sleep fine but woke up a few times thinking about my TV appearance and things I wanted to do better. And of course, I woke up bloated. An added issue to my flare up was my daily Aloe for autoimmune disease had run out a week ago. Stress + corn + no aloe was a bad mix for me. Today, I woke up feeling like a whale with sharp pain on my right side (liver and gallbladder). I knew that if I wanted to get better my diet needed to be simple and I needed a little help. Listening to your body is the key to staying healthy. I knew it was time for acupuncture so I reached out to a few friends. Thankfully one was working and I was able to see her. I could feel my intestines jumping and moving during the session. The bloat and pain took a little while to relieve but now I am much better. I definitely learned to monitor my aloe medication, read my prescriptions and keep my diet bland when I need it. If you have IBS learning your body and being prepared is essential. Thank you Michelle for taking care of me today. I am thankful for having a variety of friends to help me tackle my flare ups.

    Categories Transformation

    Hospital Fears

    I am a nurse. SO this fear is insane right. Nope I actually had a fear of Hospitals as a child. That was a huge reason for me to become a nurse. Obstacles always came in my way but I eventually got to my calling. I was the little girl with bruises and bandaids everywhere. I loved when my Daddy cleaned up my wounds and patched me up. I loved to wear those bandaids with pride. My little son is the same way with bandaids. Its freaky how similar we are. I used to swear he had my husbands temperament but oh boy he is stubborn just like me. Well back to my fear of hospitals. I remember two experiences visiting MCH. Yep I refuse to call it anything else. My first memory was around 5 years of age. My parents were traveling and Abuela Chelo was babysitting. She was amazing, my favorite grandma, she was sweet and gentle. Everyone loved her she always had a smile on her face. I loved my other grandma too but she wasn’t very happy. She always had a sad. I realize now that she was in a lot of pain. I know because I lived that same pain for 20+ years. My pain began at 5 years and continued until 2 years ago. My grandma Blanca was the same way. Maybe that is why I only remember a frown on her face. She was not very nice to my mommy either. That wasn’t cool and I knew it even as a little girl. The crazy thing is that I had forgotten all these memories until this month. Now after my TV appearance in my red dress everything unraveled. I remembered the details so clearly. Things that had been hidden in a red room inside my head. My memories were locked away from me. I realize now that I was one of those kids that felt the pain of others. I know this now because I see it in my son. The days I am sad or upset his moods change too. He cuddles more when I need it. He knows when I am happy or sad. That was me the little girl that felt the pain of others and tried to heal them. I had trouble falling asleep and woke up in the middle of the night to walk to my parents room. I would often roll down the stairs and get banged up in the middle of the night. I was a little clumsy and sleepy only made it worse. But I did the same thing my little guy does in the middle of the night when he roams into mommy’s side of the bed. I would wake up and go to my parents room. Now, the question is why did I go? Which side did I choose? I’m not really sure but the memories are coming back. We will see what comes next. Now, hospital fears. Back to the bad hospital experience for me. I was in the front bathroom of the house trying to pee. But nothing would come out, there was a fire and I was screaming. My brother, sister and grandma came to help me. They poured water and turned on the sink. Nothing was happening and I was screaming. They had no choice but head to the hospital. I remember laying on a cold hospital bed being held down with lights in my face. Then the pushed something inside me and suddenly I peed. It was painful but relieving. It was a pleasurable pain to finally release the urine that was tormenting my mind. Its the sensation you get when you held your urine way too long and finally get to go. The second memory, my brother was my protector. I was in midterm exams at St. Agatha. My stomach was killing me. It was cramping and I kept running to the bathroom. I had horrible colic and diarrhea. I was always freaked out for exams. My stomach was a wreck. I had a fear of testing and standardized testing was even worse. But this day was the worst ever. There was one teacher I absolutely loved. She was the sweetest thing in the world always had a smile on her face. She took care of me that day and called my parents. She calmed me down and told me there was nothing to worry about, “I will let you take the test.” I knew everything was going to ok. She was my favorite, but I can’t remember her name. My mom picked me up and took me to MCH. I remember my brother was there with me. The took me to get a barium enema. I know now that was the procedure but back then I was pissed. I knew they had shoved a tube up my butt and made me scream in excruciating pain. My brother was banging on the door, “let me in.” He got in and I was running to the bathroom holding my butt cheeks. It didn’t work the barium poured out of me all over the floor. I was in horrible pain and obviously super constipated. I remember I was safe again when my brother came in. He protected me and cared for his surprise little sister. I was an oops 9 years younger than my brother. Interesting thing is that my big debut on TV landed on his 50th Birthday. Yep my Big Brother was born on Valentine’s Day. I will never forget his 50th birthday. I was absolutely freaking out just like that little girl. My tummy was a mess yesterday and today. I woke up bloated both days. There are a bunch of other variables that played a role but stress was the biggest one. But the best part is that I experienced my fear and I felt the pain from the stress. The stress is gone now and the pain is too. Learning your body and its reaction to stress is my gift. This mountain I climbed yesterday was a fear that I stomped on. I was nervous and shaking inside my body but I did it. I sucked up all my fears and did it. So my childhood fears of hospitals never stopped me from becoming a nurse. My childhood fears didn’t stop me from getting on You-Tube. They didn’t even stop me from appearing on TV. I am out of the red room and I am free. Come join me in freedom. It is truly a bright light and a glow in your life. Let it go!!!!! I can help you….

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    Pelvic Floor Muscles

    The pelvic floor muscles are essential to reduce stress, anxiety and tension. I didn’t realize this until my libido came back. It was a process of feeding my body right, focusing on supplementation and fitness but I fought back and won. I had lived with low libido for most of my marriage. It dropped off sometime after the honeymoon. I wanted to be interested in sex but I just was too sick to care. I always felt awful and libido goes with that. If you don’t feel happy, healthy and alive, its hard to be motivated for sex. Well once I felt better and the motivation came. I began to learn my pelvic floor muscles, the female anatomy and how the body works. Female symptoms of urinary incontinence, prolapse uterus and overactive bladder are no joke. Tomorrow, I am live on All Health TV talking about this very issue. I teach women how to regain muscle tone, enhance libido and reconnect with themselves mind-body-soul. There is nothing better than a Happy Wife. Happy Wife, Happy Life!!! Watch Replay at 9pm EST.

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    Anxiety is real

    Anxiety is real and not easy. Life is stressful enough add anxiety to the mix and life becomes overwhelming. Anxiety creates physical and emotional obstacles in your path. You might not realize the impact they have on your life, until to step back take a look. I have suffered from anxiety since childhood. It is a common problem in my family and it isn’t easy to tackle alone. My health journey helped me reduce the symptoms but the emotional background was the hardest part to tackle. The emotional background requires in depth reflection and reconnecting with your intuition in a deep manner. It can lead to panic attacks in random situations throughout your life. Tackling this pain was my final path in my holistic health journey. Its the most rewarding journey you will ever take because it opens up the gates for your creativity and future abundance. Learning to understand the underlying emotions and feelings that trigger your intense reaction. I have had several panic attacks this year and each one has been easier to combat. Learning your body, its reaction and the cause of the problem helps you transform your reaction and your future. Transformational regressions and hypnosis helped me reconnect with my soul and understand my inner child. The child that became scared so long ago and hid her emotions and feelings from the world. The little girl was hiding and bottling up her emotions throughout my life. These emotions built up into chronic illness and adult disease. It doesn’t have to be that hard to live a life you love and enjoy. If I would have known years ago the power of emotional healing my life would have been very different. It has been amazing to tackle the emotions head on and learn to transform my future. It is amazing to see that I am helping people transform their futures by tackling their emotional trauma. It transforms your physical and emotional health to potentiate all of your amazing abilities to succeed in life. I have one friend that I helped realize her childhood trauma was impacting her career path and now she is on the path to success. So I tell you, give it a try the consultation and first regression is free. You have nothing to lose except your pain. Give me a call. I have lived it and experienced the relief. You will be amazed.

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    Transform Your Pain

    My top challenge was fighting autoimmune disease, chronic pain, chronic fatigue and tons of health issues.  It took me years to tackle my illness and find strategies that help keep me feeling happy, healthy and alive.  I used to feel like a 60 year on in a 20 year olds body.  But I worked hard to find the nutrition, nutrients, stress relief, exercise and meditation to keep me on track.  I know feel healthier than I ever did.  I feel like a 20 year old in a 40 year olds body.  I learned that the path doesn’t have to be so hard or take so long.  There are very powerful ways to change your health, life and future. The hardest obstacle I faced in 2018 was overcoming the emotional awakening. I had suppressed my inner voice long ago in my childhood due to fear and other emotions. Its was an interesting revelation through hypnosis to identify the underlying beliefs that we create in our childhood. The last phase of the journey was the hardest. Filled with obstacles and symptoms as I learned my body again. It was interesting to see that symptoms can actually occur throughout your body. The symptoms can range from pain, illness and rashes. I have seen the symptoms come and go in a variety of ways. The symptoms could emerge and disappear quickly. Some symptoms take a lot of hard work to resolve and overcome. The best part of this journey has been identifying the strategies that are most effective for my body. Not everyone is the same and some techniques require a little practice to perfect.

    Feeling your emotions and pain is a crucial step in truly transforming your life. Over the past few years I developed stretching routines that have relieved my symptoms of pain by increasing blood flow, lengthening muscles and increasing range of motion. I never though that adding your emotions into the mix would transform the results in such a powerful way. Transformational regressions have helped me connect to my past obstacles and realize the overwhelming feelings of today are actually unresolved feelings from the past. Tapping into the pain and truly feeling it throughout your body helps release it from your tissues.

    This new chapter in my life has brought me to Transformational Stretch. Its a combination of transformation regressions, meditation and yoga stretch. It enables you to connect with your emotions and feelings deeply to release the pain. It has been truly beneficial these past few weeks. If you have ever suffered from panic attacks then you know how real and scary that pain can be. It is a tightness in your chest, a pressure that won’t resolve, intense feelings of fear, and often shortness of breathe. Realizing that these fears are deep rooted in the past helped me transform them into positive vibes. Truly sitting with those emotions and feeling the pain inside your body as you stretch, meditate and relax is cathartic. It takes time to process and cleanse the body of emotional pain but dedication and consistency helps you develop a plan of action that works for you. I am thankful for my pain and obstacles because they help me understand and connect with my clients in a deep spiritual way. My success in personal healing has created a pathway to transform the lives of those around me.

    Success is fulfilling your destiny by helping others achieve their own success.  Success is about sharing your love and passion with the world to make this life better and happier.  It is about any little contribution you make to the world to improve the lives of those around you.  Success is feeling the love and joy others experience because you helped guide their path.  It is about helping others fight their trauma and abuse head on to live the life of their dreams.  My success comes from the success of my clients, friends and family.  If they succeed in their path and I helped paved the way with positivity then I am successful.